
时间:2014-02-12 09:29:29

标签: selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver pageobjects


List<的过程是什么? webelement>哪个还装饰?当您引用列表时,或引用该列表中的元素时,它会触发吗?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

WebElements被懒惰地评估。也就是说,如果您从未在PageObject中使用WebElement字段,则永远不会为其调用“findElement”。 Reference





@FindBy(xpath = "//div[@class=\"langlist langlist-large\"]//a")
private List<WebElement> list;

以下代码示例所有触发 findElements:


WebElement element = list.get(0);


List<WebElement> newList = new ArrayList<WebElement>();
newList = list;

不会触发 findElements()。



   * Instantiate an instance of the given class, and set a lazy proxy for each of the WebElement
   * and List<WebElement> fields that have been declared, assuming that the field name is also
   * the HTML element's "id" or "name". This means that for the class:
   * <code>
   * public class Page {
   *     private WebElement submit;
   * }
   * </code>
   * there will be an element that can be located using the xpath expression "//*[@id='submit']" or
   * "//*[@name='submit']"
   * By default, the element or the list is looked up each and every time a method is called upon it.
   * To change this behaviour, simply annotate the field with the {@link CacheLookup}.
   * To change how the element is located, use the {@link FindBy} annotation.
   * This method will attempt to instantiate the class given to it, preferably using a constructor
   * which takes a WebDriver instance as its only argument or falling back on a no-arg constructor.
   * An exception will be thrown if the class cannot be instantiated.
   * @see FindBy
   * @see CacheLookup
   * @param driver The driver that will be used to look up the elements
   * @param pageClassToProxy A class which will be initialised.
   * @return An instantiated instance of the class with WebElement and List<WebElement> fields proxied

答案 1 :(得分:0)


对于问题2)无论何时尝试访问Page类变量(WebElement或List),@ FindBy都会根据变量类型触发FindElement或FindElements。

class LoginPage{
@FindBy(id, "uname")
WebElement username;// no trigger

@FindBy(xpath, "//table/tr")
List<WebElement> pdtTable; // no trigger

public void enterUserame(String text){


LoginPage loginPage = PageFactory
  .initElements(driver, LoginPage.class); // creates WebElement variables but not triggers

if(loginPage.uname.isDisplayed()){// Trigger happens
loginPage.enterUserame("example");// Trigger happens
int count=pdtTable.size();// Trigger happens for FindElements
