ITEM01 | 1000 | S001 | R001 | 1 <==10 items here
ITEM01 | 400 | S002 | R002 | 2 <==4 items here
R001 | ITEM01 | 100 | 50 | US
R002 | ITEM01 | 100 | 50 | US
R003 | ITEM01 | 100 | 50 | US
. | . | . | . | .
. | . | . | . | .
R013 | ITEM01 | 100 | 50 | US
R014 | ITEM01 | 100 | 50 | US
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R001| 100 | 50 | US \\1
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R002| 100 | 50 | US \\2
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R003| 100 | 50 | US \\3
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R004| 100 | 50 | US \\4
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R005| 100 | 50 | US \\5
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R006| 100 | 50 | US \\6
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R007| 100 | 50 | US \\7
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R008| 100 | 50 | US \\8
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R009| 100 | 50 | US \\9
S001 | 1 | R001 | ITEM01 | 1000 | R010| 100 | 50 | US \\10
S002 | 2 | R002 | ITEM01 | 400 | R011| 100 | 50 | US \\11
S002 | 2 | R002 | ITEM01 | 400 | R012| 100 | 50 | US \\12
S002 | 2 | R002 | ITEM01 | 400 | R013| 100 | 50 | US \\13
S002 | 2 | R002 | ITEM01 | 400 | R014| 100 | 50 | US \\14
答案 0 :(得分:0)
个对象具有上述格式和数据,名为 grouped
和 detail
IEnumerable<object[]> qry =
from DataRow rDetail in detail.Rows
let dgrp = detail.Rows.IndexOf(rDetail) / 10
join DataRow rGroup in grouped.Rows
on dgrp equals grouped.Rows.IndexOf(rGroup)
orderby rDetail["RefNo"]
select new object[] {
rGroup["Shipment"], rGroup["Line"], rGroup["Remarks"], rGroup["ItemCode"], rGroup["TotalQty"],
rDetail["RefNo"], rDetail["Quantity"], rDetail["Weight"], rDetail["From"]
DataTable res = new DataTable();
res.Columns.Add("Shipment", typeof(string));
res.Columns.Add("Line", typeof(Int32));
res.Columns.Add("Remarks", typeof(string));
res.Columns.Add("ItemCode", typeof(string));
res.Columns.Add("TotalQty", typeof(Int32));
res.Columns.Add("RefNo", typeof(string));
res.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof(Int32));
res.Columns.Add("Weight", typeof(Int32));
res.Columns.Add("From", typeof(string));
foreach (object[] rowdata in qry)
public DataTable MergeShippingData(DataTable groupTable, DataTable detailTable)
// convert group table to array of GroupEntry objects
var groupList =
from DataRow grouprow in groupTable.Rows
let ent = GroupEntry.FromRow(grouprow)
where ent != null
select ent
// convert detail table to sequence of DetailEntry objects
var detailSeq =
from DataRow detailrow in detailTable.Rows
let ent = DetailEntry.FromRow(detailrow)
where ent != null
select ent;
// Create output DataTable
DataTable output = CreateOutputTable();
// Process all detail lines into shippings
foreach (var detail in detailSeq)
// Find available shipping group for the item code with enough remaining capacity
var grp = groupList.First (g => g.ItemCode == detail.ItemCode && g.Remainder >= detail.Quantity);
if (grp == null)
throw new Exception("No available shipping found for detail item...");
// update remaining space in shipping group
grp.Remainder -= detail.Quantity;
// add data to output table
output.Rows.Add(new object[] {
grp.Shipment, grp.Line, grp.Remarks, grp.ItemCode, grp.TotalQty,
detail.RefNo, detail.Quantity, detail.Weight, detail.From
return output;
// Class to hold the shipping groups while processing
public class GroupEntry
// fields from source DataTable
public string ItemCode;
public int TotalQty;
public string Shipment;
public string Remarks;
public int Line;
// process variable, holds remaining quantity value
public int Remainder;
// Convert DataRow into GroupEntry
public static GroupEntry FromRow(DataRow r)
return new GroupEntry
ItemCode = r.Field<string>(0),
TotalQty = r.Field<int>(1),
Shipment = r.Field<string>(2),
Remarks = r.Field<string>(3),
Line = r.Field<int>(4),
Remainder = r.Field<int>(1)
catch { }
return null;
// Class to hold shipping Detail records during processing
public class DetailEntry
public string RefNo;
public string ItemCode;
public int Quantity;
public int Weight;
public string From;
// Convert DataRow into DetailEntry
public static DetailEntry FromRow(DataRow r)
return new DetailEntry
RefNo = r.Field<string>(0),
ItemCode = r.Field<string>(1),
Quantity = r.Field<int>(2),
Weight = r.Field<int>(3),
From = r.Field<string>(4)
catch { }
return null;
// Create output DataTable
public DataTable CreateOutputTable()
DataTable res = new DataTable();
res.Columns.Add("Shipment", typeof(string));
res.Columns.Add("Line", typeof(Int32));
res.Columns.Add("Remarks", typeof(string));
res.Columns.Add("ItemCode", typeof(string));
res.Columns.Add("TotalQty", typeof(Int32));
res.Columns.Add("RefNo", typeof(string));
res.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof(Int32));
res.Columns.Add("Weight", typeof(Int32));
res.Columns.Add("From", typeof(string));
return res;