我是Prolog的新手,虽然我能理解代码,但我觉得很难创建一个程序。我正在尝试创建一个取整数并返回2 ^(整数)示例的函数pow(4)返回16(2 ^ 4)。我还需要它在一个循环中继续输入,直到用户输入负整数然后它退出。
pow(0):- 0.
pow(1):- 2.
X > 1,
X is X-1,
C is X-1,
X is 2*2.
pow(X):- X<0, C is 0.
答案 0 :(得分:2)
所以pow(0):- 0.
和pow(1):- 2.
没有任何意义。你想要的是pow(0, 0).
和pow(1, 2).
X is X-1
也没有意义:在Prolog中变量就像代数变量一样,X在整个方程组中意味着相同的值。变量基本上是一次写入,你必须在这个和类似的情况下引入新的变量:X1 is X-1
答案 1 :(得分:1)
pow2(0,1) . % base case: any number raised to the 0 power is 1, by definition
pow2(N,M) :- % a positive integral power of 2 is computed thus:
integer(N) , % - verify than N is an inetger
N > 0 , % - verify that N is positive
N1 is N-1 , % - decrement N (towards zero)
pow2(N1,M1) , % - recurse down (when we hit zero, we start popping the stack)
M is M1*2 % - multiply by 2
. %
pow2(N,M) :- % negative integral powers of 2 are computed the same way:
integer(N) , % - verify than N is an integer
N < 0 , % - verify than N is negative
N1 is N+1 , % - increment N (towards zero).
pow2(N1,M) , % - recurse down (we we hit zero, we start popping the stack)
M is M / 2.0 % - divide by 2.
. % Easy!
但是,当递归级别足够高时(忽略算术溢出问题),上面的内容将溢出堆栈。 SO ...
pow2(N,M) :- %
integer(N) , % validate that N is an integer
pow2(N,1,M) % invoke the worker predicate, seeding the accumulator with 1
. %
pow2(0,M,M) . % when we hit zero, we're done
pow2(N,T,M) :- % otherwise...
N > 0 , % - if N is positive,
N1 is N-1 , % - decrement N
T1 is T*2 , % - increment the accumulator
pow2(N1,T1,M) % - recurse down
. %
pow2(N,T,M) :- % otherwise...
N < 0 , % - if N is negative,
N1 is N+1 , % - increment N
T1 is T / 2.0 , % - increment the accumulator
pow2(N1,T1,M) % - recurse down
. %