
时间:2014-02-08 18:56:39

标签: c# methods

我正在自己学习C# - 这不是家庭作业。我只是在第7章,所以我希望得到一个简单/基本的答案。


我意识到方法是无效的 - 我不需要它们返回任何东西,我只需要它们就可以运行。



class Program
    static void Main()
        int pastContestants;
        int currentContestants;

        // Call Methods:
        Console.Write("LAST YEAR'S TALENT:  ");
        pastContestants = Contestants();

        Console.Write("THIS YEAR'S TALENT:  ");
        currentContestants = Contestants();
        Overview(pastContestants, currentContestants);

        // need to call the TalentListing Method...

        TalentListing(CompetitorTalents(contestantNames), CompetitorTalents(validTalentCodes), CompetitorTalents(contestantTalentCodes);


    public static int Contestants()
    { // Get & returns valid # of contestants.  Called twice - last year & this year

        int contestants = 0; // holds return value
        const int MIN = 0;  // will allow 0 as an answer
        const int MAX = 30;  // will allow 30 as an answer          

        Console.Write("Please enter the number of contestants:  ");
        contestants = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        while (contestants < MIN || contestants > MAX)
            Console.Write("Invalid number.  Please enter a number between 0 and 30, inclusive:  ");
            contestants = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        return contestants;

    public static void Overview(int past, int current)
    { // Accepts contestant - past & current.  Displays 1 of 3 messages.
        double entranceFee = 25.00;

        Console.WriteLine("\nWe had {0} contestants last year and have {1} contestants this year.", past,

        //if more than double
        if (current > (past * 2))
            Console.WriteLine("The competition is more than twice as big this year!");

        //if bigger but no more than double
        if (current > past && current < (past * 2))
            Console.WriteLine("The competition is bigger than ever!");

        //if smaller than last year
        if (current < past)
            Console.WriteLine("A tighter race this year.  Come out and cast your vote!");

        Console.WriteLine("\nThe revenue expected for this year is {0:C}.", current * entranceFee);

    public static void CompetitorTalents(int current)
    { // Fill array of competitors and their talent codes.

        string[] contestantNames;
        string contestantNameEntered;// user entry
        char[] contestantTalentCodes;
        char talentCodeEntered; // user entry
        string[] talents = { "Dancing", "Musical", "Other" };
        char[] validTalentCodes = { 'D', 'M', 'O' };
        int[] total = new int[talents.Length];
        bool validCode = false;
        int counter = 0;

        contestantNames = new string[current]; // set array size
        contestantTalentCodes = new char[current]; // set array size

        // put contestants in array
        while (counter < current)// loop for all contestants
            // get contenstants name and put in array
            Console.Write("Please enter the name of contestant:   ");
            contestantNameEntered = Console.ReadLine();
            counter += 1; // contestant number
            validCode = false;

            //place in correct array element
            contestantNames[counter - 1] = contestantNameEntered;

            // get contestants talent code, verify and place in array
            while (validCode == false) // reset per contestant
                Console.Write("Please enter the contestant's talent code (D=Dancing, M=Musical, O=Other):  ");
                talentCodeEntered = Char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper());  // convert to uppercase
                for (int x = 0; x < validTalentCodes.Length && !validCode; ++x)

                    if (talentCodeEntered == validTalentCodes[x]) // talent code valid?
                        validCode = true; // true if match found
                        contestantTalentCodes[counter - 1] = talentCodeEntered; //put talent code in array
                        x = validTalentCodes.Length;  // breaks out of loop
                if (validCode == false)  // false if no match found = invalid code.
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid code talent Code.");

        // search all elements of validTalentCodes array (D, M, O), count instances in contestantTalentCodes array
        for (int z = 0; z < validTalentCodes.Length; z++) // validTalentCodes
            for (int x = 0; x < contestantTalentCodes.Length; x++) // contestantTalentCodes
                if (contestantTalentCodes[x] == validTalentCodes[z])
        for (int x = 0; x < talents.Length; ++x)
            Console.WriteLine("Total contenstants for {0} is {1}.", talents[x], total[x]);

    public static void TalentListing(string contestantNames, char [] validTalentCodes, char [] contestantTalentCodes)
    { // Continuously prompt for talent codes and display contestants with the corresponding talent until quit.
        // What talent code would you like to see (or QUIT)?

        const char QUIT = 'Q';// must be upper as char are converted!!
        char userOption = ' ';
        bool validCode = false;

        while (userOption != QUIT)
            Console.Write("\nWhat talent code would you like to view? (D, M, O or Q to quit):  ");
            validCode = false;  // reset from previous section
            userOption = Char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper());

            for (int x = 0; x < contestantNames.Length && !validCode; ++x)
                if (userOption == validTalentCodes[x]) // valid talent code?
                    validCode = true;
                    Console.Write("The contestants in {0} talent are: ", validTalentCodes[x]);

                    // display list of contestants with that code
                    for (int z = 0; z < contestantTalentCodes.Length; z++) // validTalentCodes
                        if (contestantTalentCodes[z] == userOption)
                            Console.Write("\n{0}", contestantNames[z]);
            if (validCode == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid talent code!");

        Console.WriteLine();  // when QUIT is selected

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

CompetitorTalents(int current)方法没有返回值,您正在使用voidTalentListing收到两个string个。所以你需要从某个地方获取这两个。如果您希望它们来自CompetitorTalens方法,则必须更改它以使其返回string并实际返回其中的内容。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication1

    class Program
        public static string[] talents = { "Dancing", "Musical", "Other" };
        public static char[] validTalentCodes = { 'D', 'M', 'O' };
        public static string[] contestantNames;
        public static char[] contestantTalentCodes;

        static void Main()
        int pastContestants;
        int currentContestants;

        // Call Methods:
        Console.Write("LAST YEAR'S TALENT:  ");
        pastContestants = Contestants();

        Console.Write("THIS YEAR'S TALENT:  ");
        currentContestants = Contestants();
        Overview(pastContestants, currentContestants);

        // need to call the TalentListing Method...

        public static int Contestants()
        { // Get & returns valid # of contestants.  Called twice - last year & this year

            int contestants = 0; // holds return value
            const int MIN = 0;  // will allow 0 as an answer
            const int MAX = 30;  // will allow 30 as an answer          

            Console.Write("Please enter the number of contestants:  ");
            contestants = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            while (contestants < MIN || contestants > MAX)
                Console.Write("Invalid number.  Please enter a number between 0 and 30, inclusive:  ");
                contestants = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            return contestants;

        public static void Overview(int past, int current)
        { // Accepts contestant - past & current.  Displays 1 of 3 messages.
            double entranceFee = 25.00;

            Console.WriteLine("\nWe had {0} contestants last year and have {1} contestants this year.", past,

            //if more than double
            if (current > (past * 2))
                Console.WriteLine("The competition is more than twice as big this year!");

            //if bigger but no more than double
            if (current > past && current < (past * 2))
                Console.WriteLine("The competition is bigger than ever!");

            //if smaller than last year
            if (current < past)
                Console.WriteLine("A tighter race this year.  Come out and cast your vote!");

            Console.WriteLine("\nThe revenue expected for this year is {0:C}.", current * entranceFee);

        public static void CompetitorTalents(int current)
        { // Fill array of competitors and their talent codes.

            string contestantNameEntered;// user entry
            char talentCodeEntered; // user entry
            int[] total = new int[talents.Length];
            bool validCode = false;
            int counter = 0;

            contestantNames = new string[current]; // set array size
            contestantTalentCodes = new char[current]; // set array size

            // put contestants in array
            while (counter < current)// loop for all contestants
                // get contenstants name and put in array
                Console.Write("Please enter the name of contestant:   ");
                contestantNameEntered = Console.ReadLine();
                counter += 1; // contestant number
                validCode = false;

                //place in correct array element
                contestantNames[counter - 1] = contestantNameEntered;

                // get contestants talent code, verify and place in array
                while (validCode == false) // reset per contestant
                    Console.Write("Please enter the contestant's talent code (D=Dancing, M=Musical, O=Other):  ");
                    talentCodeEntered = Char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper());  // convert to uppercase
                    for (int x = 0; x < validTalentCodes.Length && !validCode; ++x)

                        if (talentCodeEntered == validTalentCodes[x]) // talent code valid?
                            validCode = true; // true if match found
                            contestantTalentCodes[counter - 1] = talentCodeEntered; //put talent code in array
                            x = validTalentCodes.Length;  // breaks out of loop
                    if (validCode == false)  // false if no match found = invalid code.
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid code talent Code.");

            // search all elements of validTalentCodes array (D, M, O), count instances in contestantTalentCodes array
            for (int z = 0; z < validTalentCodes.Length; z++) // validTalentCodes
                for (int x = 0; x < contestantTalentCodes.Length; x++) // contestantTalentCodes
                    if (contestantTalentCodes[x] == validTalentCodes[z])
            for (int x = 0; x < talents.Length; ++x)
                Console.WriteLine("Total contenstants for {0} is {1}.", talents[x], total[x]);

            return ;

        /// Continuously prompt for talent codes and display contestants with the corresponding talent until quit.
        /// What talent code would you like to see (or QUIT)?
        public static void TalentListing()
            const char QUIT = 'Q';// must be upper as char are converted!!
            char userOption = ' ';
            bool validCode = false;

            while (userOption != QUIT)
                Console.Write("\nWhat talent code would you like to view? (D, M, O or Q to quit):  ");
                validCode = false;  // reset from previous section
                userOption = Char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper());

                for (int x = 0; x < contestantNames.Length && !validCode; ++x)
                    if (userOption == validTalentCodes[x]) // valid talent code?
                        validCode = true;
                        Console.Write("The contestants in {0} talent are: ", validTalentCodes[x]);

                        // display list of contestants with that code
                        for (int z = 0; z < contestantTalentCodes.Length; z++) // validTalentCodes
                            if (contestantTalentCodes[z] == userOption)
                                Console.Write("\n{0}", contestantNames[z]);
                if (validCode == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid talent code!");

            Console.WriteLine();  // when QUIT is selected


答案 2 :(得分:0)


TalentListing(CompetitorTalents(contestantNames), CompetitorTalents(validTalentCodes), CompetitorTalents(contestantTalentCodes));


public static string CompetitorTalents(int current)


string contestantNames = CompetitorTalents(currentContestants);


TalentListing(contestantNames, validTalentCodes, contestantTalentCodes);

答案 3 :(得分:0)


void TalentListing(string,char [],char [])

void CompetitorTalents(int)

您的CompetitorTalents方法返回void,但您尝试将该方法的结果作为TalentListing方法的参数传递。因此,您实际上只是想要TalentListing(void, void, void),当它真正需要stringchar[],然后是另一个char[]