
时间:2014-02-08 14:43:56

标签: css slideshow carousel


  1. 提供前进和后退导航。
  2. 不修改导航历史记录。
  3. 为内容的移动指明明确的方向。
  4. 在尽可能多的浏览器中工作。
  5. 我遇到的大多数其他CSS幻灯片都没有勾选所有这些框。



    <ul class="css-slider">
      <li class="slide"><img src="photos/a.jpg" /></li>
      <li class="slide"><img src="photos/b.jpg" /></li>
      <li class="slide"><img src="photos/c.jpg" /></li>
      <li class="slide"><img src="photos/d.jpg" /></li>
      <li class="slide"><img src="photos/e.jpg" /></li>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:48)

simple screenshot




UPDATE: There seems to be a bug with Firefox 32 (Mac)这意味着省略号不会在SVG模板中呈现,这会导致反射失败......并且不会让我开始使用Chrome 37.0。 2062.120(Mac)如果您将鼠标悬停在此答案脚下的实施示例中的任何图像上。


- 2014年9月18日



<ul class="css-slider">
  <li class="slide" tabindex="1" id="l1">
    <span class="slide-outer">
      <span class="slide-inner">
        <span class="slide-gfx" id="s1">
          <img src="photos/a.jpg" />
  <li class="slide" tabindex="1" id="l2">
    <span class="slide-outer">
      <span class="slide-inner">
        <span class="slide-gfx" id="s2">
          <img src="photos/b.jpg" />

现在,为了让任何系统都像幻灯片一样运行,您需要有一些方法来识别当前或聚焦的幻灯片。在这种情况下,我依靠:focus来处理这种区别。您可能已经注意到上面添加了tabindex=“1”,这是因为伪类:focus应用于<li>等意外元素 - 这主要是基于webkit的浏览器所必需的,但是也可以帮助其他代理商。


illustration of previous, next and current slides

我之所以说几乎是因为为了在下一张和之前的幻灯片上触发焦点 - 通过鼠标或触摸 - 他们的交互式图层的一部分必须是用户可访问和可点击的。使用leftrightpadding的混合,可以在不移动视觉元素的情况下显示正确的区域。

snippets of key css


illustration of interactive layer positioning


  1. 为了使其在Webkit浏览器上运行,需要使用tabindex属性,以便:focus Pseudo-class可以在用于表示a的任何基本元素上运行滑动。

  2. 由于使用了技巧,幻灯片将以反向顺序播放。

  3. 您可以使用标签浏览幻灯片,但是,由于第2点,它会向后导航。如果您有Mac,则可能需要tweak your os settings才能显示标签。

  4. 由于展示导航箭头的leftright技巧,向前导航时会出现轻微的视觉故障 - 您可以看到后续的上一个箭头快速动画到位

  5. 由于此系统在焦点丢失时基于:focus工作,幻灯片显示会恢复到初始幻灯片,因此,子链接无法在幻灯片中使用 - 除非您增强与JavaScript的交互。

  6. 我的演示使用了SVG背景图片,这些图像显然是可选的,不适用于旧浏览器。

  7. 支持

    1. Firefox v26.0(Mac / PC~ 很可能早期版本
    2. Chrome v32(Mac / PC~ 很可能早期版本
    3. Safari v7(Mac / PC~ 很可能是早期版本
    4. Opera v18(Mac / PC~ 很可能早期版本
    5. Internet Explorer 9+(PC)

      IE7&amp; IE8甚至无法理解:last-child:nth-child,所以不,为他们工作。



      1. .with-responsive-images 〜小黑客强迫图片自动调整大小。
      2. .with-selection-disabled 〜阻止用户拖动和突出显示。
      3. .width-fade-in 〜最初淡入幻灯片。
      4. .with-reflection 〜启用firefox和webkit的反射。
      5. .with-slide-zoom 〜悬停时,幻灯片将缩放到最大宽度。
      6. .with-slide-float 〜焦距会使幻灯片悬浮。
      7. .with-slide-float-hover 〜悬停时幻灯片会悬浮。
      8. .with-shadow 〜一个穷人的反思。





        .slide-gfx img {
          max-width: 600px;
          max-height: auto;
          border-radius: 20px;
          box-shadow: 0 0 80px rgba(255,255,255,1);


        .css-slider-mask {
          display: block;
          overflow: hidden;
          width: 100%;
          height: 100%;

        现在我们得到滑块所需的实际设置。第一部分非常简单,除了display: none;部分。这最初会隐藏所有人的幻灯片,但稍后会覆盖支持:nth-child的浏览器。您的<body>元素很可能是第二个孩子,但在使用之前应该检查。

        .css-slider {
          list-style: none;
          margin: 0;
          padding: 0;
          width: 96%;
          height: 100%;
          margin-left: 2%;
          z-index: 1;
        .css-slider {
          position: relative;
          display: none;
        body:nth-child(2) .css-slider {
          display: block;


        接下来我们开始介绍幻灯片细节。由于不存在反向General Sibling Selector~),幻灯片的所有默认样式都代表未来(或下一个)状态。这是因为没有实际的方法来选择未来的幻灯片。

        .css-slider .slide {
          display: block;
          position: absolute;
          left: 40px;
          top: 0;
          right: 0;
          bottom: 0;
          padding-left: 0;
          padding-right: 40px;
          z-index: 100;
          outline: 0; /* kill the focus rect! */


        .css-slider .slide {
          background: url('arrow-right.svg') no-repeat right center;
          background-size: 25px auto;
        .css-slider .slide:hover {
          background-image: url('arrow-right-hover.svg');
          cursor: pointer;

        现在是重点幻灯片,这里的关键项目是:focus(我已经解释过了)和:last-child我还没有。使用最后一个孩子而不是第一个孩子,因为我们必须再向后工作(所有这些都是由于缺少反向General Sibling Selector ~)。为什么要求任何一个孩子都是为了让我们能够专注于&#34;当没有当前焦点时,即页面加载时的初始幻灯片。

        .css-slider .slide:target,
        .css-slider .slide:target:hover,
        .css-slider .slide:focus,
        .css-slider .slide:focus:hover,
        .css-slider .slide:last-child,
        .css-slider .slide:last-child:hover {
          left: 40px;
          right: 40px;
          padding-left: 0;
          padding-right: 0;
          background: transparent;
          z-index: 101;
          cursor: default;


        1. 部分由JavaScript提供支持。
        2. 它依赖于#hash或#fragment值,由于创建了历史记录状态,因此可能会破坏您网站的可用性。
        3. 无论如何,选择过去幻灯片的技巧取决于General Sibling Selector。以下构造基本上是指在.slide之后找到的 select .slide,其中:focus

          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide,
          .css-slider .slide:focus ~ .slide {
            padding-left: 40px;
            padding-right: 0;
            left: 0;
            right: 40px;
          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide,
          .css-slider .slide:focus ~ .slide {
            background: url('arrow-left.svg') no-repeat left center;
            background-size: 25px auto;
          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide:hover,
          .css-slider .slide:focus ~ .slide:hover {
            background-image: url('arrow-left-hover.svg');



          .css-slider .slide .slide-outer {
            display: none;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;


          .css-slider .slide .slide-outer .slide-inner {
            display: table-cell;
            vertical-align: middle;
            text-align: center;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;


          .css-slider .slide .slide-outer .slide-inner .slide-gfx {
            position: relative;
            display: inline-block;
            z-index: 102;
            text-align: left; /* override the centering back to defaults */


          .css-slider .slide:target .slide-outer,
          .css-slider .slide:focus .slide-outer,
          .css-slider .slide:last-child .slide-outer {
            display: block; /* if they don't support display table */
            display: table;



          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide:last-child,
          .css-slider .slide:focus ~ .slide:last-child {
            cursor: pointer;
          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide:last-child .slide-outer,
          .css-slider .slide:focus ~ .slide:last-child .slide-outer {
            display: none;

          最后烦人的z-index hack


          此部分仅用于修复“上一张幻灯片”的点击功能。箭头,以便最近的前一帧漂浮在其他任何东西之上。如果您不关心之前的幻灯片操作,那么只要您隐藏上一个箭头,就可以取消此步骤。这很烦人,因为如果CSS支持General Sibling Selector的反转版本,那么整个任意部分都可以废除。


          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide:nth-child(1),
          .css-slider .slide:focus  ~ .slide:nth-child(1) { z-index:99; }
          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide:nth-child(2),
          .css-slider .slide:focus  ~ .slide:nth-child(2) { z-index:98; }
          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide:nth-child(3),
          .css-slider .slide:focus  ~ .slide:nth-child(3) { z-index:97; }
          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide:nth-child(4),
          .css-slider .slide:focus  ~ .slide:nth-child(4) { z-index:96; }
          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide:nth-child(5),
          .css-slider .slide:focus  ~ .slide:nth-child(5) { z-index:95; }





          /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * HANDLE THE SLIDE ANIMATION (optional)
           * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
          /* Override the default instant slide behaviour */
          .css-slider .slide .slide-outer {
            display: block !important;
            display: table !important;
          /* set up the transitions */
          .css-slider .slide .slide-outer {
            transition-property:                opacity, transform;
            transition-duration:                2s;
            transition-timing-function:         ease;
          /* After state */
          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide .slide-outer,
          .css-slider .slide:target ~ .slide:last-child .slide-outer,
          .css-slider .slide:focus ~ .slide .slide-outer,
          .css-slider .slide:focus ~ .slide:last-child .slide-outer {
            transform: translate(-150%,0);
            transform: translate3D(-150%,0,0);
          /* Before state */
          .css-slider .slide .slide-outer {
            transform: translate(200%,0);
            transform: translate3D(200%,0,0);
          /* Focused state*/
          .css-slider .slide:target .slide-outer,
          .css-slider .slide:focus .slide-outer,
          .css-slider .slide:last-child .slide-outer {
            transform: translate(0,0);
            transform: translate3D(0,0,0);
          /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * SMALL SCREEN FIX / SLIDE JERK (optional)
           * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * When we shift 'left' and 'right' values -- in order to allow access to a future
           * or past arrow -- this can cause a jump in the responsive scaling of the slide.
           * if we transition the left value quickly, it can make this appear less jarring.
          .css-slider .slide {
            transition-property:        left, padding-left;
            transition-duration:        1s;
            transition-timing-function: ease;
          /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * Add-on module : responsive images
           * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
          .with-responsive-images .slide-gfx img {
            width: 100%;
            height: auto;
          /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * Add-on module : stop user selection
           * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
          /* if your slides don't need to be selectable, I recommend using this */
          .with-selection-disabled {
            user-select: none;
          /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * Add-on module : initial fade in 
           * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
          .with-fade-in .slide-gfx {
            opacity: 0;
          /* animate into visibility */
          .with-fade-in .slide-gfx {
            animation:           css-slideshow-fade-in 2s;
            animation-delay:     1s;
            animation-fill-mode: forwards;
          /* Vebdor animations */
          @keyframes css-slideshow-fade-in { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } }
          /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * Add-on module : slide reflection
           * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
          /* force our slide-gfx to be inline-block and relative positioned */
          .with-reflection .slide-gfx {
            display: inline-block !important;
          /* reflection for webkit agents */
          .with-reflection .slide-gfx > *:first-child {
            -webkit-box-reflect: below 2px 
                  -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, 
                     from(transparent), color-stop(0.9, transparent), to(white));
          /* make sure internal images don't keep inline spacing/margin */
          .with-reflection .slide-gfx img {
            display: block;
          /* generate the reflection */
          .with-reflection .slide-gfx:after {
            content: '';
            position: absolute;
            display: block;
            mask: url("reflection-mask.svg#mask"); /* gradient fade the reflection */
            transform: scaleY(-1); /* flip clone to appear as reflection */
            opacity: 0.5; /* fade out reflection */
            top: 100%;
            width: 100%;
            height: 60px;
            z-index: 200;
            margin-top: 2px;
          /* again, due to element() requiring IDs we need arbitrary code 
             per each slide and each slide-gfx needs an id */
          .with-reflection #s1:after { background: -moz-element(#s1) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s2:after { background: -moz-element(#s2) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s3:after { background: -moz-element(#s3) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s4:after { background: -moz-element(#s4) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s5:after { background: -moz-element(#s5) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s6:after { background: -moz-element(#s6) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s7:after { background: -moz-element(#s7) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s8:after { background: -moz-element(#s8) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s9:after { background: -moz-element(#s9) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s10:after { background: -moz-element(#s10) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s11:after { background: -moz-element(#s11) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s12:after { background: -moz-element(#s12) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s13:after { background: -moz-element(#s13) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s14:after { background: -moz-element(#s14) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s15:after { background: -moz-element(#s15) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s16:after { background: -moz-element(#s16) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s17:after { background: -moz-element(#s17) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s18:after { background: -moz-element(#s18) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s19:after { background: -moz-element(#s19) no-repeat left bottom; }
          .with-reflection #s20:after { background: -moz-element(#s20) no-repeat left bottom; }
          /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * Add-on module : slide zoom (optional, not compatible with slide float)
           * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
          .with-slide-zoom .slide .slide-gfx > *:first-child {
            transition-property:                max-width;
            transition-duration:                2s;
            transition-timing-function:         ease-in-out;
            transition-delay:                   0.25s;
          .with-slide-zoom .slide .slide-gfx > *:first-child:hover {
            max-width: 1000px;
          /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * Add-on module : slide float (optional, not compatible with slide zoom)
           * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
          /* inital transition set-up */
          .with-slide-float:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide .slide-gfx > *:first-child,
          .with-slide-float-hover:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide .slide-gfx > *:first-child {
            transition-property:        transform;
            transition-duration:        2s;
            transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
          /* we need a delay for the non-hover version */
          .with-slide-float:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide .slide-gfx > *:first-child {
            transition-delay: 2s;
          /* initial levitation on focus */
          .with-slide-float:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide:target .slide-gfx > *:first-child,
          .with-slide-float:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide:focus .slide-gfx > *:first-child,
          .with-slide-float-hover:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide .slide-gfx > *:first-child:hover {
            transform: translate(0,-40px);
            transform: translate3D(0,-40px,0);
          /* trigger the float animation after 4s */
          .with-slide-float:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide:target .slide-gfx > *:first-child,
          .with-slide-float:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide:focus .slide-gfx > *:first-child,
          .with-slide-float-hover:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide .slide-gfx > *:first-child:hover {
            animation:                         css-slideshow-levitate 4s;
            animation-direction:               alternate;
            animation-fill-iteration-count:    infinite;
            animation-timing-function:         ease-in-out;
            animation-delay:                   2s;
          /* longer delay for automatic version i.e. non-hover */
          .with-slide-float:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide:target .slide-gfx > *:first-child,
          .with-slide-float:not(.with-slide-zoom) .slide:focus .slide-gfx > *:first-child {
            animation-delay:                   4s;
          /* Vebdor animations for the float */
          @keyframes css-slideshow-levitate {
            from { transform: translate(0,-40px); transform: translate3D(0,-40px,0); }
            to   { transform: translate(0,-20px); transform: translate3D(0,-20px,0); }
          /** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
           * Add-on module : ground shadow (optional)
           * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
          .with-shadow .slide .slide-gfx:before {
            content: '';
            background: url('slide-shadow.svg') no-repeat center center;
            position: absolute;
            bottom: -10px;
            left: -20px;
            right: -20px;
            height: 20px;
            z-index: -1;
            opacity: 0.7;
          .with-shadow.with-slide-float .slide .slide-gfx:before,
          .with-shadow.with-slide-float-hover .slide .slide-gfx:before {
            transition-property:        opacity;
            transition-duration:        2s;
            transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
          .with-shadow.with-slide-float .slide .slide-gfx:before {
            transition-delay: 2s;
          .with-shadow.with-slide-float .slide:target .slide-gfx:before,
          .with-shadow.with-slide-float .slide:focus .slide-gfx:before,
          .with-shadow.with-slide-float .slide:last-child .slide-gfx:before,
          .with-shadow.with-slide-float-hover .slide .slide-gfx:hover:before {
            opacity: 0.1;
            animation:                      css-slideshow-shadow 4s;
            animation-delay:                4s;
            animation-direction:            alternate;
            animation-fill-iteration-count: infinite;
            animation-timing-function:      ease-in-out;
          .with-shadow.with-slide-float-hover .slide .slide-gfx:hover:before {
            animation-delay: 2s;
          /* Vebdor animations for the float */
          @keyframes css-slideshow-shadow { from { opacity: 0.1; } to { opacity: 0.7; } }

          simple screenshot of implemented example






          正如我所说,改进这个系统需要相当多的时间。对于那些可能感兴趣的人,这里是我的(最后)版本0.1 - 以前有过很多;)这采用了略有不同的方法,涉及视觉和交互式移动部件。最后我废弃它,因为它涉及更多的浏览器处理,因此更加笨重;这个纯色演示没有透露的东西。
