Time | Name | Name | ID1 | ID2
10:50 | Volume | Xxx | 55 | 65
12:50 | Kate | Uh | 35 | 62
15:50 | Maria | Zzz | 38 | 67
15:50 | Alex | Web | 38 | 5
Time | Name | Name | ID1 | ID2
10:50 | Les | Xxx | 31 | 75
15:50 | Alex | Web | 38 | 5
如何将两个文件[仅ID1和ID2列]:[File1]和[File2]与文件{File1]的所有第一行进行比较,与{File2]的所有行进行比较。 如果两个文件中都存在数据保存到文件[File3]数据添加字符* 除了文件{File3]之外还有来自[File1]的其他数据。
Time | Name | Name | ID1 | ID2
15:50 | Alex | Web | * 38 | 5
10:50 | Volume | Xxx | 55 | 65
12:50 | Kate | Uh | 35 | 62
15:50 | Maria | Zzz | 38 | 67
答案 0 :(得分:0)
awk 'BEGIN{t="Time | Name | Name | ID1 | ID2"}
NR==FNR{a[$4 FS $5];next}
{ if ($4 FS $5 in a)
{$4="*"$4;t=t RS $0}
else{s=s==""?$0:s RS $0}
END{print t RS s}' FS=\| OFS=\| file2 file1
Time | Name | Name | ID1 | ID2
15:50 | Alex | Web |* 38 | 5
10:50 | Volume | Xxx | 55 | 65
12:50 | Kate | Uh | 35 | 62
15:50 | Maria | Zzz | 38 | 67
BEGIN{t="Time | Name | Name | ID1 | ID2"} # set the title
FNR==1{next} # ignore the title, FNR is the current record number in the current file.for each file
NR==FNR{a[$4 FS $5];next} # record the $4 and $5 into Associative array a
{ if ($4 FS $5 in a)
{$4="*"$4;t=t RS $0} # if found in file1, mark the $4 with start "*" and attach to var t
else{s=s==""?$0:s RS $0} # if not found, attach to var s
{print t RS s} # print the result.