这些对象存储在数组中,例如x坐标为double precision :: body_x(10000)
要计算对象的行为,需要有关所有其他对象的信息, 所以每个线程都需要保存所有数据,但只会更新一部分数据。但之前 新时间步每个线程都需要从所有其他线程获取信息。
这是一个非常基本的问题,但我对MPI很新,我发现的所有例子都是 很简单,不要掩盖这一点。谢谢你的帮助。
伪示例(假设具有第一个索引1的Fortran样式向量): (是的,发送/接收最好是非阻塞,这是为了简单起见)
if (master) then
end if
allocate body_arrays(numberOfObjects)
if (master) then
fill body_arrays ! with the data from the input file
end if
objectsPerThread = numberOfObjects / threadCount
myStart = threadID * objectsPerThread + 1
myEnd = (threadID + 1) * objectsPerThread
do while (t < t_end)
do i = myStart, myEnd
do stuff for body_arrays(i)
end do
! here is the question
if (.not. master)
MPI_Send(body_arrays, toMaster)
do i = 1, threadCount - 1
MPI_Recive(body_arrays_recive, senderID)
body_arrays(senderID*objectsPerThread+1, (senderId+1)*objectsPerThread) = body_arrays_recive(senderID*objectsPerThread+1, (senderId+1)*objectsPerThread)
end if
! ----
t = t + dt
end do
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
program test
use mpi
implicit none
integer, parameter :: idp = 8
integer, parameter :: n_tasks = 11
real(idp), parameter :: zero = 0.0d0
complex(idp), parameter :: czero = cmplx(zero, zero, kind=idp)
integer :: mpi_n_procs, mpi_proc_id, error
integer :: i, i_from, i_to
complex(idp) :: c(-5:5)
real(idp) :: split_size
integer, allocatable :: recvcount(:), displs(:)
call MPI_Init(error)
call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_n_procs, error)
call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_proc_id, error)
i_from = -5
i_to = 5
! each process covers only part of the array
call mpi_split(i_from, i_to, counts=recvcount, displs=displs)
write(*,*) "ID", mpi_proc_id,":", i_from, "..", i_to
if (mpi_proc_id == 0) then
write(*,*) "Counts: ", recvcount
write(*,*) "Displs: ", displs
end if
c(:) = czero
do i = i_from, i_to
c(i) = cmplx(real(i, idp), real(i+1, idp), kind=idp)
end do
call MPI_Allgatherv(c(i_from), i_to-i_from+1, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, c, &
& recvcount, displs, MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &
& error)
if (mpi_proc_id == 0) then
do i = -5, 5
write(*,*) i, ":", c(i)
end do
end if
deallocate(recvcount, displs)
call MPI_Finalize(error)
!! @description: split the range (a,b) into equal chunks, where each chunk is
!! handled by a different MPI process
!! @param: a On input, the lower bound of an array to be processed. On
!! output, the lower index of the chunk that the MPI process
!! `proc_id` should process
!! @param: b On input, the upper bound of an array. On, output the
!! upper index of the chunk that process `proc_id` should
!! process.
!! @param: n_procs The total number of available processes. If not given,
!! this is determined automatically from the MPI environment.
!! @param: proc_id The (zero-based) process ID (`0 <= proc_id < n_procs`). If
!! not given, the ID of the current MPI process
!! @param: counts If given, must be of size `n_procs`. On output, the chunk
!! size for each MPI process
!! @param: displs If given, must be of size `n_procs`. On output, the offset
!! if the first index processed by each MPI process, relative
!! to the input value of `a`
subroutine mpi_split(a, b, n_procs, proc_id, counts, displs)
integer, intent(inout) :: a
integer, intent(inout) :: b
integer, optional, intent(in) :: n_procs
integer, optional, intent(in) :: proc_id
integer, optional, intent(inout) :: counts(:)
integer, optional, intent(inout) :: displs(:)
integer :: mpi_n_procs, n_tasks, mpi_proc_id, error
integer :: aa, bb
real(idp) :: split_size
logical :: mpi_is_initialized
mpi_n_procs = 1
if (present(n_procs)) mpi_n_procs = n_procs
mpi_proc_id = 0
if (present(proc_id)) mpi_proc_id = proc_id
if (.not. present(n_procs)) then
call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_n_procs, error)
end if
if (.not. present(proc_id)) then
call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_proc_id, error)
end if
aa = a
bb = b
n_tasks = bb - aa + 1
split_size = real(n_tasks, idp) / real(max(mpi_n_procs, 1), idp)
a = nint(mpi_proc_id * split_size) + aa
b = min(aa + nint((mpi_proc_id+1) * split_size) - 1, bb)
if (present(counts)) then
do mpi_proc_id = 0, mpi_n_procs-1
counts(mpi_proc_id+1) = max(nint((mpi_proc_id+1) * split_size) &
& - nint((mpi_proc_id) * split_size), 0)
end do
end if
if (present(displs)) then
do mpi_proc_id = 0, mpi_n_procs-1
displs(mpi_proc_id+1) = min(nint(mpi_proc_id * split_size), bb-aa)
end do
end if
end subroutine mpi_split
end program