正如here所述,使用 _set_se_translator 可以捕获被零除错误。
但它没有捕获,例如,C运行时库错误 -1073740777(0xc0000417),这可能是由具有百分号的 printf 的格式字符串引起的他们不应该在哪里。 (这只是一个例子;当然我们应该检查这样的字符串)。要处理这些问题,需要 _set_invalid_parameter_handler 。
此外,这个将捕获未被捕获的C ++异常:SetUnhandledExceptionFilter。因此,它可以与 __ set__ ... 函数一起使用。 (关于MSVC 2008中using it的文章。)
我想捕获任何和所有错误,以便我可以处理它们(通过记录,抛出现代C ++标准异常并返回特定于应用程序的错误代码)。是否有一个捕获一切的处理程序?
我正在使用Visual Studio 2008。
答案 0 :(得分:7)
内部错误无法恢复。如果你除以零或其他什么 - 程序是不可恢复的。
如果您将终止处理程序转换为继续运行程序的程序,则无法保证程序的 STATE ,并且您可能只是崩溃和损坏以后以不同的方式。例如,假设程序在您转移终止时持有一些 lock 或其他资源!
void log(const char* fmt,...) {
fvprintf(logfile,fmt,__... <--- this line calls the terminator
我不能强调这一点 - 你应该使用挂钩终止方法进行额外的日志记录等等,而不是别的。你应该随后继续退出。
答案 1 :(得分:6)
template<class K, class V>
class MapInitializer
std::map<K,V> m;
operator std::map<K,V>() const
return m;
MapInitializer& Add( const K& k, const V& v )
m[ k ] = v;
return *this;
struct StructuredException : std::exception
const char *const msg;
StructuredException( const char* const msg_ ) : msg( msg_ ) {}
virtual const char* what() const { return msg; }
class ExceptionHandlerInstaller
: m_oldTerminateHandler( std::set_terminate( TerminateHandler ) )
, m_oldUnexpectedHandler( std::set_unexpected( UnexpectedHandler ) )
, m_oldSEHandler( _set_se_translator( SEHandler ) )
std::set_terminate( m_oldTerminateHandler );
std::set_unexpected( m_oldUnexpectedHandler );
_set_se_translator( m_oldSEHandler );
static void TerminateHandler()
TRACE( "\n\n**** terminate handler called! ****\n\n" );
static void UnexpectedHandler()
TRACE( "\n\n**** unexpected exception handler called! ****\n\n" );
static void SEHandler( const unsigned code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS* )
SEMsgMap::const_iterator it = m_seMsgMap.find( code );
throw StructuredException( it != m_seMsgMap.end()
? it->second
: "Structured exception translated to C++ exception." );
const std::terminate_handler m_oldTerminateHandler;
const std::unexpected_handler m_oldUnexpectedHandler;
const _se_translator_function m_oldSEHandler;
typedef std::map<unsigned, const char*> SEMsgMap;
static const SEMsgMap m_seMsgMap;
// Message map for structured exceptions copied from the MS help file
const ExceptionHandlerInstaller::SEMsgMap ExceptionHandlerInstaller::m_seMsgMap
= MapInitializer<ExceptionHandlerInstaller::SEMsgMap::key_type,
.Add( EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, "The thread attempts to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have access. This value is defined as STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED, "The thread attempts to access an array element that is out of bounds, and the underlying hardware supports bounds checking. This value is defined as STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT, "A breakpoint is encountered. This value is defined as STATUS_BREAKPOINT." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT, "The thread attempts to read or write data that is misaligned on hardware that does not provide alignment. For example, 16-bit values must be aligned on 2-byte boundaries, 32-bit values on 4-byte boundaries, and so on. This value is defined as STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_FLT_DENORMAL_OPERAND, "One of the operands in a floating point operation is denormal. A denormal value is one that is too small to represent as a standard floating point value. This value is defined as STATUS_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, "The thread attempts to divide a floating point value by a floating point divisor of 0 (zero). This value is defined as STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_FLT_INEXACT_RESULT, "The result of a floating point operation cannot be represented exactly as a decimal fraction. This value is defined as STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION, "A floatin point exception that is not included in this list. This value is defined as STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_FLT_OVERFLOW, "The exponent of a floating point operation is greater than the magnitude allowed by the corresponding type. This value is defined as STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_FLT_STACK_CHECK, "The stack has overflowed or underflowed, because of a floating point operation. This value is defined as STATUS_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_FLT_UNDERFLOW, "The exponent of a floating point operation is less than the magnitude allowed by the corresponding type. This value is defined as STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_GUARD_PAGE, "The thread accessed memory allocated with the PAGE_GUARD modifier. This value is defined as STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION, "The thread tries to execute an invalid instruction. This value is defined as STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR, "The thread tries to access a page that is not present, and the system is unable to load the page. For example, this exception might occur if a network connection is lost while running a program over a network. This value is defined as STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, "The thread attempts to divide an integer value by an integer divisor of 0 (zero). This value is defined as STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW, "The result of an integer operation causes a carry out of the most significant bit of the result. This value is defined as STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_INVALID_DISPOSITION, "An exception handler returns an invalid disposition to the exception dispatcher. Programmers using a high-level language such as C should never encounter this exception. This value is defined as STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_INVALID_HANDLE, "The thread used a handle to a kernel object that was invalid (probably because it had been closed.) This value is defined as STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION, "The thread attempts to continue execution after a non-continuable exception occurs. This value is defined as STATUS_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION, "The thread attempts to execute an instruction with an operation that is not allowed in the current computer mode. This value is defined as STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP, "A trace trap or other single instruction mechanism signals that one instruction is executed. This value is defined as STATUS_SINGLE_STEP." )
.Add( EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW, "The thread uses up its stack. This value is defined as STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW." );
然后在main或app init中,我这样做:
BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance()
ExceptionHandlerInstaller ehi;
// ...