
时间:2014-02-03 16:52:24

标签: python pygame conways-game-of-life






  • RETURN =运行模拟
  • 'R'=随机化
  • 'T'=勾选一代
  • 'C'=清晰的游戏领域
  • 'N'=显示邻居地图
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import numpy as np
from random import *
import copy

fieldSize = [100,50]
cellSize = 10  # size of >10 is recommended to see neighbor count
windowSize = [fieldSize[0]*cellSize, fieldSize[1]*cellSize]

# calculate the last cell in each axis so it is not done repeatedly
lastCell = [(fieldSize[0]-1), (fieldSize[1]-1)]

dX = float(windowSize[0])/float(fieldSize[0])
dY = float(windowSize[1])/float(fieldSize[1])

colorAlive = [0,125,0]
colorDead = [0, 0, 0]

# todo list
# 1. make cLife take in the field size
# 2. convert random functions to numpy.random.randint

class cLife():
    def randomize(self):
        self.neighbors = np.zeros(fieldSize)
        # fill in the game field with random numbers
        for x in range(fieldSize[0]):
            for y in range(fieldSize[1]):
                    self.gameField[x][y] = 1
                    self.updateNeighbors([x,y], True)
                    self.gameField[x][y] = 0

    def displayNeighbors(self, surface):
        for x in range(fieldSize[0]):
            for y in range(fieldSize[1]):
                neighborCount=font.render(str(int(self.neighbors[x][y])), 1,(200,200,200))
                surface.blit(neighborCount, (x*dX+dX/3, y*dY+dY/3.5))

    # This is the function to update the neighbor map, the game field is torroidal so the complexity is greatly
    # increased. I have handcoded each instruction to avoid countless if statements and for loops.
    # Hopefully, this has drastically improved the performance. Using this method also allows me to avoid calculating
    # the neighbor map for every single cell because the neighbor map is updated only for the cells affected by a change.
    def updateNeighbors(self, pos, status):
        if(status == True):
            change = 1
            change = -1

        # testing for the cells in the center of the field (most cells are in the center so this is first)
        # cells are filled in starting on the top-left corner going clockwise
        if((pos[0]>0 and pos[0]<lastCell[0])and(pos[1]>0 and pos[1]<lastCell[1])):
            self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]-1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]][pos[1]-1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]+1][pos[1]-1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]+1][pos[1]] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]+1][pos[1]+1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]][pos[1]+1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]+1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]] += change

        elif(pos[0] == 0): # left edge
            if(pos[1] == 0): # top left corner
                self.neighbors[lastCell[0]][lastCell[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[0][lastCell[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[1][lastCell[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[1][0] += change
                self.neighbors[1][1] += change
                self.neighbors[0][1] += change
                self.neighbors[lastCell[0]][1] += change
                self.neighbors[lastCell[0]][0] += change
            elif(pos[1] == lastCell[1]): # bottom left corner
                self.neighbors[lastCell[0]][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[0][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[1][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[1][pos[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[1][0] += change
                self.neighbors[0][0] += change
                self.neighbors[lastCell[0]][0] += change
                self.neighbors[lastCell[0]][pos[1]] += change
            else: # everything else
                self.neighbors[lastCell[0]][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[0][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[1][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[1][pos[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[1][pos[1]+1] += change
                self.neighbors[0][pos[1]+1] += change
                self.neighbors[lastCell[0]][pos[1]+1] += change
                self.neighbors[lastCell[0]][pos[1]] += change

        elif(pos[0] == lastCell[0]): # right edge
            if(pos[1] == 0): # top right corner
                self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][lastCell[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]][lastCell[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[0][lastCell[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[0][0] += change
                self.neighbors[0][1] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]][1] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][1] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][0] += change
            elif(pos[1] == lastCell[1]): # bottom right corner
                self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[0][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[0][pos[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[0][0] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]][0] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][0] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]] += change
            else: # everything else
                self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[0][pos[1]-1] += change
                self.neighbors[0][pos[1]] += change
                self.neighbors[0][pos[1]+1] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]][pos[1]+1] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]+1] += change
                self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]] += change

        elif(pos[1] == 0): # top edge, corners already taken care of
            self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][lastCell[1]] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]][lastCell[1]] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]+1][lastCell[1]] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]+1][0] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]+1][1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]][1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][0] += change

        elif(pos[1] == lastCell[1]): # bottom edge, corners already taken care of
            self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]-1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]][pos[1]-1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]+1][pos[1]-1] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]+1][pos[1]] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]+1][0] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]][0] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][0] += change
            self.neighbors[pos[0]-1][pos[1]] += change

    def nextGeneration(self):
        # copy the neighbor map, because changes will be made during the update
        self.neighborsOld = copy.deepcopy(self.neighbors)

        for x in range(fieldSize[0]):
            for y in range(fieldSize[1]):
                # Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population.
                if(self.gameField[x][y] == 1 and self.neighborsOld[x][y] < 2):
                    self.gameField[x][y] = 0
                    self.updateNeighbors([x,y], False)
                # Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
                elif(self.gameField[x][y] == 1 and self.neighborsOld[x][y] >3):
                    self.gameField[x][y] = 0
                    self.updateNeighbors([x,y], False)
                # Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
                elif(self.gameField[x][y] == 0 and self.neighborsOld[x][y] == 3):
                    self.gameField[x][y] = 1
                    self.updateNeighbors([x,y], True)

    def drawField(self, surface):

        # loop through and draw each live cell
        for x in range(fieldSize[0]):
            for y in range(fieldSize[1]):
                if(self.gameField[x][y] == 1):
                    pygame.draw.rect(surface, colorAlive, [dX*x, dY*y, dX, dY])


    def __init__(self):
        # initialize the game field and neighbor map with zeros
        self.gameField = np.zeros(fieldSize)
        self.neighbors = np.zeros(fieldSize)

# begining of the program
game = cLife()

surface = pygame.display.set_mode(windowSize)
pygame.display.set_caption("Conway\'s Game of Life")
clock = pygame.time.Clock()


running = False

while True:

    # handling events
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if(event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):
            mousePos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
            x = int(mousePos[0]/dX)
            y = int(mousePos[1]/dY)

            if(game.gameField[x][y] == 0):
                game.gameField[x][y] = 1
                game.updateNeighbors([x, y], True)
                game.gameField[x][y] = 0
                game.updateNeighbors([x, y], False)

        elif(event.type == pygame.QUIT):
        elif(event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN):
            # return key starts and stops the simulation
            if(event.key == pygame.K_RETURN):
                if(running == False):
                    running = True
                    running = False
            # 't' key ticks the simulation forward one generation
            elif(event.key == pygame.K_t and running == False):
            # 'r' randomizes the playfield
            elif(event.key == pygame.K_r):
            # 'c' clears the game field
            elif(event.key == pygame.K_c):
                running = False
                game.gameField = np.zeros(fieldSize)
                game.neighbors = np.zeros(fieldSize)
            # 'n' displays the neighbor map
            elif(event.key == pygame.K_n):

    if(running == True):

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

self.neighborsOld = self.neighbors不会复制地图,只会指向它。


a = [[1,2],[3,4]]
b = a
b[0][0] = 9
>>> a
[[9, 2], [3, 4]]


b = [x[:] for x in a]

import copy
b = copy.deepcopy(a)


b[0][0] = 9
>>> a
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]