
时间:2014-02-03 11:35:35

标签: outlook applescript

如何将图片分配给Applescript中的新Outlook联系人? Outlook字典告诉我Outlook确实有一个图像类,但我不知道如何填充一个。它似乎不喜欢只是被赋予finder认为是Jpeg文件的东西:

tell application "Finder"              
    set theImageFile to a reference to file "Macintosh HD:Users:maximiliantyrtania:Pictures:image-151718-galleryV9-zhek.jpg"
    --set theImageFilePosixPath to POSIX file "/Users/maximiliantyrtania/Pictures/image-151718-galleryV9-zhek.jpg"
    set filekind to (kind of theImageFile) as string
    display dialog "its a" & filekind--displays "its a jpeg"
end tell
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"

    make new contact with properties {first name:"some", last name:"one", image:theImageFile, email addresses:{{address:"work@mywork.com", type:work}, {address:"home@myhome.com", type:home}}}
end tell

结果:error "„«class docf» \"image-151718-galleryV9-zhek.jpg\" of «class cfol» \"Pictures\" of «class cfol» \"maximiliantyrtania\" of «class cfol» \"Users\" of «class sdsk» of application \"Finder\"“ kann nicht in den erwarteten Typ umgewandelt werden." number -1700 from «class docf» "image-151718-galleryV9-zhek.jpg" of «class cfol» "Pictures" of «class cfol» "maximiliantyrtania" of «class cfol» "Users" of «class sdsk»

我想我必须说出以下内容: 设置imageToAssign以创建新的image(),但语法可能是什么?在网上找不到任何相关内容。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


set theImageFile to a reference to POSIX file "/Users/maximiliantyrtania/Pictures/image-151718-galleryV9-zhek.jpg"

set img_file to open for access theImageFile
set img_data to read img_file as "JPEG"

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    set new_contact to make new contact with properties {first name:"Joan", last name:"Smith", email addresses:{{address:"work@mywork.com", type:work}, {address:"home@myhome.com", type:home}}}        
    set the image of new_contact to img_data        
end tell
