
时间:2014-01-31 21:55:22

标签: python r simulation montecarlo




  • 如何构建变量
  • 如何模拟
  • 如何将模拟变量与非模拟变量相乘

即使我添加了另一个裁剪和/或服务器场,我希望它能够正常工作 - 理想情况下即使我添加了另一个维度,例如作物品种(格兰尼史密斯等)。我还想通过名称而不是索引编号来引用农场和农作物。



farms <- c('Farm 1', 'Farm 2');
crops <- c('Pear', 'Apple');
params <- c('mean','sd');

numTrees <- array(0, dim=c(length(farms), length(crops)), dimnames=list(farms,crops));
fruitPerTree <- array(0, dim=c(length(farms), length(varieties), length(params)), 

# input data e.g.
numTrees['Farm 1', 'Pear'] = 100
# and
fruitPerTree['Farm 1', 'Pear', 'mean'] = 50


simNormal2D <- function(dataVar, numSims) {
# Generate possible outcomes for dataVar (e.g. fruitPerTree).
# It generates them for each value of the first two dimensions. 
# Args:
#   dataVar:    3-dimensional array, 
#               with 3rd dim being the normal params
#   numSims:    integer, e.g. 10000
# e.g. sims <- simNormal2D(fruitPerTree, 10000)
# Returns:
#   a 3D array with 3rd dimension indexing the simulated results
dims <- dimnames(dataVar);

sims <- array(dim=c(length(dims[[1]]), length(dims[[2]]), 0), 
              dimnames=list(dims[[1]], dims[[2]], NULL));
    for(x in dims[[1]]) {
    for(y in dims[[2]]) {
        sim <- rnorm(numSims, dataVar[x, y, 'mean'], 
                              dataVar[x, y, 'sd'] );
        sims <- append(sims, sim);
# R fills array from first arg columnwise, so dims are reversed
sims <- array(sims, c(numSims, length(dims[[2]]), 
              dimnames=list(c(1:numSims), dims[[2]], dims[[1]]));
# reverse them back again
sims <- aperm(sims, c(3,2,1));
simFruitPerTree <- simNormal2D(fruitPerTree, numSims);


simNumTrees <- array(numTrees, dim=c(length(dims[[1]]), length(dims[[2]]), numSims), 
                     dimnames=list(dims[[1]], dims[[2]], c(1:numSims)));
simTotalFruit <- simFruitPerTree * simNumTrees;


fruit_per_tree = {}
fruit_per_tree[('Farm 1', 'Pear')]  = (50, 15) # normal params
sim_fruit_per_tree = {key: random.normal(*params, size=num_sims) 
                      for key, params in fruit_per_tree.items() }
sim_total_fruit = {key: sim_fruit_per_tree[key]*num_trees[key] for key in num_trees }


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


#for reproducibility

farms <- data.frame(farm=rep(1:2, each=2),
                    trees=sample(100, 4),
                    crop=rep(c("pear", "apple")),
                    mean=c(100, 200, 70, 120),
                    sd=c(30, 15, 25, 20))

n <- 100

fruits <- t(matrix(rnorm(n*nrow(farms), farms$mean, farms$sd), ncol=n))

#[1] 101.10215 200.06649  68.01185 120.05096

fruits <- melt(fruits, value.name="harvest_per_tree")
farms$i <- seq_len(nrow(farms))

farm_sim <- merge(farms, fruits, by.x="i", by.y="Var2", all=TRUE)
names(farm_sim)[7] <- "sim_i"

#multiply with number of trees
farm_sim$harvest_total <- farm_sim$harvest_per_tree * farm_sim$trees
#   i farm trees crop mean sd sim_i harvest_per_tree harvest_total
# 1 1    1    92 pear  100 30     1        110.89385     10202.234
# 2 1    1    92 pear  100 30     2        145.34566     13371.801
# 3 1    1    92 pear  100 30     3        139.14609     12801.440
# 4 1    1    92 pear  100 30     4         96.00036      8832.033
# 5 1    1    92 pear  100 30     5         26.78599      2464.311
# 6 1    1    92 pear  100 30     6         94.84248      8725.508

ggplot(farm_sim, aes(x=sim_i, y=harvest_total, colour=factor(farm))) +
  geom_line() +

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果我理解正确,那么您正在对来自n个农场的总水果输出进行建模,每个农场都有k种类型的作物(此处,n = k = 2)。每个农场每个品种都有一定数量的树木,对于每个农场,生产力(果实/树)是分布在N(μ,σ)上的随机变量,其中μ和σ取决于农场和品种。

因此,对于输入,我们构建了一个数据框,params有5列:farm, crop, trees, mean, and sd。然后,对于给定的农场/作物组合,每行包含树的数量,每棵树的平均生产力以及每棵树的生产力的变化。这些是输入。



也就是说,输出是length =#trees的随机样本,其中mean和sd适合给定的品种和农场。然后,该品种/农场的所有树木的总产量只是上面的向量的总和,并且总产出是所有农场/作物的这些总和的总和。

所有这些都为我们提供了蒙特卡洛模型的 1次迭代。要确定总产出的分布,我们必须重复这个过程若干次。幸运的是,在R中这是相当简单的:

farms  <- c('Farm 1', 'Farm 2')
crops  <- c('Pear', 'Apple')

params <- expand.grid(farms=farms,crops=crops)
params$trees<- 100
params$mean <- 50
params$sd   <- 10
n.iterations<- 1000

output <- function(i,p) {
  pp   <- p[3:5]   # trees, mean, sd for each farm/crop
  # fruit = total output for each farm/crop combination
  fruit <- colSums(apply(pp,1,function(x)rnorm(x[1],x[2],x[3])))
  return(sum(fruit))  # grand total output
dist   <- sapply(1:n.iterations,output,params)
#    mean      sd 
# 19997.5   198.8 
hist(dist, main="Distribution of Total Output", 
     sub=paste(n.iterations,"Iterations"),xlab="Total Fruit Output")

此代码与农场或品种的数量无关;只需在开头更改farmscrops向量。如果并非所有农场都拥有所有品种,请为缺失的品种设置params$trees <- 0


gg     <- do.call(rbind,
gg     <- data.frame(gg)
  geom_histogram(aes(x=total, y=..density.., fill=factor(n)))+


答案 2 :(得分:0)


distSim <- function(nSims, simName, distFn, dimList, paramList, constList) {
    # Simulate from a distribution across all the dimensions.
    # Args:
    #   nSims:     integer, e.g. 10000
    #   simName:   name of the output column, e.g. 'harvestPerTree'
    #   distFn:    distribution function, e.g. rnorm
    #   dimList:   list of dimensions, 
    #              e.g. list(farms=c('farm A', 'farm B'), crops=c('apple', 'pear', 'durian'))
    #   paramList: list of parameters, each of length = product(length(d) for d in dimList),
    #              to be passed to the distribution function,
    #              e.g. list(mean=c(10,20,30,5,10,15), sd=c(2,4,6,1,2,3))
    #   constList: optional vector of length = product(length(d) for d in dimList)
    #              these are included in the output dataframe
    #              e.g. list(nTrees=c(10,20,30,1,2,3))
    # Returns:
    #   a dataframe with one row per iteration x product(d in dimList)

    # expand out the dimensions into a dataframe grid - one row per combination
    df <- do.call(expand.grid, dimList);
    nRows <- nrow(df);
    # add the parameters, and constants, if present
    df <- cbind(df, paramList);
    if (!missing(constList)) {
        df <- cbind(df, constList);
    # repeat this dataframe for each iteration of the simulation
    df <- do.call("rbind",replicate(nSims, df, simplify=FALSE));
    # add a new column giving the iteration number ('simId')
    simId <- sort(rep(seq(1:nSims),nRows));
    df <- cbind(simId, df);
    # simulate from the distribution
    df[simName] <- do.call(distFn, c(list(n=nrow(df)), df[names(paramList)]))


dimList <- list(farms=c('farm A', 'farm B'), crops=c('apple', 'pear', 'durian'));
constList <- list(numTrees=c(10,20,30,1,2,3));
paramList <- list(mean=c(10,20,30,5,10,15), sd=c(2,4,6,1,2,3));
distSim(nSims=3, simName='harvestPerTree', distFn=rnorm, dimList=dimList, 
        paramList=paramList, constList=constList);


   simId  farms  crops mean sd numTrees harvestPerTree
1      1 farm A  apple   10  2       10       9.602849
2      1 farm B  apple   20  4       20      20.153225
3      1 farm A   pear   30  6       30      25.839825
4      1 farm B   pear    5  1        1       1.733120
5      1 farm A durian   10  2        2      13.506135
6      1 farm B durian   15  3        3      11.690910
7      2 farm A  apple   10  2       10       7.678611
8      2 farm B  apple   20  4       20      22.119560
9      2 farm A   pear   30  6       30      31.488002
10     2 farm B   pear    5  1        1       5.366725
11     2 farm A durian   10  2        2       6.333747
12     2 farm B durian   15  3        3      13.918085
13     3 farm A  apple   10  2       10      10.387194
14     3 farm B  apple   20  4       20      21.086388
15     3 farm A   pear   30  6       30      34.076926
16     3 farm B   pear    5  1        1       6.159415
17     3 farm A durian   10  2        2       8.322902
18     3 farm B durian   15  3        3       9.458085


numTrees2 <- array(0, dim=c(length(farms), length(crops)), dimnames=tree_dimList);
numTrees2['Farm A','apple'] = 200; 
# etc

然后,c(numTrees)命令其输出的方式与expand.grid匹配,因此您可以将constList = list(numTrees=c(numTrees2)传递给distSim