
时间:2014-01-30 21:23:08

标签: c# multithreading invoke

我正在阅读我要发布的那个例子,我不明白的是: 他们说,如果我想与GUI进行交互,则必须由UI线程完成。换句话说:使用Controll类的.Invoke方法。在示例中,我不明白为什么我们在output.Invoke...方法中使用GenerateRandomCharacters来改变输出,但在Toggle()中输出也在改变(其颜色) )没有.Invoke?是不是一样?

public class RandomLetters
    private static Random generator = new Random(); // for random letters
    private bool suspended = false; // true if thread is suspended
    private Label output; // Label to display output
    private string threadName; // name of the current thread

   // RandomLetters constructor
   public RandomLetters( Label label )
      output = label;
   } // end RandomLetters constructor

   // delegate that allows method DisplayCharacter to be called
   // in the thread that creates and maintains the GUI
   private delegate void DisplayDelegate( char displayChar );

   // method DisplayCharacter sets the Label's Text property
   private void DisplayCharacter( char displayChar )
   // output character in Label
      output.Text = threadName + ": " + displayChar;
   } // end method DisplayCharacter

   // place random characters in GUI
   public void GenerateRandomCharacters()
   // get name of executing thread
      threadName = Thread.CurrentThread.Name;

      while ( true ) // infinite loop; will be terminated from outside
      // sleep for up to 1 second
         Thread.Sleep( generator.Next( 1001 ) );

         lock ( this ) // obtain lock
           while ( suspended ) // loop until not suspended
             Monitor.Wait( this ); // suspend thread execution
           } // end while
         } // end lock
         // select random uppercase letter
         char displayChar = ( char ) ( generator.Next( 26 ) + 65 );

         // display character on corresponding Label
         output.Invoke( new DisplayDelegate( DisplayCharacter ),
         new object[] { displayChar } );
      } // end while
    } // end method GenerateRandomCharacters

    // change the suspended/running state
    public void Toggle()
       suspended = !suspended; // toggle bool controlling state

       // change label color on suspend/resume
       output.BackColor = suspended ? Color.Red : Color.LightGreen;

       lock ( this ) // obtain lock
          if ( !suspended ) // if thread resumed
          Monitor.Pulse( this );
       } // end lock
     } // end method Toggle
  } // end class RandsomLetters


public partial class GUIThreadsForm : Form
    public GUIThreadsForm()
    } // end constructor

    private RandomLetters letter1; // first RandomLetters object
    private RandomLetters letter2; // second RandomLetters object
    private RandomLetters letter3; // third RandomLetters object

    private void GUIThreadsForm_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
        // create first thread
        letter1 = new RandomLetters( thread1Label );
        Thread firstThread = new Thread(
            new ThreadStart( letter1.GenerateRandomCharacters ) );
        firstThread.Name = "Thread 1";



private void threadCheckBox_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e )
    if ( sender == thread1CheckBox )
    else if ( sender == thread2CheckBox )
    else if ( sender == thread3CheckBox )
} // end method threadCheckBox_CheckedChanged


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