
时间:2014-01-30 18:59:54

标签: java methods palindrome


    class palindromeTesting
    public static void main(String[] args)
            String userInput;
            String goodWords;
            String palindromes;

            System.out.println("Please enter a sentance to be tested for palindrome: ");
            userInput = EasyIn.getString();
            userInput += " " ; 

            goodWords = charsCheck(userInput); //Calling a method to check if any word contains more than letters.
            palindromes = palinCheck(goodWords); //Checking the good words to see if they're palindromes.
            System.out.println("The valid palindromes are " + palindromes);

        } //Main


    public static String charsCheck(String userInput)
            String validWords;
            String firstWord;
            Boolean goodWord;
            int spacePos;
            char letter;

            spacePos = userInput.indexOf(" ");
            validWords = "";

            while(spacePos > 0)
                    firstWord = userInput.substring(0 , spacePos);
                    goodWord = true;

                    for(int index = 0 ; index < firstWord.length()  && goodWord == true ; index++)
                            spacePos = userInput.indexOf(" ");
                            letter = Character.toUpperCase(firstWord.charAt(index));

                            if(letter < 'A' || letter > 'Z' )
                                    goodWord = false;

                        } //for

                        if(goodWord == true)
                                firstWord = firstWord + " ";
                                validWords = validWords + firstWord;

                    userInput = userInput.substring(spacePos + 1);
                    spacePos = userInput.indexOf(" ");

                } //While

            return validWords;

        } //charsCheck main


    public static String palinCheck(String goodWords)
            String firstWord;
            String validPalins = "";
            String backward = "";
            int spacePos;

            spacePos = goodWords.indexOf(" ");

            while(spacePos > 0)
                    firstWord = goodWords.substring(0 , spacePos);
                    for(int i = firstWord.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) 
                            backward = backward + firstWord.charAt(i);

                            validPalins = validPalins + firstWord;

                    goodWords = goodWords.substring(spacePos + 1) ;
                    spacePos = goodWords.indexOf(" ") ; 


            return validPalins; 

        } //palinCheck main 


} //Class

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果您认为问题是空格,则可以始终使用replaceAll()方法(check out the API)删除所有空格(以及任何其他不需要的字符)。假设您要比较word1word2以确定它们是否是回文,请执行以下操作:

String word1 = "du mb";
String word2 = "b,mu d";

word1 = word1.replaceAll(" ", "");//replace it with empty string
word1 = word1.replaceAll(",", "");//even if the comma doesn't exist, this method will be fine.
word2 = word2.replaceAll(" ", "");
word2 = word2.replaceAll(",", "");

一旦你被不必要的角色或空间所占据,那么你应该进行检查。此外,您可以始终使用 正则表达式 表达式来完成此类任务,但对于初学者来说,这可能有点难以学习。


<强> 旁注


此外,我还没有研究过数组,所以如果数组不是,我会很感激   使用


答案 1 :(得分:0)

您描述的问题实际上并非发生了什么;你的代码确实继续下一个单词。对于我的测试,我使用了测试输入Hi my name is blolb


要解决此问题,只需在while循环中声明String backward,如下所示:

while(spacePos > 0) {
    String backward = "";
    // rest of loop



goodWords = goodWords.substring(spacePos + 1) ;


currentGoodWords = goodWords.substring(spacePos + 1) ;

另外,我认为这是作业,所以如果你被允许使用它,我肯定会看看Elliot Frisch提到的StringBuilder#reverse()方法(我承认,我以前从未知道过这种方法) ,所以Elliot的主要成绩是+1。

答案 2 :(得分:0)


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Palindrome  {
   public static void main(String[]args){
      if(isReverse()){System.out.println("This is a palindrome.");}
      else{System.out.print("This is not a palindrome");}
   public static boolean isReverse(){
     Scanner keyboard =  new Scanner(System.in);
      System.out.print("Please type something: "); 
      String line = ((keyboard.nextLine()).toLowerCase()).replaceAll("\\W","");
      return (line.equals(new StringBuffer(line).reverse().toString()));