Highcharts Graph仅在Window Resize上正确显示

时间:2014-01-30 13:21:43

标签: javascript ruby-on-rails highcharts window-resize


这是首次加载时图表的外观 - > [链接] [1](错误) 这是图表在调整窗口大小后的样子 - > [链接] [2](正确)



- player_url = URI.encode('http://'+request.host_with_port + player.url)
- player_title = "AmericanSoccerNow: #{player.title}"
- player_description = player.dek

- highchart_data = @asns.map { |asn| [asn.asn_month.try(:strftime, '%b/%y'), asn.player_rank(player)] }
- highchart_xaxis_data = @asns.collect { |asn| asn.asn_month.try(:strftime, '%b-%y')}

  / :javascript
  /   alert( 'You are running jQuery version: ' + $.fn.jquery );
    - if player.hero_image and player.hero_image.attached
      = image_tag player.hero_image.attached.url, :height => "auto", :width => "100%"
        = player.hero_image.credit.try(:html_safe)
        #contain{:style => "width: 100%; height: auto; "}
          $(function() {
                chart: {
                    spacingLeft: 0
                title: {
                  text: 'ASN 100 Ranking Tracker',
                    style: {
                      color: 'black',
                      font: 'normal 12px "Alfa Slab One", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
                xAxis: {
                  categories: #{raw highchart_xaxis_data.to_json},
                  labels: {
                    lineColor: 'red',
                    lineWidth: 2,
                    enabled: true,
                    style: {
                        color: 'black',
                        font: 'normal 10px "Arial", sans-serif',
                yAxis: {
                    reversed: true,
                    opposite: true,
                    gridLineColor: 'black',
                    lineColor: 'black',
                    lineWidth: 1,
                    title: {
                      text: '',
                      style: {
                        color: 'red',
                        fontWeight: 'bold'
                    plotLines: [{
                      value: 0,
                      width: 1,
                      color: '#808080'
                legend: {
                  layout: 'vertical',
                  align: 'right',
                  verticalAlign: 'middle',
                  borderWidth: 0
                credits: {
                  enabled: false,
                series: [{
                  showInLegend: false,
                  name: "#{player.title}'s Rank",
                  color: 'red',
                  data: #{raw highchart_data.to_json}

    - else 
      = image_tag "http://placehold.it/200x240", :height => 240, :width => 250
    - unless player.relatables.external_videos.empty?
      - player.relatables.external_videos.each do |video|
          = image_tag video.preview_image, :class => 'video_preview', :width => "100%", :height => "auto", :data => {'youtube-id' => video.youtube_id, :player_id => player.slug, :player_rank => @rank}
          .video_embed{:style => 'display:none;', :data => {'youtube-id' => video.youtube_id}}
            = video.movie_embed.html_safe
            = video.title

      = render '/shared/player_addthis', :url => player_url, :title => player_title, :description => player_description, :show_print => true

      - unless @rank.nil?
          = "##{@rank}"
      = player.title

        = player.birth_date.try(:strftime, '%B %e, %Y')
        = player.age
      - if player.birth_place.present?
            Place of birth
          = player.birth_place
        %span POSITION
        = player.human_readable_position
        %span HEIGHT 
        = display_feet(player.height)
        %span WEIGHT
        = player.weight
        %span U.S. CAPS
        = player.us_caps
      - if player.club.present?
          %span CLUB
          = player.club.name
      - if player.twitter_handle.present?
          = link_to "@#{player.twitter_handle}", "http://twitter.com/#{player.twitter_handle}", :target => '_blank'
          = "(#{humanize_twitter_followers(player.twitter_followers)} followers)"
      / - @asns.each do |asn|
      /   - if rank = asn.player_rank(player)
      /     - if rank > 100
      /       - ranking = 'unranked in the top 100'
      /     - else
      /       - ranking = "ranked #{rank}"
      /   - else
      /     - ranking = 'unranked'
      /   %li
      /     %span= "#{asn.asn_month.strftime('%b %Y')}: #{ranking}" 
      - if @current_rank or @previous_rank
          %span Current ASN 100 Rank
          = (@current_rank.nil? or @current_rank > 100) ? "Unranked" : @current_rank
          %span Previous ASN 100 Rank
          = (@previous_rank.nil? or @previous_rank > 100) ? "Unranked" : @previous_rank 
      - if player.youth_experience.present?
          %span Youth Experience
          = player.youth_experience
      - if player.contract_status.present?
          %span Contract Status
          = player.contract_status
      - if player.questionnaire.present?
          %span ASN QUESTIONNAIRE
          = link_to "Read now", player.questionnaire.url

    = player.body.try(:html_safe)

    - unless player.relatables.external_links.empty?
      %h4 Noteworthy Reads
      - player.relatables.external_links.each do |external_link|
        = link_to external_link.title, external_link.url, :target => '_blank'




#contain{:style => "width: 100%; height: auto; "}
      $(function() {
        var initializeChart = function() {
            chart: {
                spacingLeft: 0,
                events: {
                  load: function() {
            title: {
              text: 'ASN 100 Ranking Tracker',
                style: {
                  color: 'black',
                  font: 'normal 12px "Alfa Slab One", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
            xAxis: {
              categories: #{raw highchart_xaxis_data.to_json},
              labels: {
                lineColor: 'red',
                lineWidth: 2,
                enabled: true,
                style: {
                    color: 'black',
                    font: 'normal 10px "Arial", sans-serif',
            yAxis: {
                reversed: true,
                opposite: true,
                gridLineColor: 'black',
                lineColor: 'black',
                lineWidth: 1,
                title: {
                  text: '',
                  style: {
                    color: 'red',
                    fontWeight: 'bold'
                plotLines: [{
                  value: 0,
                  width: 1,
                  color: '#808080'
            legend: {
              layout: 'vertical',
              align: 'right',
              verticalAlign: 'middle',
              borderWidth: 0
            credits: {
              enabled: false,
            series: [{
              showInLegend: false,
              name: "#{player.title}'s Rank",
              color: 'red',
              data: #{raw highchart_data.to_json}

        window.setTimeout(initializeChart, 200);


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


#contain{:style => "width: 100%; height: auto; "}
      $(function() {
        var initializeChart = function() {
            chart: {
                spacingLeft: 0,
                events: {
                  load: function() {
            title: {
              text: 'ASN 100 Ranking Tracker',
                style: {
                  color: 'black',
                  font: 'normal 12px "Alfa Slab One", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
            xAxis: {
              categories: #{raw highchart_xaxis_data.to_json},
              labels: {
                lineColor: 'red',
                lineWidth: 2,
                enabled: true,
                style: {
                    color: 'black',
                    font: 'normal 10px "Arial", sans-serif',
            yAxis: {
                reversed: true,
                opposite: true,
                gridLineColor: 'black',
                lineColor: 'black',
                lineWidth: 1,
                title: {
                  text: '',
                  style: {
                    color: 'red',
                    fontWeight: 'bold'
                plotLines: [{
                  value: 0,
                  width: 1,
                  color: '#808080'
            legend: {
              layout: 'vertical',
              align: 'right',
              verticalAlign: 'middle',
              borderWidth: 0
            credits: {
              enabled: false,
            series: [{
              showInLegend: false,
              name: "#{player.title}'s Rank",
              color: 'red',
              data: #{raw highchart_data.to_json}

        window.setTimeout(initializeChart, 200);



答案 1 :(得分:2)


