Facebook登录 - 电子邮件不再工作了

时间:2014-01-29 19:01:20

标签: php facebook facebook-apps facebook-login

我正在使用facebook sdk让用户登录我的网站。这段代码一直工作到今天,实际上它返回(从现在开始)一个引用最后一行的错误。


require 'facebookSDK/src/facebook.php';

// Create our Application instance (replace this with your appId and secret).
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
  'appId'  => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

// Get User ID
$user = $facebook->getUser();

// We may or may not have this data based on whether the user is logged in.
// If we have a $user id here, it means we know the user is logged into
// Facebook, but we don't know if the access token is valid. An access
// token is invalid if the user logged out of Facebook.

if ($user) {
  try {
    // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated.
    $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
  } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
    $user = null;

// Login or logout url will be needed depending on current user state.
if ($user) {
  $logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl();
} else {
  $statusUrl = $facebook->getLoginStatusUrl();
  $loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl();
  header('location: '.$loginUrl);

// This call will always work since we are fetching public data.
$naitik = $facebook->api('/naitik');



未定义的索引'email'。 我不知道该怎么做!它从现在开始工作...... 我需要获取用户的电子邮件,'name'和'id'参数都可以,但不是'email'。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


将此行更改为 $ user_profile = $ facebook-> api(' / me?fields = email');