python locale在字符串末尾设置货币

时间:2014-01-29 18:45:15

标签: python position locale currency

我的货币固定可能不是最好的外观方式,但它有效,我现在需要的是货币符号将放在字符串的末尾。 当我在语言环境的不同功能上尝试p_sign_posn = 3时,我无法让它工作。

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
bruto = locale.currency(total, grouping=True).replace('$', 'ISK ')
tax = locale.currency(tax, grouping=True).replace('$', 'ISK ')
netto = locale.currency(netto, grouping=True).replace('$', 'ISK ')

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


import locale

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')

def addAndReverseSign(number, grouping=True):
    sign, number = locale.currency(number, grouping).replace('$', 'ISK ').split(' ')
    print number, sign


答案 1 :(得分:1)


import locale

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'icelandic')

total, tax, netto = 100.00, 8.32, 108.32

bruto = locale.currency(total, grouping=True).replace('kr.', 'ISK ')
tax = locale.currency(tax, grouping=True).replace('kr.', 'ISK ')
netto = locale.currency(netto, grouping=True).replace('kr.', 'ISK ')

print bruto  # 100,00 ISK
print tax    # 8,32 ISK
print netto  # 108,32 ISK

更复杂但更通用的方法是使用recipe given in the documentation for formatting currency的这个修改版本,我已经添加了对locale模块中与其名称相对应的四个附加关键字参数的支持

from decimal import Decimal

def moneyfmt(value, places=2, curr='', sep=',', dp='.',
             pos='', neg='-', trailneg='',
             p_cs_precedes=True, n_cs_precedes=True,
             p_sep_by_space=False, n_sep_by_space=False):
    """Convert numeric value to a money formatted string.

    places:   required number of places after the decimal point
    curr:     optional currency symbol before the sign (may be blank)
    sep:      optional grouping separator (comma, period, space, or blank)
    dp:       decimal point indicator (comma or period)
              only specify as blank when places is zero
    pos:      optional sign for positive numbers: '+', space or blank
    neg:      optional sign for negative numbers: '-', '(', space or blank
    trailneg: optional trailing minus indicator:  '-', ')', space or blank
    p_cs_precedes: currency symbol precedes positive value*
    n_cs_precedes: currency symbol precedes negative value*
    p_sep_by_space: currency symbol separated by space from the positive value*
    n_sep_by_space: currency symbol separated by space from the negative value*
      (keywords added*)

    >>> d = Decimal('-1234567.8901')
    >>> moneyfmt(d, curr='$')
    >>> moneyfmt(d, places=0, sep='.', dp='', neg='', trailneg='-')
    >>> moneyfmt(d, curr='$', neg='(', trailneg=')')
    >>> moneyfmt(Decimal(123456789), sep=' ')
    '123 456 789.00'
    >>> moneyfmt(Decimal('-0.02'), neg='<', trailneg='>')

    if not isinstance(value, Decimal):
        value = Decimal(value)
    q = Decimal(10) ** -places      # 2 places --> '0.01'
    sign, digits, exp = value.quantize(q).as_tuple()
    result = []
    digits = map(str, digits)
    build, next = result.append, digits.pop
    if p_cs_precedes:
       if p_sep_by_space:
            build(' ')
    if sign:
    for i in range(places):
        build(next() if digits else '0')
    if not digits:
    i = 0
    while digits:
        i += 1
        if i == 3 and digits:
            i = 0
    build(neg if sign else pos)
    if not p_cs_precedes:
        if p_sep_by_space:
            build(' ')
    return ''.join(reversed(result))

# try all the combinations of new options on a positive and negative number
from itertools import izip, product

kwrds = 'p_cs_precedes', 'n_cs_precedes', 'p_sep_by_space', 'n_sep_by_space'
for netto in [100, -100]:
    for combo in product((False,True), (False,True), (False,True), (False,True)):
        kwargs = dict(izip(kwrds, combo))
        print '{!r}'.format(moneyfmt(netto, curr='ISK', **kwargs))