
时间:2014-01-29 15:34:16

标签: canvas html5-canvas collision-detection intersection fabricjs

我在画布上画了n个矩形。矩形是可拖动和可伸缩的。 我想阻止它们重叠或相交。最好的情况是,如果他们只是互相攻击。


巧合的是,在我尝试解决这个问题时,我的物体在碰到另一个物体时无法释放。见http://jsfiddle.net/gcollect/jZw7P/ 这是因为第91行没有执行警报。 alert(math.abs(distx));



5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

这是基于gco的答案,更新后与FabricJS 1.5.0一起使用,具有以下改进:

  • 形状不重叠。
  • 对齐更敏感。
  • 形状包含在画布中。


var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas'),
canvasWidth = document.getElementById('canvas').width,
canvasHeight = document.getElementById('canvas').height,
counter = 0,
rectLeft = 0,
snap = 20; //Pixels to snap

canvas.selection = false;

function plusrect(top, left, width, height, fill) {
    var rect = new fabric.Rect({
        top: 300,
        name: 'rectangle ' + counter,
        left: 0 + rectLeft,
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        fill: 'rgba(' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)) + ',' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)) + ',' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)) + ', 0.75)',
        lockRotation: true,
        originX: 'left',
        originY: 'top',
        cornerSize: 15,
        hasRotatingPoint: false,
        perPixelTargetFind: true,
        minScaleLimit: 1,
        maxWidth: canvasWidth,
        maxHeight: canvasHeight

    rect.custom = {};
    rect.custom.counter = counter;

    rectLeft += 200;

function findNewPos(distX, distY, target, obj) {
    // See whether to focus on X or Y axis
    if(Math.abs(distX) > Math.abs(distY)) {
        if (distX > 0) {
            target.setLeft(obj.getLeft() - target.getWidth());
        } else {
            target.setLeft(obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth());
    } else {
        if (distY > 0) {
            target.setTop(obj.getTop() - target.getHeight());
        } else {
            target.setTop(obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight());

canvas.on('object:moving', function (options) {
    // Sets corner position coordinates based on current angle, width and height

    // Don't allow objects off the canvas
    if(options.target.getLeft() < snap) {

    if(options.target.getTop() < snap) {

    if((options.target.getWidth() + options.target.getLeft()) > (canvasWidth - snap)) {
        options.target.setLeft(canvasWidth - options.target.getWidth());

    if((options.target.getHeight() + options.target.getTop()) > (canvasHeight - snap)) {
        options.target.setTop(canvasHeight - options.target.getHeight());

    // Loop through objects
    canvas.forEachObject(function (obj) {
        if (obj === options.target) return;

        // If objects intersect
        if (options.target.isContainedWithinObject(obj) || options.target.intersectsWithObject(obj) || obj.isContainedWithinObject(options.target)) {

            var distX = ((obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth()) / 2) - ((options.target.getLeft() + options.target.getWidth()) / 2);
            var distY = ((obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight()) / 2) - ((options.target.getTop() + options.target.getHeight()) / 2);

            // Set new position
            findNewPos(distX, distY, options.target, obj);

        // Snap objects to each other horizontally

        // If bottom points are on same Y axis
        if(Math.abs((options.target.getTop() + options.target.getHeight()) - (obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight())) < snap) {
            // Snap target BL to object BR
            if(Math.abs(options.target.getLeft() - (obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth())) < snap) {
                options.target.setLeft(obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth());
                options.target.setTop(obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight() - options.target.getHeight());

            // Snap target BR to object BL
            if(Math.abs((options.target.getLeft() + options.target.getWidth()) - obj.getLeft()) < snap) {
                options.target.setLeft(obj.getLeft() - options.target.getWidth());
                options.target.setTop(obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight() - options.target.getHeight());

        // If top points are on same Y axis
        if(Math.abs(options.target.getTop() - obj.getTop()) < snap) {
            // Snap target TL to object TR
            if(Math.abs(options.target.getLeft() - (obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth())) < snap) {
                options.target.setLeft(obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth());

            // Snap target TR to object TL
            if(Math.abs((options.target.getLeft() + options.target.getWidth()) - obj.getLeft()) < snap) {
                options.target.setLeft(obj.getLeft() - options.target.getWidth());

        // Snap objects to each other vertically

        // If right points are on same X axis
        if(Math.abs((options.target.getLeft() + options.target.getWidth()) - (obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth())) < snap) {
            // Snap target TR to object BR
            if(Math.abs(options.target.getTop() - (obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight())) < snap) {
                options.target.setLeft(obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth() - options.target.getWidth());
                options.target.setTop(obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight());

            // Snap target BR to object TR
            if(Math.abs((options.target.getTop() + options.target.getHeight()) - obj.getTop()) < snap) {
                options.target.setLeft(obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth() - options.target.getWidth());
                options.target.setTop(obj.getTop() - options.target.getHeight());

        // If left points are on same X axis
        if(Math.abs(options.target.getLeft() - obj.getLeft()) < snap) {
            // Snap target TL to object BL
            if(Math.abs(options.target.getTop() - (obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight())) < snap) {
                options.target.setTop(obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight());

            // Snap target BL to object TL
            if(Math.abs((options.target.getTop() + options.target.getHeight()) - obj.getTop()) < snap) {
                options.target.setTop(obj.getTop() - options.target.getHeight());


    // If objects still overlap

    var outerAreaLeft = null,
    outerAreaTop = null,
    outerAreaRight = null,
    outerAreaBottom = null;

    canvas.forEachObject(function (obj) {
        if (obj === options.target) return;

        if (options.target.isContainedWithinObject(obj) || options.target.intersectsWithObject(obj) || obj.isContainedWithinObject(options.target)) {

            var intersectLeft = null,
            intersectTop = null,
            intersectWidth = null,
            intersectHeight = null,
            intersectSize = null,
            targetLeft = options.target.getLeft(),
            targetRight = targetLeft + options.target.getWidth(),
            targetTop = options.target.getTop(),
            targetBottom = targetTop + options.target.getHeight(),
            objectLeft = obj.getLeft(),
            objectRight = objectLeft + obj.getWidth(),
            objectTop = obj.getTop(),
            objectBottom = objectTop + obj.getHeight();

            // Find intersect information for X axis
            if(targetLeft >= objectLeft && targetLeft <= objectRight) {
                intersectLeft = targetLeft;
                intersectWidth = obj.getWidth() - (intersectLeft - objectLeft);

            } else if(objectLeft >= targetLeft && objectLeft <= targetRight) {
                intersectLeft = objectLeft;
                intersectWidth = options.target.getWidth() - (intersectLeft - targetLeft);

            // Find intersect information for Y axis
            if(targetTop >= objectTop && targetTop <= objectBottom) {
                intersectTop = targetTop;
                intersectHeight = obj.getHeight() - (intersectTop - objectTop);

            } else if(objectTop >= targetTop && objectTop <= targetBottom) {
                intersectTop = objectTop;
                intersectHeight = options.target.getHeight() - (intersectTop - targetTop);

            // Find intersect size (this will be 0 if objects are touching but not overlapping)
            if(intersectWidth > 0 && intersectHeight > 0) {
                intersectSize = intersectWidth * intersectHeight;

            // Set outer snapping area
            if(obj.getLeft() < outerAreaLeft || outerAreaLeft == null) {
                outerAreaLeft = obj.getLeft();

            if(obj.getTop() < outerAreaTop || outerAreaTop == null) {
                outerAreaTop = obj.getTop();

            if((obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth()) > outerAreaRight || outerAreaRight == null) {
                outerAreaRight = obj.getLeft() + obj.getWidth();

            if((obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight()) > outerAreaBottom || outerAreaBottom == null) {
                outerAreaBottom = obj.getTop() + obj.getHeight();

            // If objects are intersecting, reposition outside all shapes which touch
            if(intersectSize) {
                var distX = (outerAreaRight / 2) - ((options.target.getLeft() + options.target.getWidth()) / 2);
                var distY = (outerAreaBottom / 2) - ((options.target.getTop() + options.target.getHeight()) / 2);

                // Set new position
                findNewPos(distX, distY, options.target, obj);

答案 1 :(得分:2)



.oCoords.tl .tr .bl. and .br solved it.

答案 2 :(得分:2)

这些解决方案相当不错,但不使用旋转对象。 我想出了这个。它阻止了物体的交叉。即使旋转了。






//handle moving object
this.canvas.on('object:moving', function(event) {
        var obj = event.target;

function intersectingCheck(activeObject) {
    if(typeof activeObject.refreshLast != 'boolean') {
        activeObject.refreshLast = true

    //loop canvas objects
    activeObject.canvas.forEachObject(function (targ) {
        if (targ === activeObject) return; //bypass self

        //check intersections with every object in canvas
        if (activeObject.intersectsWithObject(targ) 
            || activeObject.isContainedWithinObject(targ) 
            || targ.isContainedWithinObject(activeObject)) {
                //objects are intersecting - deny saving last non-intersection position and break loop
                if(typeof activeObject.lastLeft == 'number') {
                    activeObject.left = activeObject.lastLeft;
                    activeObject.top = activeObject.lastTop;
                    activeObject.refreshLast = false;
       else {
           activeObject.refreshLast = true;

   if(activeObject.refreshLast) {
       //save last non-intersecting position if possible
       activeObject.lastLeft = activeObject.left
       activeObject.lastTop = activeObject.top;

答案 3 :(得分:0)


canvas.forEachObject(function (obj) {
                if (obj === options.target) return;
                if (options.target.isContainedWithinObject(obj)||options.target.intersectsWithObject(obj)||obj.isContainedWithinObject(options.target)) {
                    var distx = ((obj.left + obj.width)/2) - ((options.target.left + options.target.width)/2);
                    var disty = ((obj.top + obj.height)/2) - ((options.target.top + options.target.height)/2);                  

                    if (distx > 0){
                        options.target.left = obj.left - options.target.width;
                    } else {
                        options.target.left = obj.left + obj.width;

JSFiddle。 实际上它非常酷,并且对象在x轴上相互捕捉。麻烦制造者现在是y轴。从顶部或底部开始的方法会将对象移动到左边缘或右边缘...将在此问题上工作。

答案 4 :(得分:0)

我一直在考虑类似的问题而我+ @kangax的最后一个小提琴。如果有路径冲突检测算法(例如此处找到的多边形交叉代码),我们甚至可以使用这种类型的机制对路径本身进行冲突检测:http://www.kevlindev.com/geometry/2D/intersections/index.htm
