-- AppleScript to backup crucial files from server without TimeMachine
-- J Harris 20-12-13
-- v1 created alias and used this for folder creation 26-12-13
-- v2 added share4 folder 03-01-14
-- Mount the destination and create an alias
mount volume "smb://<username>:<password>@server.domain.com/sharename"
set server to result as alias
-- do the copy
tell application "Finder"
-- Create destination folder & copy the * files. This will overwrite all files
if not (exists POSIX file "/Volumes/sharename/share1") then make new folder with properties {name:"share1"} at server
duplicate items of folder "Macintosh HD:<location to share1>" to POSIX file "/Volumes/sharename/share1" with replacing
--Create destination folder and copy the ** files. This will overwrite all files
if not (exists POSIX file "/Volumes/sharename/share2") then make new folder with properties {name:"share2"} at server
duplicate items of folder "Macintosh HD:<location to share2>" to POSIX file "/Volumes/sharename/share2" with replacing
--Create destination folder and copy *** files. This will overwrite all files
if not (exists POSIX file "/Volumes/sharename/share3") then make new folder with properties {name:"share3"} at server
duplicate items of folder "Macintosh HD:<location to share3>" to POSIX file "/Volumes/sharename/share3" with replacing
--Create destination folder and copy all local **** files. This will overwrite all files
if not (exists POSIX file "/Volumes/sharename/share4") then make new folder with properties {name:"share4"} at server
duplicate items of folder "Macintosh HD:<location to share4>" to POSIX file "/Volumes/sharename/share4" with replacing
-- Unmount the destination
eject server
end tell
然后我尝试使用Lingon来安排任务来编辑launchd。我已经读过你不能将launchd指向应用程序本身,你必须将它指向app / Contents / MacOS / Applet
答案 0 :(得分:1)
文件的完整路径:/usr/bin/osascript /path/to/your/script.scpt
我在OS X 10.8和10.9上遇到的问题:
mount volume
变量 - 我的简化版本只是尝试将共享作为已挂载的磁盘来访问。server
# Mount the share.
# Note that at least on OS X 10.8 and 10.9 this command:
# - is a no-op if the share is already mounted
# - in either case has NO return value and does NOT set the
# global `result` variable.
# The share will be mounted as "disk" /Volumes/{shareName} (POSIX) /
# {shareName}: (HFS)
# Note that the `mount volume` is defined in the Standard Additions dictionary,
# not the Finder's.
set destShareName to "sharename"
mount volume "smb://<username>:<password>@server.domain.com/" & destShareName
# Getting here without error means that the share was just mounted
# or was previously mounted.
tell application "Finder"
# Get a reference to the mounted share.
# !! It seems that at least on OSX 10.9 it can take a few seconds
# !! before a just-mounted
# !! share becomes accessible.
# !! We try for a while, but eventually give up.
set numTries to 5 # How many seconds (at least) to keep trying.
set numTry to 1
set destShare to disk destShareName
exit repeat
on error errMsg number errNo
set numTry to numTry + 1
if numTry > numTries then error errMsg & " - giving up after " & numTries & "+ seconds." number errNo
delay 1 # Sleep for 1 second, then try again.
end try
end repeat
# Define the SOURCE *HFS PATHS*.
set sourceFolderPaths to {"Macintosh HD:<location to share1>", "Macintosh HD:<location to share2>", "Macintosh HD:<location to share3>", "Macintosh HD:<location to share4>"}
# Define the corresponding DESTINATION *FOLDER NAMES*
set destFolderNames to {"share1", "share2", "share3", "share4"}
# Process all folders.
repeat with i from 1 to length of sourceFolderPaths
set sourceFolderPath to item i of sourceFolderPaths
set destFolderName to item i of destFolderNames
# Get a reference to the destination folder or create it, if it doesn't yet exist.
set destFolder to folder destFolderName of destShare
on error # folder access failed -> assume it must be created
set destFolder to make new folder with properties {name:destFolderName} at destShare
end try
# Copy the files. This will overwrite all files.
duplicate items of folder sourceFolderPath to destFolder with replacing
end repeat
# Unmount the share.
eject destShare
end tell