
时间:2014-01-24 00:19:48

标签: python django



注意:我认为您也可以将capistranodjango一起使用,但python django中是否有专门内置的内容?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

使用Fabric将django应用程序部署到远程服务器。 Fabric是一个Python库和命令行工具,用于简化SSH在应用程序部署或系统管理任务中的使用。您可以使用与capistrano gem相同的Fabric。看看这个实时代码。

from fabric.api import *

def dev():
    env.user = "example"
    env.hosts = ["example.com", ]
    env.dev = True
    env.prod = False

def prod():
    env.user = "example"
    env.hosts = ["", ]
    env.dev = False
    env.prod = True

def start_virtualenv():
    local("workon django_test")

# Local developent
def start_dev_server():
    local("python manage.py runserver_plus --settings django_test.settings.dev")

def start_dev_server_z():
    local("python manage.py runserver_plus --settings django_test.settings.dev")

def start_dev_shell():
    local("python manage.py shell --settings django_test.settings.dev")

def start_dev_dbshell():
    local("python manage.py dbshell --settings django_test.settings.dev")

def run_dev_command(command_name=""):
    """Run a command with the settings thing already setup"""
    local("python manage.py %s --settings django_test.settings.dev" % command_name)

# Remote serving
def run_prod_command(command_name=""):
    """ Just run this command on remote server """
    with cd("/srv/www/django_test/app/"):
        with prefix("source /home/user/.virtualenvs/agn/bin/activate"):
            run("python manage.py %s --settings django_test.settings.prod" % command_name)

def restart_prod_server():
    """ Start a gunicorn instance using the supervisor daemon from the server """
    run("sudo supervisorctl restart django_test")

# Deploy and shit
def deploy(commit="true"):
    TODO: there is sure a better way to set that prefix thing
    if commit == "true":
        local("git add .")
        local("git commit -a")
        local("git push")

    with cd("/srv/www/agn/app"):
        run("git pull")

    if env.dev:
        account_name = 'exampledev'
        account_name = 'user'
    prefix_string = 'source /home/%s/.virtualenvs/django_test/bin/activate' % account_name

    with cd("/srv/www/django_test/app/requirements"):
        with prefix(prefix_string):
            run("pip install -r prod.txt")

    with cd("/srv/www/django_test/app"):
        with prefix(prefix_string):
            run("python manage.py migrate --settings django_test.settings.prod")
            run("python manage.py collectstatic --settings django_test.settings.prod --noinput")
