
时间:2014-01-23 15:21:52

标签: php ldap openldap phpscheduleit




01/22/14 16:47:30,243 [68660] DEBUG default - Loading plugin. Type=Authentication, Plugin=Ldap
01/22/14 16:47:30,267 [68660] DEBUG default - Trying to connect to LDAP
01/22/14 16:47:30,271 [68660] ERROR default - Could not connect to LDAP server. Check your  settings in Ldap.config.php : TLS could not be started: Can't contact LDAP server: Unknown Net_LDAP2 Error (-1)
01/22/14 16:47:30,272 [68660] ERROR default - Uncaught exception: exception 'Exception' with message 'Could not connect to LDAP server. Check your settings in Ldap.config.php : TLS could not be started: Can't contact LDAP server: Unknown Net_LDAP2 Error (-1)' in D:\devC\phpScheduleIt\plugins\Authentication\Ldap\Ldap2Wrapper.php:58
Stack trace:
#0 D:\devC\phpScheduleIt\plugins\Authentication\Ldap\Ldap.php(128): Ldap2Wrapper->Connect()
#1 D:\devC\phpScheduleIt\lib\Application\Authentication\WebAuthentication.php(93): Ldap->Validate('[REMOVED]', '[REMOVED]')
#2 D:\devC\phpScheduleIt\Presenters\LoginPresenter.php(99): WebAuthentication->Validate('[REMOVED]', '[REMOVED]')
#3 D:\devC\phpScheduleIt\Pages\LoginPage.php(198): LoginPresenter->Login()
#4 D:\devC\phpScheduleIt\Web\index.php(35): LoginPage->Login()
#5 {main}


01/22/14 16:47:50,527 [68660] ERROR default - Could not connect to LDAP server. Check your settings in Ldap.config.php : Bind failed: Can't contact LDAP server: Unknown Net_LDAP2 Error (-1)


$conf['settings']['host'] = 'ldap.[domain.com]'; // comma separated list of ldap servers such as mydomain1,localhost
$conf['settings']['port'] = '636';      // default ldap port 389 or 636 for ssl.
$conf['settings']['version'] = '3';     // LDAP protocol version
$conf['settings']['starttls'] = 'true'; // TLS is started after connecting
$conf['settings']['binddn'] = '[user]@[domain.com]';    // The distinguished name to bind as (username). If you don't supply this, an anonymous bind will be established.
$conf['settings']['bindpw'] = '[password]'; // Password for the binddn. If the credentials are wrong, the bind will fail server-side and an anonymous bind will be established instead. An empty bindpw string requests an unauthenticated bind.
$conf['settings']['basedn'] = 'ou=[removed],dc=[removed],dc=[removed],dc=[removed]';    // LDAP base name
$conf['settings']['filter'] = '';   // Default search filter
$conf['settings']['scope'] = '';    // TLS is started after connecting
$conf['settings']['database.auth.when.ldap.user.not.found'] = 'true';   // if ldap auth fails, authenticate against phpScheduleIt database
$conf['settings']['ldap.debug.enabled'] = 'false';  // if LDAP2 should use debug logging
$conf['settings']['attribute.mapping'] = 'sn=sn,givenname=givenname,mail=mail,telephonenumber=telephonenumber,physicaldeliveryofficename=physicaldeliveryofficename,title=title';   // mapping of required attributes to attribute names in your directory
$conf['settings']['user.id.attribute'] = 'cn';  // the attribute name for user identification

IT向我提供了以下信息:host port starttls binddn bindpwbasedn。所以我相信他们知道他们在做什么,这些领域是正确的。我删除了安全值。


LDAP Support    enabled
RCS Version $Id$
Total Links 0/unlimited
API Version 3001
Vendor Name OpenLDAP
Vendor Version  20319
SASL Support    Enabled

Directive   Local Value Master Value
ldap.max_links  Unlimited   Unlimited






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