
时间:2014-01-23 15:12:54

标签: c# infinity


编辑:我还没有看到的一个想法是使用int? null表示无穷大。有没有很好的理由不这样做?

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:24)



答案 1 :(得分:4)



int x = 4;
iint pi = iint.PositiveInfinity;
iint ni = iint.NegativeInfinity;

Assert.IsTrue(x + pi == iint.PositiveInfinity);
Assert.IsTrue(pi + 1 == iint.PositiveInfinity);
Assert.IsTrue(pi + (-ni) == iint.PositiveInfinity);
Assert.IsTrue((int)((iint)5) == 5);


public struct iint
    private readonly int _int;

    public iint(int value) 
        if(value  == int.MaxValue || value == int.MinValue)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("min/max value reserved in iint");
        _int = value;

    public static explicit operator int(iint @this)
        if(@this._int == int.MaxValue || @this._int == int.MinValue)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot implicit convert infinite iint to int");

        return @this._int;

    public static implicit operator iint(int other)
        if(other == int.MaxValue || other == int.MinValue)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot implicit convert max-value into to iint");
        return new iint(other);

    public bool IsPositiveInfinity {get { return _int == int.MaxValue; } }

    public bool IsNegativeInfinity { get { return _int == int.MinValue; } }

    private iint(bool positive)
        if (positive)
            _int = int.MaxValue;
            _int = int.MinValue;

    public static readonly iint PositiveInfinity = new iint(true);

    public static readonly iint NegativeInfinity = new iint(false);

    public static bool operator ==(iint a, iint b)
        return a._int == b._int;

    public static bool operator !=(iint a, iint b)
        return a._int != b._int;

    public static iint operator +(iint a, iint b)
        if (a.IsPositiveInfinity && b.IsNegativeInfinity)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
        if (b.IsPositiveInfinity && a.IsNegativeInfinity)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
        if (a.IsPositiveInfinity)
            return PositiveInfinity;
        if (a.IsNegativeInfinity)
            return NegativeInfinity;
        if (b.IsPositiveInfinity)
            return PositiveInfinity;
        if (b.IsNegativeInfinity)
            return NegativeInfinity;

        return a._int + b._int;

    public static iint operator -(iint a, iint b)
        if (a.IsPositiveInfinity && b.IsPositiveInfinity)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
        if (a.IsNegativeInfinity && b.IsNegativeInfinity)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();
        if (a.IsPositiveInfinity)
            return PositiveInfinity;
        if (a.IsNegativeInfinity)
            return NegativeInfinity;
        if (b.IsPositiveInfinity)
            return NegativeInfinity;
        if (b.IsNegativeInfinity)
            return PositiveInfinity;

        return a._int - b._int;

    public static iint operator -(iint a)
        if (a.IsNegativeInfinity)
            return PositiveInfinity;
        if (a.IsPositiveInfinity)
            return NegativeInfinity;

        return -a;

    /* etc... */
    /* other operators here */

答案 2 :(得分:1)

您的API可以使用int.MaxValue表示正无穷大值和int.MinValue - 负无穷大的约定。


 /// <summary>
/// Making int infinity
/// ...
/// </summary>
public static class IntExtension

    public const int PositiveInfinity = int.MaxValue;

    public const int NegativeInfinity = int.MinValue;

    public static bool IsPositiveInfinity(this int x)
        return x == PositiveInfinity;

    public static bool IsNegativeInfinity(this int x)
        return x == NegativeInfinity;

    public static int Operation(this int x, int y)
        // ...

        return PositiveInfinity;

答案 3 :(得分:1)


struct InfinityInt
  readonly int Value;

  InfinityInt(int value, bool allowInfinities)
    if (!allowInfinities && (value == int.MinValue || value == int.MaxValue))
      throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
    Value = value;

  public InfinityInt(int value)
    : this(value, false)

  public static InfinityInt PositiveInfinity = new InfinityInt(int.MaxValue, true);

  public static InfinityInt NegativeInfinity = new InfinityInt(int.MinValue, true);

  public bool IsAnInfinity
    get { return Value == int.MaxValue || Value == int.MinValue; }

  public override string ToString()
    if (Value == int.MinValue)
      return double.NegativeInfinity.ToString();
    if (Value == int.MaxValue)
      return double.PositiveInfinity.ToString();

    return Value.ToString();

  public static explicit operator int(InfinityInt ii)
    if (ii.IsAnInfinity)
      throw new OverflowException();
    return ii.Value;
  public static explicit operator double(InfinityInt ii)
    if (ii.Value == int.MinValue)
      return double.NegativeInfinity;
    if (ii.Value == int.MaxValue)
      return double.PositiveInfinity;

    return ii.Value;
  public static explicit operator InfinityInt(int i)
    return new InfinityInt(i); // can throw
  public static explicit operator InfinityInt(double d)
    if (double.IsNaN(d))
      throw new ArgumentException("NaN not supported", "d");
    if (d >= int.MaxValue)
      return PositiveInfinity;
    if (d <= int.MinValue)
      return NegativeInfinity;

    return new InfinityInt((int)d);

  static InfinityInt FromLongSafely(long x)
    if (x >= int.MaxValue)
      return PositiveInfinity;
    if (x <= int.MinValue)
      return NegativeInfinity;

    return new InfinityInt((int)x);

  public static InfinityInt operator +(InfinityInt a, InfinityInt b)
    if (a.IsAnInfinity || b.IsAnInfinity)
      if (!b.IsAnInfinity)
        return a;
      if (!a.IsAnInfinity)
        return b;
      if (a.Value == b.Value)
        return a;

      throw new ArithmeticException("Undefined");
    return FromLongSafely((long)a.Value + (long)b.Value);
  public static InfinityInt operator *(InfinityInt a, InfinityInt b)
    if (a.IsAnInfinity || b.IsAnInfinity)
      if (a.Value == 0 || b.Value == 0)
        throw new ArithmeticException("Undefined");

      return (a.Value > 0) == (b.Value > 0) ? PositiveInfinity : NegativeInfinity;
    return FromLongSafely((long)a.Value * (long)b.Value);

  // and so on, and so on

答案 4 :(得分:-3)



如果你希望类具有无穷大的表示 - 那么将BigInteger包装在一个给它一个无穷大标志的类中。



(例如,在某些形式的数学中,你希望2 x无穷大=无穷大而有些你不喜欢)。
