
时间:2014-01-23 11:52:23

标签: python postgresql twisted


  1. 打开tac文件的连接并将此打开的连接传递给工厂,同时tac文件打开不同的端口
  2. 工厂将连接传递给构造函数上的Protocol并分配给Protocol属性
  3. ON协议,基于端口,初始化一个Class实例,并通过构造函数
  4. 发送打开的连接




    path = None
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    conn = txpostgres.Connection()
    defe = conn.connect("host=localhost dbname=gctracker user=gctracker password=PASSWORD port=6432")
    application = service.Application("tracker")
    factories = {}
    for device in config.get('protocols', 'keys').split(','):
        devicer = config.get(device, 'name')
        factories[devicer] = TrackerFactory(devicer, conn, defe)
        internet.TCPServer(int(config.get(device, 'port')), factories[devicer]).setServiceParent(application)
    endpoint = TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 8750)
    factory = AMPFactory(factories)
    ampService = StreamServerEndpointService(endpoint, factory)
    from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol
    class TrackerServer(Protocol):
        """Tracker Twisted Protocol Class."""
        def __init__(self, clients, devicer, connection, deferred):
            self.clients = clients
            self.devicer = devicer
            self.connection = connection
            self.deferred = deferred
            self.decoder = None
            self.host = None
            self.peer = None
            self.state = False
        def connectionMade(self):
            """ConnectionMade Twisted event."""
                decoderModule = __import__('listener.protocols.%sDecoder' % (self.devicer, ), fromlist=['%sDecoder' % (self.devicer, )])
                decoderClass = getattr(decoderModule, '%sDecoder' % (self.devicer, ))
                self.decoder = decoderClass(self.connection, self.deferred)
                self.peer = self.transport.getPeer()
                self.host = self.transport.getHost()
                self.decoder.openConnection(self.host.host, self.host.port, self.peer.host, self.peer.port)
                print 'Connection made to', self.host, 'from', self.peer
                self.clients[self.peer.host] =  self
            except ValueError:
                print "Oops!  Connection was not started"
        def connectionLost(self, reason):
            """ConnectionLost Twisted event."""
            if self.clients.has_key(self.peer.host):
                del self.clients[self.peer.host]
                print "Connection lost from", self.peer.host, ':', reason
                print "Connection unknown peer:", reason
        def dataReceived(self, data):
            """DataReceived Twisted event."""
            """ how to precess here a line for a specific client"""
            response = self.decoder.processDatagram(data)
            if  response != False:
                #d = threads.deferToThread(self.factory.decoder.processDatagram(data ))
            #except ValueError:
            #    print "Oops!  That was no valid data.  Try again..."
        def sendMessage (self, response):
            #print 'response', response
    class TrackerFactory(Factory):
        def __init__(self, devicer, connection, deferred):
            self.clients = {}
            self.devicer = devicer
            self.connection = connection
            self.deferred = deferred
        def buildProtocol(self, addr):
            proto = TrackerServer(self.clients, self.devicer, self.connection, self.deferred)
            self.connectedProtocol = proto
            return proto
    class Decoder():
        """Decoder Metaclass
        Decode datagrams according device protocol
        def __init__(self, connection, deferred):
            """Class Constructor"""
            self._logId = None
            self._id = None
            self._imei = None
            self._conn = connection
            self._d = deferred
            self.status = 0
            self.processes = ()
            self.connection = {
                           'ip': None,
                           'port': None,
                           'opend': None,
                           'closed': None,
                           'status': None
            self.device = None
            self.fields = {
                           'datagram': '',
                           'imei': '',
                           'date_time_process': None,
                           'latitude': 0.0,
                           'longitude': 0.0,
                           'course': 0,
                           'speed': 0,
                           'mileage': 0,
                           'gps_signal': 0,
                           'gsm_signal': 0,
                           'alarm_status': False,
                           'gps_status': False,
                           'vehicle_status': False,
                           'alarm_over_speed': False,
                           'other': '',
            self.datagram = {
                           'bytes': None,
                           'header': None,
                           'length': None,
                           'type': None,
                           'stop': None,
                           'information': None,
            self.validation = {
                           'header': None,
                           'tail': None,
            self.types = {
                           'login': None,
                           'location': None,
                           'status': None,
                           'warning': None,
                           'alarm': None,
                           'gps': None,
                           'command': None,
            self.response = ['00', '00']
        def openConnection (self, host_ip, host_port, peer_ip, peer_port):
            self.connection['host_ip'] = host_ip
            self.connection['host_port'] = host_port
            self.connection['peer_ip'] = peer_ip
            self.connection['peer_port'] = peer_port
            self.connection['status'] = True 
            self._d.addCallback(lambda _: self._conn.cursor())
        def closeConnection (self):
            self._d.addCallback(lambda _: self._conn.runQuery("select gps_close_connection(%s, %s);" % (self._logId, self._id)))
            self._d.addCallback(lambda _: self._conn.close())
    class PATROLURBANODecoder(Decoder):
        def __init__(self, connection, deferred):
            Decoder.__init__(self, connection, deferred)
            self.types['location'] = ''
            self.response = None
            self.sent = False
            self.counter = 0

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