
时间:2014-01-22 15:45:07

标签: c sockets tcp ip port


   SOCKET sock;
        SOCKET fd;
    uint16 port = 18001;
    void CreateSocket()
       struct sockaddr_in server, client;  // creating a socket address structure: structure contains ip address and port number
      WORD wVersionRequested;
    WSADATA wsaData;
    int len;

        printf("Initializing Winsock\n");

        wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD (1, 1);
        if (WSAStartup (wVersionRequested, &wsaData) != 0){
            printf("Winsock initialised failed \n");
        } else {

        // create socket
        sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
        if (sock < 0)    {
            printf("Could not Create Socket\n");
            //return 0;

        printf("Socket Created\n");

        // create socket address of the server
        memset( &server, 0, sizeof(server));
        // IPv4 - connection
        server.sin_family = AF_INET;
        // accept connections from any ip adress
        server.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
        // set port
        server.sin_port = htons(18001);

        //Binding between the socket and ip address
        if(bind (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)) < 0)
            printf("Bind failed with error code: %d", WSAGetLastError());

        //Listen to incoming connections
        if(listen(sock,3) == -1){
            printf("Listen failed with error code: %d", WSAGetLastError());

        printf("Server has been successfully set up - Waiting for incoming connections");

            len = sizeof(client);
            fd = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr*) &client, &len);

            if (fd < 0){
                printf("Accept failed");

            printf("\n Process incoming connection from (%s , %d)", inet_ntoa(client.sin_addr),ntohs(client.sin_port));



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