在“table tr”的顶部边框水平对齐“table tr td table”的顶部边框

时间:2014-01-21 17:28:18

标签: html css html-table

获得此CSS代码,尝试使#premademenu表tr td表以这样的方式对齐,即每个表的顶部对齐#premademenu的顶部。现在,他们与他们的中心保持一致,这是我不想要的。我知道选择器到达了所需的元素,因为显示了border属性。

#premademenu table tr td table {
    border: 1px solid white;
    border-spacing: 0;
    margin-top: 1em;
    position: top;
    vertical-align: text-top;

Here's a screen shot of the current situation.我希望元素的顶部边框(#premademenu table tr td table)在#premademenu table tr的顶部边框水平对齐。我该怎么做?



    $row = 0;
    $column = 0;
    $maxColumns = 124;

    echo "<table><tr>";

    $listHandle = fopen('templates/TemplateList.txt', 'r');
    while (!feof($listHandle)) {          

        echo "<td>";

        $filename = trim(fgets($listHandle));        
        $templateHandle = fopen("templates/" . $filename, 'r');
        $thisLine = fgets($templateHandle);     
        list($lowestX, $highestX, $lowestY, $highestY) = sscanf($thisLine, '%d %d %d %d');
            //echo $lowestX .  $highestX . $lowestY . $highestY;
        $templateTable = "<table id=\"" . $filename . "\" title =\"" . $filename . "\">" . PHP_EOL;
        $greenCells = array();

        while (!feof($templateHandle)) {                
            $thisLine = fgets($templateHandle);         
            list($thisX, $thisY) = sscanf($thisLine, '%d %d');
            $carrier = $thisX . " " . $thisY;
            array_push($greenCells, $carrier);

        for ($y = $lowestY; $y <= $highestY; $y++) {
             //   echo "inside for loop Y \n";
            $templateTable = $templateTable . "<tr>" . PHP_EOL;
            for ($x = $lowestX; $x <= $highestX; $x++) {

              //  echo $y . $x;
                $templateTable = $templateTable . "<td";
                $coordinateExists = FALSE;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $fileLength; $i++) {
                    if ($greenCells[$i] == $x . " " . $y) {
                        $coordinateExists = TRUE;

                if ($coordinateExists) {
                    $templateTable = $templateTable . " class=\"green";
                    if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) {
                        $templateTable = $templateTable . " markerdot";
                    $templateTable = $templateTable . "\"";
                } else if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) {
                    $templateTable = $templateTable . " class=\"markerdot\"";

                $templateTable = $templateTable . " x='" . $x . "' y='" . $y . "'>";
                $templateTable = $templateTable . "</td>" . PHP_EOL;
            $templateTable = $templateTable . "</tr>" . PHP_EOL;

        $templateTable = $templateTable . "</table> </td>";

        if ($column == 0) {
            $tallestTemplateHeight = $highestY - $lowestY;
        } else if (($highestY - $lowestY) > $tallestTemplateHeight) {
            $tallestTemplateHeight = $highestY - $lowestY;

        echo $templateTable;

        $column += $highestX - $lowestX;
        if ($column >= $maxColumns) {
            $row += $tallestTemplateHeight;
            echo "</tr></table><table><tr>";


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