
时间:2014-01-21 16:26:41

标签: winforms visual-studio-2010 c++-cli


以下是我的问题: 我在“Windows Form VC ++”中编写了一些代码,该代码将文本文件对文件执行语音转文本,使用文本转语音算法的翻转。在使用MS“Speak”函数发出文本之后,它应该向textBox写入一些标题信息和所说的内容。之后更新计数变量,然后调用另一个函数,该函数将从不同的方向合成另一个声音。

问题是第一个语音是在正确的时间正确合成的,但是在标题信息和说出的单词可以写入textBox之前,第二个函数被调用,一旦它结束,它只用它的信息填充textBox 。没有第一个信息被写入textBox。



    for(ClickCount_ATCText = 0; ClickCount_ATCText < FilesSelected_ATC_A; ClickCount_ATCText++)
                     PlaySound(TEXT("c:\\SSL_Sound\\AC_AudioBackground.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME);

                     //if(ClickCount_ATCText > (FilesSelected_ATC_A - 1))
                        //ClickCount_ATCText = 0;
                     //}// End DataLink if statement

                    SpeechSynthesizer^ Vocalize     = gcnew SpeechSynthesizer();                                                    //Create a voice synthesizer instance.

                    string TTS_TxtPath              = ATC_TxtFiles[ClickCount_ATCText];                                             //The following two lines converts the standard string in to a system string for use in the StreamReader function.
                    String^ TTS_FilePath            = gcnew String(TTS_TxtPath.c_str());        

                    StreamReader^ FileRead          = gcnew StreamReader(TTS_FilePath);                                             //Get the text file from the path identified.
                    String^ AutoTTSFileRead         = FileRead->ReadToEnd();                                                        //Read the entire file and store the text characters in the string variable "AutoTTSFileRead".                              

                    Vocalize->Speak(AutoTTSFileRead);                                                                               //Vocalize the text in the textbox.

                  //Sleep(3000);                                                                                                    //Pause half a second before displaying the text. Not needed, but kept for reference.

                  //* The 6 lines code below provides a timestamp and formats the output of the data link message.
                    TextToSpeechTextbox->Text           = "                            Data Link Message \r\n \r\n";
                    String^ strNew                      = gcnew String(ctime(&WhatTimeIsIt));
                    TextToSpeechTextbox->Text           = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "Timestamp: " + strNew + "\r\n"; 
                    TextToSpeechTextbox->Text           = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "\r\n";
                    TextToSpeechTextbox->Text           = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "Message:    " + AutoTTSFileRead + "\r\n";    //Display the speech data in the text box.             


                   }//End for loop   


void NE_STT_SLL_Function() 

            SetChannelVolumeLevel(North_East);                              //Set the volume level for this SSL and zero the rest.

            PlaySound(TEXT("c:\\SSL_Sound\\AC_AudioBackground.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME);                                   //Play a snippet of radio noise in the background before sythesizing

            if(ClickCount_NorthEastText >= (FilesSelected_NE - 1))
                 ClickCount_NorthEastText = 0;
              }// End DataLink if statement

            SpeechSynthesizer^ Vocalize     = gcnew SpeechSynthesizer();                                                    //Create a voice synthesizer instance.

            string TTS_TxtPath              = NorthEast_TxtFiles[ClickCount_NorthEastText];                                 //The following two lines converts the standard string in to a system string for use in the StreamReader function.
            String^ TTS_FilePath            = gcnew String(TTS_TxtPath.c_str());        

            StreamReader^ FileRead          = gcnew StreamReader(TTS_FilePath);                                             //Get the text file from the path identified.
            String^ AutoTTSFileRead         = FileRead->ReadToEnd();                                                        //Read the entire file and store the text characters in the string variable "AutoTTSFileRead".                              

            Vocalize->Speak(AutoTTSFileRead);                                                                               //Vocalize the text in the textbox.

            //* The 6 lines code below provides a timestamp and formats the output of the data link message.
            TextToSpeechTextbox->Text           = "                 (NE) Sound Source Location Message \r\n \r\n";
            String^ strNew                      = gcnew String(ctime(&WhatTimeIsIt));
            TextToSpeechTextbox->Text           = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "Timestamp: " + strNew + "\r\n"; 
            TextToSpeechTextbox->Text           = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "\r\n";
            TextToSpeechTextbox->Text           = TextToSpeechTextbox->Text + "Message:    " + AutoTTSFileRead + "\r\n";    //Display the speech data in the text box.  

            ClickCount_NorthEastText++; //Increment array index value.

          }//End NE STT SSL function

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此外,您不应该在Windows UI应用程序中使用Sleep或其他紧密循环。请考虑使用计时器(Windows :: Forms :: Timer)或考虑使用基于事件的处理!