
时间:2014-01-21 15:34:55

标签: google-apps-script google-sheets google-calendar-api



function calUpdate() 

  var projects = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  //Spreadsheet that contains event information

  var workCalendar = CalendarApp.openByName("JC Work");
  //calendar that is being updated

  var estimates = projects.getSheetByName("Upcoming Estimates");
  //Sheet that contains event information

  var lastRow = projects.getLastRow();
  //get last row with data from estimates sheet

  var estRange = estimates.getRange(2,1,lastRow,4);
   //set range that contains data

  // process the data
  for (var i;i<=estRange.length;i++) 
      if (estRange.getRange(i,4).getValue().toLowerCase()=="yes"){
      // do nothing
      else {
        // each row contains (A)gc, (B)project name, (C)date and time in date time          number format
        var gc  = estRange.getValue(i,1);  // First column of row
        var project = estRange.getValue(i, 2);  // Second column of row
        var date = estRange.getValue(i,3); //Third column of row

    Browser.msgBox("New Estimate for " + gc , "Project: " + project + "; Bid Date and Time: " + date, Browser.Buttons.OK);
    //Test to see if information is correct

    workCalendar.createEvent("Estimate for: " + gc + project,
        new Date(date),
        new Date(date));
    //write data to calendar



function calUpdate() 

  var projects = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  //Spreadsheet that contains event information

  var workCalendar = CalendarApp.openByName("JC Work");
  //calendar that is being updated

  var estimates = projects.getSheetByName("Upcoming Estimates");
  //Sheet that contains event information

  var lastRow = projects.getLastRow();
  //get last row with data from estimates sheet

  var estRange = estimates.getRange(2,1,lastRow,4).getValues();
  //set range that contains data

//just makeing sure the data is being red correctly 
        var gc  = estRange[0][0];  // First column of row
        var project = estRange[0][1];  // Second column of row
        var date = estRange[0][2]; //Third column of row

        Browser.msgBox("New Estimate for " + gc , "Project: " + project + "; Bid Date and Time: " + date, Browser.Buttons.OK);  

 // process the data
  for (var i;i<=estRange.length;i++) 
      if (estimates.getRange(i+1,4).getValue().toLowerCase()=="yes"){
      // do nothing
      else {
        // each row contains (A)gc, (B)project name, (C)date and time in date time number format
        var gc  = estRange[i][0];  // First column of row
        var project = estRange[i][1];  // Second column of row
        var date = estRange[i][2]; //Third column of row

        Browser.msgBox("New Estimate for " + gc , "Project: " + project + "; Bid Date and Time: " + date, Browser.Buttons.OK);
        //Test to see if information is correct

        workCalendar.createEvent("Estimate for: " + gc + project,
            new Date(date),
            new Date(date));
        //write data to calendar


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