
时间:2014-01-21 03:06:32

标签: vba string-formatting outlook-vba outlook-2010


With NewForward
            .Subject = "'TEST' Hazard report reciept number: HAZ" & IDnumber
            .To = strSender
            .BCC = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
            .HTMLBody = "Please accept this email as confirmation that xxxx has received your road defect notification. xxxxx will investigate and action your notification according to priority and to ensure public safety. For further information, please phone xxxxx on 4221 6111 and quote reference number " & vbCrLf & IDnumber & vbCrLf & "Your original report can be seen below:" & vbCrLf & report_body
        End With

图像: Email Screenshot

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

如果您使用.HTMLBody,则应使用HTML Tags编写。{ 试试这个:

Dim EBody as String

EBody = "Please accept this email as confirmation that xxxx has received your road defect notification." & "<br>" _
    & "xxxxx will investigate and action your notification according to priority and to ensure public safety." & "<br>" _
    & "For further information, please phone xxxxx on 4221 6111 and quote reference number:" & "<br>" _
    & IDnumber & "Your original report can be seen below:" & "<br>" _
    & reportbody

With NewForward
    .Subject = "'TEST' Hazard report reciept number: HAZ" & IDnumber
    .To = strSender
    .BCC = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    .HTMLBody = Ebody
End With

您的reportbody也应采用相同的格式HTML Tags

答案 1 :(得分:1)

