function initialise() {
doubleCount = 0;
playerturn = 1;
hotelrating = 0;
flipped = 0;
function playgame() {
rollDice(); //two dice rolls
drawDice(); //displays the dice
setPosition(); //update player position
function starplugin() {
path: 'lib/img/',
cancel: true,
cancelHint: 'remove my rating!',
cancelPlace: 'right'
$("#star > img").click(function () {
hotelrating = $(this).attr("alt");
function clearContent() {
if (flipped === 1) {
color_target: "#F8F8F8",
duration: "500"
flipped = 0;
function canBuild() {
var set = ["brown", "blue", "pink", "orange", "red", "yellow", "green", "navy"];
var buildablesets = [
for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
if (doesOwnSet('player' + playerturn, set[i])) {
buildablesetsx = buildablesets[playerturn];
if (buildablesetsx.length > 1) {
$("#buildsets" + playerturn).show();
buildsets = $("#buildsets" + playerturn);
for (k = 1; k < buildablesets[playerturn].length; k++) {
buildsets.append("<option value='" + buildablesetsx[k] + "'>" + buildablesetsx[k] + "</option>");
} else {
function build() {
var setname = $('#buildsets' + playerturn).find(":selected").text();
var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance;
var currentRating = sets[setname].rating;
var ratingToAdd = hotelrating - currentRating;
var cost = sets[setname].cost * ratingToAdd;
if (hotelrating < currentRating) {
alert("Sorry mate, you can't downgrade");
if (cost > balance) {
alert("Sorry mate, you can't afford that!");
} else {
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - cost;
sets[setname].rating = hotelrating;
function doesOwnSet(player, type) {
return Object.keys(positions)
.map(function (key) {
return positions[key];
.filter(function (pos) {
return pos.type === type;
.every(function (pos) {
return pos.owner === player;
function rollDice() {
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((6 - 1) + 1) + 1);
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((6 - 1) + 1) + 1);
dice1 = x;
dice2 = y;
dicetotal = dice1 + dice2;
function drawDice() {
$('.dice1').css('background-image', 'url(img/dice/' + dice1 + '.png)');
$('.dice2').css('background-image', 'url(img/dice/' + dice2 + '.png)');
function drawBoard() {
var set = ["brown", "blue", "pink", "orange", "red", "yellow", "green", "navy"];
for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
var setcolor = sets[set[i]].color;
if (set[i] == "yellow") {
$('.yellow').css('color', 'black');
$('.' + set[i]).css('background', setcolor);
function setPosition() {
players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = players['player' + playerturn].startpos + dicetotal;
players['player' + playerturn].prevpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos - dicetotal;
currentposition = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
if (currentposition >= 40) {
var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance;
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + 200;
$("#debug2").text("+ $200");
if (currentposition > 40) {
players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = currentposition - 40;
if (currentposition == 30) {
players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = 10;
players['player' + playerturn].startpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
title = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].title;
function movePiece() {
var x = "#piece" + playerturn + "pos" + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
var y = "#piece" + playerturn + "pos" + players['player' + playerturn].prevpos;
function checkForSale() {
var forsale = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].forsale;
if (forsale == "y") {
} else {
function checkOwner() {
var owner = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].owner;
if (owner == "none") {
} else {
function payRent() {
var currentpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance;
var type = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].type;
if (type == "utility") {
var rent = 4 * dicetotal;
} else {
var rent = positions['position' + currentpos].rent;
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - rent;
function assignOwner() {
var price = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].price;
var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance;
var title = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].title;
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - price;
positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].owner = "player" + playerturn;
//positions['position'+players['player'+playerturn].currentpos].price = positions['position'+players['player'+playerturn].currentpos].rent;
$("#owns" + playerturn).append(title + '</br>');
function checkType() {
var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance;
var type = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].type;
if (type == "tax") {
var tax = positions['position' + players['player' + playerturn].currentpos].tax;
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - tax;
$("#debug2").text("- $" + tax);
} else {
if (type == "chance") {
} else if (type == "chest") {
function chanceCard() {
var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance;
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((16 - 1) + 1) + 1);
var title = chancecards['chance' + x].title;
var type = chancecards['chance' + x].type;
var bill = chancecards['chance' + x].bill;
var bonus = chancecards['chance' + x].bonus;
if (type == "bill") {
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - bill;
$("#debug2").text("- $" + bill);
} else if (type == "bonus") {
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + bonus;
$("#debug2").text("+ $" + bonus);
} else if (type == "move") {
var newposition = chancecards['chance' + x].newposition;
var currentposition = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
if (newposition == 40) { //this if the player has to "advance to go"
} else if (newposition < currentposition) { //if the new position is less than the current one it means the player has to go past go
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + 200;
$("#debug2").text("+ $200");
players['player' + playerturn].prevpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = newposition;
players['player' + playerturn].startpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
} else if (title == "Go back 3 spaces") {
players['player' + playerturn].prevpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos - 3;
players['player' + playerturn].startpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
$(".cards").css('display', 'block');
color_target: "#F8F8F8",
duration: "500",
verso: '<span id="cardtitle">Chance</span><span id="cardinfo"> ' + title + '</span>'
flipped = 1;
function chestCard() {
var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance;
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((14 - 1) + 1) + 1);
var title = chestcards['chest' + x].title;
var chesttype = chestcards['chest' + x].type;
var bill = chestcards['chest' + x].bill;
var bonus = chestcards['chest' + x].bonus;
if (chesttype == "bill") {
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance - bill;
$("#debug2").text("- $" + bill);
} else if (chesttype == "bonus") {
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + bonus;
$("#debug2").text("+ $" + bonus);
} else if (chesttype == "move") {
var newposition = chestcards['chest' + x].newposition;
var currentposition = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
if (newposition == 40) { //this if the player has to "advance to go"
} else if (newposition < currentposition) { //if the new position is less than the current one it means the player has to go past go
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + 200;
$("#debug2").text("+ $200");
players['player' + playerturn].prevpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = newposition;
players['player' + playerturn].startpos = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
//$("#cardtitle").text("Community Chest");
$(".cards").css('display', 'block');
color_target: "#F8F8F8",
duration: "500",
verso: '<span id="cardtitle">Community Chest</span><span id="cardinfo"> ' + title + '</span>'
flipped = 1;
function advanceToGo() {
var balance = players['player' + playerturn].balance;
players['player' + playerturn].balance = balance + 200;
$("#debug2").text("+ $200");
function checkDouble() {
if (dice1 == dice2) {
if (doubleCount == 3) {
var currentpossition = players['player' + playerturn].currentpos;
players['player' + playerturn].currentpos = 10;
} else {
doubleCount = 0;
function changeTurn() {
if (playerturn == 1) {
playerturn = 2;
$("#roll1").prop("disabled", true);
$("#roll2").prop("disabled", false);
} else {
playerturn = 1;
$("#roll2").prop("disabled", true);
$("#roll1").prop("disabled", false);
function createPlayers() {
players = {
player1: {
currentpos: 0,
prevpos: 0,
startpos: 0,
balance: 1500
player2: {
currentpos: 0,
prevpos: 0,
startpos: 0,
balance: 1500
function createPositions() {
positions = {
position1: {
title: "Cairo",
type: "brown",
owner: "player1",
price: 60,
rent: [2, 10, 30, 90, 160, 250],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position3: {
title: "Vienna",
type: "brown",
owner: "player1",
price: 60,
rent: [2, 20, 60, 180, 320, 450],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position5: {
title: "Schiphol",
type: "airport",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: 25,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position6: {
title: "Brussels",
type: "blue",
owner: "none",
price: 100,
rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position8: {
title: "Oslo",
type: "blue",
owner: "none",
price: 100,
rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position9: {
title: "Zurich",
type: "blue",
owner: "none",
price: 120,
rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position11: {
title: "Amsterdam",
type: "pink",
owner: "none",
price: 140,
rent: [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position13: {
title: "Bangkok",
type: "pink",
owner: "none",
price: 140,
rent: [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position14: {
title: "Istanbul",
type: "pink",
owner: "none",
price: 160,
rent: [12, 60, 180, 500, 700, 900],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position15: {
title: "Charles de Gaulle",
type: "airport",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: 25,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position16: {
title: "Hong Kong",
type: "orange",
owner: "none",
price: 180,
rent: [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position18: {
title: "Madrid",
type: "orange",
owner: "none",
price: 180,
rent: [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position19: {
title: "Sydney",
type: "orange",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: [16, 80, 220, 600, 800, 100],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position21: {
title: "Toronto",
type: "red",
owner: "none",
price: 220,
rent: [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position23: {
title: "Mumbai",
type: "red",
owner: "none",
price: 220,
rent: [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position24: {
title: "Rome",
type: "red",
owner: "none",
price: 240,
rent: [20, 100, 300, 750, 925, 1100],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position25: {
title: "Heathrow",
type: "airport",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: 25,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position26: {
title: "Rio",
type: "yellow",
owner: "none",
price: 240,
rent: [22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position27: {
title: "Tokyo",
type: "yellow",
owner: "none",
price: 240,
rent: [22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position29: {
title: "Paris",
type: "yellow",
owner: "none",
price: 280,
rent: [24, 120, 360, 850, 1025, 1200],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position31: {
title: "Berlin",
type: "green",
owner: "none",
price: 300,
rent: [26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position32: {
title: "Bejing",
type: "green",
owner: "none",
price: 300,
rent: [26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position34: {
title: "Moscow",
type: "green",
owner: "none",
price: 320,
rent: [28, 150, 450, 1000, 1200, 1400],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position35: {
title: "John F Kennedy",
type: "airport",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: 25,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position37: {
title: "New York",
type: "navy",
owner: "player2",
price: 350,
rent: [35, 175, 500, 1100, 1300, 1500],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position39: {
title: "London",
type: "navy",
owner: "player2",
price: 400,
rent: [50, 200, 600, 1400, 1700, 2000],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position12: {
title: "Electro",
type: "utility",
owner: "none",
price: 150,
rent: 10,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position28: {
title: "Nuclear",
type: "utility",
owner: "none",
price: 150,
rent: 10,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position2: {
title: "Community Chest",
type: "chest"
position17: {
title: "Community Chest",
type: "chest"
position33: {
title: "Community Chest",
type: "chest"
position7: {
title: "Chance",
type: "chance"
position22: {
title: "Chance",
type: "chance"
position36: {
title: "Chance",
type: "chance"
position10: {
title: "Jailhouse",
type: "jail"
position20: {
title: "Coffee House",
type: "coffee"
position30: {
title: "Go to Jail",
type: "jail"
position40: {
title: "Go",
type: "home"
position4: {
title: "Income Tax",
type: "tax",
tax: 200
position38: {
title: "Super Tax",
type: "tax",
tax: 100
function createCards() {
chancecards = {
chance1: {
title: "Advance to go",
type: "move",
newposition: 40
chance2: {
title: "Advance to London",
type: "move",
newposition: 39
chance4: {
title: "Your ass is going to jail",
type: "move",
newposition: 10
chance9: {
title: "Advance to Rome",
type: "move",
newposition: 24
chance10: {
title: "Advance to Charles de Gaulle",
type: "move",
newposition: 15
chance11: {
title: "Advance to Amsterdam",
type: "move",
newposition: 11
chance6: {
title: "Go back 3 spaces",
type: "movex",
newposition: -3
chance14: {
title: "No drink and driving mate1",
type: "bill",
bill: 20
chance15: {
title: "Get out of Jail free card",
type: "bill",
bill: 150
chance7: {
title: "Pay school fees",
type: "bill",
bill: 150
chance12: {
title: "Speeding fine",
type: "bill",
bill: 150
chance5: {
title: "Bank pays you dividend",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 40
chance13: {
title: "You have won the competition",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 200
chance16: {
title: "Your building loan matures",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 200
chance3: {
title: "You are assessed for street repairs $40 per house $115 per hotel",
type: "billx"
chance8: {
title: "House repairs $25 per house $100 per hotel",
type: "billx"
chestcards = {
chest1: {
title: "Advance to go",
type: "move",
newposition: 40,
bonus: 200
chest2: {
title: "Advance to Cairo",
type: "move",
newposition: 1
chest3: {
title: "Go to Jail",
type: "move",
newposition: 10
chest4: {
title: "Pay hospital fees",
type: "bill",
bill: 100
chest5: {
title: "Pay doctor fees",
type: "bill",
bill: 50
chest6: {
title: "Pay insurance premium",
type: "bill",
bill: 50
chest7: {
title: "Bank error. Collect $200",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 200
chest8: {
title: "Annuity matures. Collect $100",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 100
chest9: {
title: "You inherit $100",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 100
chest10: {
title: "From sale of stock you get $50",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 50
chest11: {
title: "Preference shares: $25",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 25
chest12: {
title: "You have won second prize in a beauty contest. Collect $10.",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 10
chest13: {
title: "It is your birthday. Collect $10.",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 10
chest14: {
title: "You win the lottery. Collect $10",
type: "bonus",
bonus: 10
function createSets() {
sets = {
brown: {
cost: 100,
rating: 0,
color: "#996600"
blue: {
cost: 150,
rating: 0,
color: "#99CCFF"
pink: {
cost: 300,
rating: 0,
color: "#FF0066"
orange: {
cost: 300,
rating: 0,
color: "#FF6600"
red: {
cost: 450,
rating: 0,
color: "#CC0000"
yellow: {
cost: 450,
rating: 0,
color: "#FFFF00"
green: {
cost: 600,
rating: 0,
color: "#006600"
navy: {
cost: 400,
rating: 0,
color: "#003399"
我的代码出了什么问题?在控制台日志中,我收到以下错误“Uncaught SyntaxError:Unexpected token [”。这与rent
答案 0 :(得分:2)
我还建议,当只有一个租金时,如在第25个位置,你仍然将它放在一个数组中。就像:rent : [25]
window.positions = { /* ... your positions ... */ }
答案 1 :(得分:1)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
var positions = {
position1: {
title: "Cairo",
type: "brown",
owner: "player1",
price: 60,
rent: [2, 10, 30, 90, 160, 250],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position3: {
title: "Vienna",
type: "brown",
owner: "player1",
price: 60,
rent: [2, 20, 60, 180, 320, 450],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position5: {
title: "Schiphol",
type: "airport",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: 25,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position6: {
title: "Brussels",
type: "blue",
owner: "none",
price: 100,
rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position8: {
title: "Oslo",
type: "blue",
owner: "none",
price: 100,
rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position9: {
title: "Zurich",
type: "blue",
owner: "none",
price: 120,
rent: [6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position11: {
title: "Amsterdam",
type: "pink",
owner: "none",
price: 140,
rent: [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position13: {
title: "Bangkok",
type: "pink",
owner: "none",
price: 140,
rent: [10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position14: {
title: "Istanbul",
type: "pink",
owner: "none",
price: 160,
rent: [12, 60, 180, 500, 700, 900],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position15: {
title: "Charles de Gaulle",
type: "airport",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: 25,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position16: {
title: "Hong Kong",
type: "orange",
owner: "none",
price: 180,
rent: [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position18: {
title: "Madrid",
type: "orange",
owner: "none",
price: 180,
rent: [14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position19: {
title: "Sydney",
type: "orange",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: [16, 80, 220, 600, 800, 100],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position21: {
title: "Toronto",
type: "red",
owner: "none",
price: 220,
rent: [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position23: {
title: "Mumbai",
type: "red",
owner: "none",
price: 220,
rent: [18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position24: {
title: "Rome",
type: "red",
owner: "none",
price: 240,
rent: [20, 100, 300, 750, 925, 1100],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position25: {
title: "Heathrow",
type: "airport",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: 25,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position26: {
title: "Rio",
type: "yellow",
owner: "none",
price: 240,
rent: [22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position27: {
title: "Tokyo",
type: "yellow",
owner: "none",
price: 240,
rent: [22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position29: {
title: "Paris",
type: "yellow",
owner: "none",
price: 280,
rent: [24, 120, 360, 850, 1025, 1200],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position31: {
title: "Berlin",
type: "green",
owner: "none",
price: 300,
rent: [26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position32: {
title: "Bejing",
type: "green",
owner: "none",
price: 300,
rent: [26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position34: {
title: "Moscow",
type: "green",
owner: "none",
price: 320,
rent: [28, 150, 450, 1000, 1200, 1400],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position35: {
title: "John F Kennedy",
type: "airport",
owner: "none",
price: 200,
rent: 25,
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position37: {
title: "New York",
type: "navy",
owner: "player2",
price: 350,
rent: [35, 175, 500, 1100, 1300, 1500],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position39: {
title: "London",
type: "navy",
owner: "player2",
price: 400,
rent: [50, 200, 600, 1400, 1700, 2000],
rating: 0,
forsale: "y"
position38: {
title: "Super Tax",
type: "tax",
tax: 100
警报( [0]); //这应该打印2