ID | EventKey | AccessID | AccessType | Status | Final
1 | ABC123 | NULL | 123 | 335 | OK
2 | ABC123 | 985521 | NULL | 66 | OK
41 | ABC456 | NULL | 456 | 335 | OK
42 | ABC456 | 113228 | NULL | 66 | OK
即。 -
Field | FieldValuePrevious | FieldValueChanged | EventKey
AccessID | NULL | 985521 | ABC123
AccessType | 123 | NULL | ABC123
Status | 335 | 66 | ABC123
Final | OK | OK | ABC123
答案 0 :(得分:1)
基本上,您必须单独执行每个字段。让我演示如何使用SQL Server 2012执行此操作:
select 'AccessId' as field, prev_accessid as ValuePrevious,
accessid as ValueChanged, eventkey
from (select id, eventkey, accessid,
lag(id) over (partition by eventkey order by id) as prev_id
lag(accessid) over (partition by eventkey order by id) as prev_accessid
from auditlog al
) al
where prev_id is not null and
not (prev_accessid = accessid or prev_accessid is null and accessid is null);
select 'AccessId' as field, prev_accessid as ValuePrevious,
accessid as ValueChanged, eventkey
from (select id, eventkey, accessid,
lag1.id as prev_id
lag1.accessid as prev_accessid
from (select al.*,
(select top 1 id
from auditlog al2
where al2.eventkey = al.eventkey and
al2.id < al.id
order by al2.id desc
) as lag1id
from auditlog al
) al left outer join
auditlog lag1
on al.lag1id = lag1.id
) al
where prev_id is not null and
not (prev_accessid = accessid or prev_accessid is null and accessid is null);