
时间:2014-01-17 16:48:12

标签: actionscript-3

作为Flash / AS3的新手我很困惑。 我的困境:我有一个变量,它包含一个填充文本字段的字符串。该文本包括逗号,填充句点,问号等。当我运行我的电影时,一切都很笨拙,一切都显示出来。冷静! 我创建了一个工具提示,其中包含多个数组提示。我在事件处理程序中传递一个变量param,让它知道要显示哪个工具提示文本。但是,当我在我的图标上运行我的电影和鼠标来显示工具提示时,除标点符号外,一切都在那里。困惑!

var somevar = " Here's my text, just as I want it to display. Cool!" works like a charm.

var tipArray:Array = new Array();
    tipArray[0] = "By providing some text, especially here, there is no chance the punction displays! what's happening?"

function getToolTip(i:int):Function {
        return function(e:MouseEvent):void {
                //creating a new tooltip instance
                var tooltip:Tooltip = new Tooltip();
                //we tell the holder to hold our tooltip
                holder = tooltip;
                holder.tip.background = true;
                holder.tip.backgroundColor = 0xFFFFCD;
                holder.tip.border = true;
                holder.tip.borderColor = 0x000000;
                holder.tip.textColor = 0x333333;

                holder.tipHeading.background = true;
                holder.tipHeading.backgroundColor = 0x999999;
                holder.tipHeading.border = true;
                holder.tipHeading.borderColor = 0x000000;
                holder.tipHeading.textColor = 0x333333;
                holder.tipHeading.text = tipTitleArray[i];

                holder.tip.autoSize = "right";
                holder.tip.width = 180;
                holder.tipHeading.width = 180;
                holder.tip.multiline = true;
                holder.tip.wordWrap = true;
                holder.tip.text = tipArray[i];
                Vpadding = holder.height;
                holder.tipHeading.y = holder.tip.y-holder.tipHeading.height;

                //positioning the tooltip on the stage
                holder.x = stage.mouseX- Hpadding;
                holder.y = stage.mouseY - Vpadding;
                trace ("holder Y after setting: " + holder.y);

                //adding the tooltip to the stage 

我在工具提示中得到的输出是 通过提供一些文本特别是在这里,没有机会显示发生了什么


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