NASM编程 - 分段故障(核心转储)

时间:2014-01-17 10:49:16

标签: arrays x86 nasm


  1. 一个数组(只有2位数的正数)
  2. 要搜索的2位数字
  3. 输出:给定号码的次数。发生在数组




    您的电话号码 02





    enter code here
      section .data
     msg1: db "Enter the size of array",10    
     len1: equ $-msg1    
    msg2: db "Enter a number",10    
    len2: equ $-msg2     
    msg3: db "Enter the number to be searched :"     
    len3: equ $-msg3      
    msg4: db "Your entered number appeared "    
    len4: equ $-msg4    
    section .bss      
    temp: resb 1     
    array: resb 100     
    d1: resb 1      
    d0: resb 1     
    size: resb 1     
    num: resb 1     
    ele: resb 1     
    time: resb 1     
    section .text     
     global _start:     
     ;Getting the size of array     
     mov eax,4           
     mov ebx,1          
     mov ecx,msg1            
     mov edx,len1          
     int 80h             
     mov eax,3           
     mov ebx,0        
     mov ecx,d1         
     mov edx,1           
     int 80h              
     mov eax,3            
     mov ebx,0           
     mov ecx,d0           
     mov edx,2          
     int 80h            
     sub byte[d1],48           
     sub byte[d0],48          
     mov al,byte[d1]          
     mov bl,10           
     mul bl          
     add byte[d0],al             
     mov al,byte[d0]           
     mov byte[size],al           
     mov byte[temp],al             
     mov ebx,array          
     push rbx           ;preserves the value of ebx     
      mov eax,4   
      mov ebx,1  
     mov ecx,msg2   
     mov edx,len2   
     int 80h   
     mov eax,3   
      mov ebx,0   
     mov ecx,d1     
     mov edx,1    
     int 80h     
     mov eax,3    
     mov ebx,0    
     mov ecx,d0    
     mov edx,2    
     int 80h    
     sub byte[d1],48     
     sub byte[d0],48     
     mov al,byte[d1]     
     mov bl,10     
     mul bl     
     add byte[d0],al      
     mov al,byte[d0]      
     pop rbx         
     mov byte[ebx],al          
     add ebx,1          
     dec byte[temp]          
     cmp byte[temp],0            
     jg reading              
     mov eax,4              
     mov ebx,1          
     mov ecx,msg3            
     mov edx,len3            
     int 80h          
     mov eax,3         
     mov ebx,0         
     mov ecx,d1          
     mov edx,1          
     int 80h          
     mov eax,3       
     mov ebx,0            
     mov ecx,d0             
     mov edx,2          
     int 80h             
     sub byte[d1],48                 
     sub byte[d0],48              
     mov al,byte[d1]              
      mov bl,10             
      mul bl             
     add byte[d0],al                
     mov al,byte[d0]                  
     mov byte[ele],al              
     mov cl,byte[size]                
     mov byte[temp],cl              
     mov byte[time],0              
     mov al,byte[ebx]             
     cmp byte[ele],al           
     jne nf               
     jmp f             
     mov cl,0
     f:   add ebx,1            
       add byte[time],1             
        dec byte[temp]           
       cmp byte[temp],cl           
        jg search          
        jmp next
         add ebx,1         
         add byte[time],0           
         dec byte[temp]       
         cmp byte[temp],cl          
         jg sea rch        
         jmp next
      mov eax,4        
      mov ebx,1         
      mov ecx,msg4          
      mov edx,len4          
      int 80h           
      movzx ax,byte[time]           
      mov bl,10           
      div bl              
      mov byte[d1],al           
      mov byte[d0],ah          
       add byte[d0],48            
       add byte[d1],48         
       mov eax,4        
       mov ebx,1        
       mov ecx,d1            
       mov edx,1          
       int 80h           
       mov eax,4           
       mov ebx,1         
       mov ecx,d0           
       mov edx,1``        
       int 80h      
        mov eax,1      
        mov ebx,0        
        int 80h       

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

global _start
section .text

mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,msg
mov rdx,msglen

mov rax,0
mov rdi,0
mov rsi,no1
mov rdx,5

mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,msg1
mov rdx,msg1len

mov rax,0
mov rdi,0
mov rsi,no2
mov rdx,5

mov rax,[no1]
sub rax,30h
mov rbx,[no2]
sub rbx,30h
add rax,rbx
add rax,30h
mov [res],rax
mov rdx,2

mov rax,1
mov rdi,1
mov rsi,res
mov rdx,2

mov rax,60h
mov rdx,0

section .data
msg: db "Enter 1st Number",0x0a
msglen equ $ -msg
msg1: db "Enter 2st Number",0x0a
msg1len equ $ -msg1
msg2:db "Addition is==",0x0a
msg2len equ $ -msg2

section .bss
no1: resb 5
no2: resb 5
res: resb 15

答案 1 :(得分:0)

看看来源,我注意到了一件事。我认为你的'搜索'循环超出界限,因为你无法初始化寄存器cl;指令mov cl,0目前是死代码;它在无条件跳跃之下,所以永远不会被执行。
