
时间:2014-01-16 15:55:29

标签: javascript jquery jqplot



function drawBarchart(name,ticks,labels,s11,s12,s21,s22){

        var plot1 = $.jqplot(name, [s11,s12,s21,s22], { //'chart1' -> define wrapper <div id='chart1'> </div>
        // The "seriesDefaults" option is an options object that will
        // be applied to all series in the chart.
            seriesDefaults:{renderer:$.jqplot.BarRenderer, //choose bar chart
                rendererOptions: {fillToZero: true},
                pointLabels: { show: true, location: 'e', edgeTolerance: -15 } //adds values+labels to bars
            // Custom labels for the series are specified with the "label"
            // option on the series option.  Here a series option object
            // is specified for each series.
            series:[ //define labels
                {label:labels[0], shadow: false},
                {label:labels[1], shadow: false},
                {label:labels[2], shadow: false},
            // Show the legend and put it outside the grid, but inside the
            // plot container, shrinking the grid to accomodate the legend.
            // A value of "outside" would not shrink the grid and allow
            // the legend to overflow the container.
            legend: {
                show: true,
                placement: 'outsideGrid',
                renderer: $.jqplot.EnhancedLegendRenderer //enables toggling data and legends
            axes: {
            // Use a category axis on the x axis and use our custom ticks.
                xaxis: {
                    renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
                    ticks: ticks,
                    tickOptions: {showGridline: false}
                // Pad the y axis just a little so bars can get close to, but
                // not touch, the grid boundaries.  1.2 is the default padding.
                yaxis: {
                    label: 'axis1',
                    pad: 1.05,
                    tickOptions: { showGridline: false}

                y2axis: {
                    label: 'axis2',
                    pad: 1.05,
                    tickOptions: {showGridline: false}


                {yaxis:'yaxis', label:'s11[0]'},
                {yaxis:'y2axis', label:'s11[1]'},
                {yaxis:'yaxis', label:'s12[0]'},
                {yaxis:'y2axis', label:'s12[1]'},
                {yaxis:'y2axis', label:'s21'},
                {yaxis:'y2axis', label:'s22'},

      }); //$.jqplot('chart1', [s1, s2, s3],

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我做到了。这是您的代码Jsfiddle Link


考虑到您必须自己绘制Legends而不是使用jqplot。 如果你能做到这一点,那么我的代码将负责其余部分。

$(document).ready(function () {
    var graphObj = [];
    var s11 = [["a",1],["b",1],["c",5],["d",2]];
    var s12 = [["a",2],["b",2],["c",6],["d",5]];
    var s21 = [["a",3],["b",3],["c",7],["d",1]];
    var s22 = [["a",4],["b",4],["c",8],["d",8]];
    drawBarchart("chart1", s11, s12, s21, s22, 0);
    drawBarchart("chart2", s11, s12, s21, s22, 1);

    $(".jqplot-table-legend tr").click(function(){
        var index = this.rowIndex;
        for(var j =0; j<graphObj.length; j++){
            graphObj[j].series[index].show = !graphObj[j].series[index].show;

    function drawBarchart(name, s11, s12, s21, s22, i) {

        graphObj[i] =  $.jqplot(name, [s11, s12, s21, s22], {
            // The "seriesDefaults" option is an options object that will
            // be applied to all series in the chart.
            grid: {
                borderColor: 'transparent',
                shadow: false,
                drawBorder: false,
                shadowColor: 'transparent'
            seriesDefaults: {
                renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer, //choose bar chart
                rendererOptions: {
                    fillToZero: true
                pointLabels: {
                    show: false,
                    location: 'e',
                    edgeTolerance: -15
                } //adds values+labels to bars
            }, //seriesDefaults
            // Custom labels for the series are specified with the "label"
            // option on the series option.  Here a series option object
            // is specified for each series.

            // Show the legend and put it outside the grid, but inside the
            // plot container, shrinking the grid to accomodate the legend.
            // A value of "outside" would not shrink the grid and allow
            // the legend to overflow the container.

            axes: {
                // Use a category axis on the x axis and use our custom ticks.
                xaxis: {
                    renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
                    tickOptions: {
                        showGridline: false
                }, //xaxis
                // Pad the y axis just a little so bars can get close to, but
                // not touch, the grid boundaries.  1.2 is the default padding.
                yaxis: {
                    showTicks: false,
                    label: 'axis1',
                    pad: 1.05,
                    tickOptions: {
                        showGridline: false
                }, //yaxis

                y2axis: {
                    showTicks: false,
                    label: 'axis2',
                    pad: 1.05,
                    tickOptions: {
                        showGridline: false
                } //yaxis

            }, //axes

            series: [{
                yaxis: 'yaxis',
                label: 's11[0]'
            }, {
                yaxis: 'y2axis',
                label: 's11[1]'
            }, {
                yaxis: 'yaxis',
                label: 's12[0]'
            }, {
                yaxis: 'y2axis',
                label: 's12[1]'
            }, {
                yaxis: 'y2axis',
                label: 's21'
            }, {
                yaxis: 'y2axis',
                label: 's22'
