
时间:2014-01-15 14:53:05

标签: surveymonkey


响应中不存在设置中指定的以下11个(编号如下)项目。 我怎么能得到它们?

A) Multiple Choice (only one answer) 
  1. Field size (single line of text)  2. 50 characters wide
  3. Validation  Don't validate comment text
  4. Require answer to this question
     5. When the question is not answered, display this error message
  6. Randomize or flip choices

B) Multiple Choice (multiple answers) 
  as above plus "Question size and placement"

C) Single Textbox
   4. require answer as above
   7. Validate text between 1 and 20
       8. validation error message

D) Enter numeric scores to make up a fixed sum total
   9. if an answer other than numerical text is entered, display error message 
   4. & 6 as above
   10. Require a fixed sum. Sum of all choices=15 
      11. when sum does not add up correctly, error message

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