在View中,我希望Address scala可重用,所以我在下面声明了addressTemplate.scala.html。
@(addressField: Field)(title: String)
'_label -> "Address1"
Now, my Parent scala view customer.scala.html is like below. it creates blank form on GET customer action.
@(customerForm: Form[Customer])
@form(routes.CustomerContoller.submit()) {
'_label -> "First name"
@for(address <- customerForm("addresses")) {
@addressTemplate(address)("Billing Address")
I know, the for loop just above is not correct, and not compiling, that's where I need experts help.
Question is: how to design the view to support Customer multiple Addresses. The AddressTemplate takes Field as parameter, I need get the address/addressForm and pass, not sure how to get the ChildForm. Hope the question is clear, if not please let me know.
Btw, the Model relationship are like below.
public class Customer extends BaseModel {
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
public List<Address> addresses;