查找SQL Server实例&使用PowerShell构建Service Pack

时间:2014-01-14 21:07:08

标签: sql sql-server powershell wmi

我正在尝试创建一个脚本来查看.txt文档中的服务器列表,并查找该服务器上的SQL实例以及每个实例的sql service pack版本构建。脚本运行但不返回任何信息。我认为我遇到了$ svcPack变量和找到所需数据的相应变量。任何帮助都会受到极大的关注。感谢。

    # Continue even if there are errors
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue";

# load the SQL SMO assembly
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo") | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum") | Out-Null
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | Out-Null

# Sets the server versions
$vs2005sp4 = "9.00.5000";
$vs2008sp3 = "10.00.5500.0";
$vs2008r2sp2 = "10.50.4000.0";

    # Set the recipients of the report.
        $users = "test@test.com"
        #$users = "You@company.com" # I use this for testing by uing my email address.
        #$users = "you@company.com", "manager@company.com", "etc@company.com";  # can be sent to individuals.

    # Path to the report
        $reportPath = "c:\Scripts\Reports\";

    # Report name
        $reportName = "ServicePackRpt_$(get-date -format ddMMyyyy).html";

# Path and Report name together
$servicePackReport = $reportPath + $reportName

#Set colors for table cell backgrounds
$redColor = "#FF0000"
$greenColor = "#34F01F"
$yellowColor = "#F0EC22"
$orangeColor = "#F2991D"
$whiteColor = "#FFFFFF"

# Count if any computers have low disk space.  Do not send report if less than 1.
$i = 0;

# Get computer list to check disk space
$servers = Get-Content "c:\Scripts\InPutFiles\servers.txt";
$datetime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss";

# Remove the report if it has already been run today so it does not append to the existing report
If (Test-Path $servicePackReport)
        Remove-Item $servicePackReport

# Cleanup old files..
$Daysback = "-7"
$CurrentDate = Get-Date;
$DateToDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($Daysback);
Get-ChildItem $reportPath | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item;

# Create and write HTML Header of report
$titleDate = get-date -uformat "%m-%d-%Y - %A"
$header = "
        <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>
        <title>Service Pack Report</title>
        <STYLE TYPE='text/css'>
        td {
            font-family: Tahoma;
            font-size: 11px;
            border-top: 1px solid #999999;
            border-right: 1px solid #999999;
            border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;
            border-left: 1px solid #999999;
            padding-top: 0px;
            padding-right: 0px;
            padding-bottom: 0px;
            padding-left: 0px;
        body {
            margin-left: 5px;
            margin-top: 5px;
            margin-right: 0px;
            margin-bottom: 10px;
            table {
            border: thin solid #000000;
        <table width='100%'>
        <tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>
        <td colspan='7' height='25' align='center'>
        <font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='4'><strong>DTG Environment Service Pack Report for $titledate</strong></font>
 Add-Content $servicePackReport $header

# Create and write Table header for report
 $tableHeader = "
 <table width='100%'><tbody>
    <tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC>
        <td width='10%' align='center'>Server</td>
        <td width='15%' align='center'>Instance</td>
        <td width='5%' align='center'>Version Build</td>
        <td width='10%' align='center'>Version Name</td>
Add-Content $servicePackReport $tableHeader

# Start processing disk space reports against a list of servers
foreach($computer in $servers)

    #$svcPacks = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Class win32_volume | Where-object {$_.label -ne $null} | Sort-Object -property "name"
    #$svcPacks = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Class "__NAMESPACE" -namespace "root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer"

    $svcPacks = New-Object -typeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($computer)

    $computer = $computer.toupper()

    foreach($packs in $svcPacks)
        #$instanceID = $packs.Instance;
        $versionBuild = $packs.VersionString;
        $versionName = $packs.ProductLevel;
        $color = $redColor;

        # Set background color to green if service pack is 2008r2 SP2
        if($versionBuild -eq $vs2008r2sp2)
            $color = $greenColor           

            # Set background color to yellow if service pack is 2008 SP3
            if($versionBuild -eq $vs2008sp3)
                $color = $yellowColor

                # Set background color to orange if service pack is 2005 SP4
                if($versionBuild -eq $vs2005sp4)
                    $color = $orangeColor   

                    # Create table data rows 
                    #<td width='15%' align='center'>$instanceID</td>
                    $dataRow = "
                            <td width='10%'>$computer</td>                        
                            <td width='5%' align='center'>$versionBuild</td>
                            <td width='10%' align='center'>$versionName</td>

                    # If statement needed to remove label that were null
                    If ($versionID -ne 'null') 
                        Add-Content $servicePackReport $dataRow;
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "$computer $deviceID service pack build = $versionBuild";

# Create table at end of report showing legend of colors for the critical and warning
$tableDescription = "
    </table><br><table width='20%'>
        <tr bgcolor='White'>
        <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='#34F01F'>SQL Server 2008 R2 with SP2 - " + $vs2008r2sp2 +"</td>
        <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='#F0EC22'>SQL Server 2008 with SP3 - " + $vs2008sp3 +"</td>
        <td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='#F2991D'>SQL Server 2005 with SP4 - " + $vs2005sp4 +"</td>
    Add-Content $servicePackReport $tableDescription
    Add-Content $servicePackReport "</body></html>"

# Send Notification if alert $i is greater then 0
if ($i -gt 0)
    foreach ($user in $users)
        Write-Host "Sending Email notification to $user"

        $smtpServer = "test.com"
        $smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
        $msg = New-Object Net.Mail.MailMessage
        $msg.From = "NoReply@test.com"
        $msg.Subject = "Environment Service Pack Report for $titledate"
        $msg.IsBodyHTML = $true
        $msg.Body = get-content $servicePackReport
        $body = ""

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

嗯,从它的外观来看,这是一个小错误。在评估$ VersionBuild时,您没有任何 else 语句。所以,如果它没有通过第一次评估:

if($versionBuild -eq $vs2008r2sp2)


我要做的另一件事是在if语句中使用-eq,而不是使用-match并缩短版本字符串。这样,如果版本字符串与版本字符串不完全匹配,则更有可能匹配。例如您试图检查版本$vs2005sp4 = "9.00.5000";,但VersionString属性将返回"9.00.5000.00",如果您使用-eq不起作用,但如果您使用-match它将工作


# Sets the server versions
$vs2005sp4 = "9.00.5000";
$vs2008sp3 = "10.00.5500";
$vs2008r2sp2 = "10.50.4000";


    # Set background color to green if service pack is 2008r2 SP2
    if($versionBuild -match $vs2008r2sp2)
        $color = $greenColor           
        # Set background color to yellow if service pack is 2008 SP3
        if($versionBuild -match $vs2008sp3)
            $color = $yellowColor
            # Set background color to orange if service pack is 2005 SP4
            if($versionBuild -match $vs2005sp4)
                $color = $orangeColor   

                # Create table data rows 
                #<td width='15%' align='center'>$instanceID</td>
                $dataRow = "
                        <td width='10%'>$computer</td>                        
                        <td width='5%' align='center'>$versionBuild</td>
                        <td width='10%' align='center'>$versionName</td>
                # If statement needed to remove label that were null
                If ($versionID -ne 'null') 
                    Add-Content $servicePackReport $dataRow;
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "$computer $deviceID service pack build = $versionBuild";

- 编辑

要回答@ user1700796的问题,我认为@ user1700796遇到的真正问题是该脚本不适用于具有多个实例的SQL服务器。即当你得到Smo.Server对象时:

$svcPacks = New-Object -typeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($computer)

其中$computer服务器名称,并且在该服务器上有多个实例;返回单个 Smo.Server对象,该对象基本上是空的。即拉出VersionString会返回一个空字符串。




  • 首先使用几个命令获取计算机名称并枚举该框中SQL Server实例的名称
  • 拿那些SQL服务器实例,然后对这些名称做一个foreach循环
  • 您使用这些SQL Server实例名称来获取Smo.Server对象
  • 然后,您可以从Smo.Server对象中提取版本字符串。