INSERT INTO test(n1, n2, n3)
VALUES(v1, v2, v3),(v4, v5, v6),(v7, v8, v9);
data := []map[string]string{
{"v1":"1", "v2":"1", "v3":"1"},
{"v1":"2", "v2":"2", "v3":"2"},
{"v1":"3", "v2":"3", "v3":"3"},
//I do not want to do it
for _, v := range data {
sqlStr := "INSERT INTO test(n1, n2, n3) VALUES(?, ?, ?)"
stmt, _ := db.Prepare(sqlStr)
res, _ := stmt.Exec(v["v1"], v["v2"], v["v3"])
使用字符串拼接,但它并不好。 db.Prepare更安全,对吧?
sqlStr := "INSERT INTO test(n1, n2, n3) VALUES"
for k, v := range data {
if k == 0 {
sqlStr += fmt.Sprintf("(%v, %v, %v)", v["v1"], v["v2"], v["v3"])
} else {
sqlStr += fmt.Sprintf(",(%v, %v, %v)", v["v1"], v["v2"], v["v3"])
res, _ := db.Exec(sqlStr)
答案 0 :(得分:47)
为什么不是这样的? (写这里没有测试,所以可能存在语法错误):
sqlStr := "INSERT INTO test(n1, n2, n3) VALUES "
vals := []interface{}{}
for _, row := range data {
sqlStr += "(?, ?, ?),"
vals = append(vals, row["v1"], row["v2"], row["v3"])
//trim the last ,
sqlStr = sqlStr[0:len(sqlStr)-2]
//prepare the statement
stmt, _ := db.Prepare(sqlStr)
//format all vals at once
res, _ := stmt.Exec(vals...)
答案 1 :(得分:3)
对于Postgres,lib pq支持批量插入:https://godoc.org/github.com/lib/pq#hdr-Bulk_imports
// ReplaceSQL replaces the instance occurrence of any string pattern with an increasing $n based sequence
func ReplaceSQL(old, searchPattern string) string {
tmpCount := strings.Count(old, searchPattern)
for m := 1; m <= tmpCount; m++ {
old = strings.Replace(old, searchPattern, "$"+strconv.Itoa(m), 1)
return old
sqlStr := "INSERT INTO test(n1, n2, n3) VALUES "
vals := []interface{}{}
for _, row := range data {
sqlStr += "(?, ?, ?),"
vals = append(vals, row["v1"], row["v2"], row["v3"])
//trim the last ,
sqlStr = strings.TrimSuffix(sqlStr, ",")
//Replacing ? with $n for postgres
sqlStr = ReplaceSQL(sqlStr, "?")
//prepare the statement
stmt, _ := db.Prepare(sqlStr)
//format all vals at once
res, _ := stmt.Exec(vals...)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
Gorm V2(于2020年8月30日发布)现在支持批量插入查询。
// Pass slice data to method Create, GORM will generate a single SQL statement
// to insert all the data and backfill primary key values,
// hook methods will be invoked too.
var users = []User{{Name: "jinzhu1"}, {Name: "jinzhu2"}, {Name: "jinzhu3"}}
for _, user := range users {
user.ID // 1,2,3
答案 3 :(得分:0)
如果启用多条语句,则可以一次执行多条语句。 这样,您应该能够处理多个插入。
答案 4 :(得分:0)
var users = []User{{Name: "jinzhu1"}, {Name: "jinzhu2"}, {Name: "jinzhu3"}}
答案 5 :(得分:0)
func insert(requestObj []models.User) (bool, error) {
tx := db.Begin()
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
for _, obj := range requestObj {
if err := tx.Create(&obj).Error; err != nil {
logging.AppLogger.Errorf("Failed to create user")
return false, err
err := tx.Commit().Error
if err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
答案 6 :(得分:-1)
var values []interface{}
for _, scope := range scopes {
values = append(values, scope.ID, scope.Code, scope.Description)
sqlStr := `INSERT INTO scopes (application_id, scope, description) VALUES %s`
sqlStr = setupBindVars(sqlStr, "(?, ?, ?)", len(scopes))
_, err = s.db.ExecContext(ctx, sqlStr, values...)
func setupBindVars(stmt, bindVars string, len int) string {
bindVars += ","
stmt = fmt.Sprintf(stmt, strings.Repeat(bindVars, len))
return strings.TrimSuffix(stmt, ",")