编辑:澄清和简化:我正在寻找一种“好”的方式,只要Stackable结束,就可以向Pool提交更多Stackable对象(使用第一个Stackable中的数据来添加第二个一)。我有想法轮询对象,直到一个结束(低效和丑陋)并传递对Pool对象的引用(我无法使其工作)。 基本代码是这一个:https://github.com/krakjoe/pthreads/blob/master/examples/Pooling.php
我正在使用Joe Watkins在pthreads源中包含的线程池示例作为基本代码。
答案 0 :(得分:8)
* Normal worker
class PooledWorker extends Worker {
public function run(){}
* Don't descend from pthreads, normal objects should be used for pools
class Pool {
protected $size;
protected $workers;
* Construct a worker pool of the given size
* @param integer $size
public function __construct($size) {
$this->size = $size;
* Start worker threads
public function start() {
while (@$worker++ < $this->size) {
$this->workers[$worker] = new PooledWorker();
return count($this->workers);
* Submit a task to pool
public function submit(Stackable $task) {
return $task;
* Shutdown worker threads
public function shutdown() {
foreach ($this->workers as $worker)
class StageTwo extends Stackable {
* Construct StageTwo from a part of StageOne data
* @param int $data
public function __construct($data) {
$this->data = $data;
public function run(){
"Thread %lu got data: %d\n",
$this->worker->getThreadId(), $this->data);
class StageOne extends Stackable {
protected $done;
* Construct StageOne with suitable storage for data
* @param StagingData $data
public function __construct(StagingData $data) {
$this->data = $data;
public function run() {
/* create dummy data array */
while (@$i++ < 100) {
$this->data[] = mt_rand(
20, 1000);
$this->done = true;
* StagingData to hold data from StageOne
class StagingData extends Stackable {
public function run() {}
/* stage and data reference arrays */
$one = [];
$two = [];
$data = [];
$pool = new Pool(8);
/* construct stage one */
while (count($one) < 10) {
$staging = new StagingData();
/* maintain reference counts by storing return value in normal array in local scope */
$one[] = $pool
->submit(new StageOne($staging));
/* maintain reference counts */
$data[] = $staging;
/* construct stage two */
while (count($one)) {
/* find completed StageOne objects */
foreach ($one as $id => $job) {
/* if done is set, the data from this StageOne can be used */
if ($job->done) {
/* use each element of data to create new tasks for StageTwo */
foreach ($job->data as $chunk) {
/* submit stage two */
$two[] = $pool
->submit(new StageTwo($chunk));
/* no longer required */
/* in the real world, it is unecessary to keep polling the array */
/* you probably have some work you want to do ... do it :) */
if (count($one)) {
/* everyone likes sleep ... */
/* all tasks stacked, the pool can be shutdown */
Thread 140012266239744 got data: 612
Thread 140012275222272 got data: 267
Thread 140012257257216 got data: 971
Thread 140012033140480 got data: 881
Thread 140012257257216 got data: 1000
Thread 140012016355072 got data: 261
Thread 140012257257216 got data: 510
Thread 140012016355072 got data: 148
Thread 140012016355072 got data: 501
Thread 140012257257216 got data: 767
Thread 140012024747776 got data: 504
Thread 140012033140480 got data: 401
Thread 140012275222272 got data: 20
<-- trimmed from 1000 lines -->
Thread 140012041533184 got data: 285
Thread 140012275222272 got data: 811
Thread 140012041533184 got data: 436
Thread 140012257257216 got data: 977
Thread 140012033140480 got data: 830
Thread 140012275222272 got data: 554
Thread 140012024747776 got data: 704
Thread 140012033140480 got data: 50
Thread 140012257257216 got data: 794
Thread 140012024747776 got data: 724
Thread 140012033140480 got data: 624
Thread 140012266239744 got data: 756
Thread 140012284204800 got data: 997
Thread 140012266239744 got data: 708
Thread 140012266239744 got data: 981
答案 1 :(得分:1)
//Simple example with Collectable (basically Thread meant for Pool) and Pool
class job extends Collectable {
public $val;
public function __construct($val){
// init some properties
$this->val = $val;
public function run(){
// do some work
$this->val = $this->val . file_get_contents('http://www.example.com/', null, null, 3, 20);
// At most 3 threads will work at once
$p = new Pool(3);
$tasks = array(
new job('0'),
new job('1'),
new job('2'),
new job('3'),
new job('4'),
new job('5'),
new job('6'),
new job('7'),
new job('8'),
new job('9'),
new job('10'),
// Add tasks to pool queue
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
// shutdown will wait for current queue to be completed
// garbage collection check / read results
echo $checkingTask->val;
return $checkingTask->isGarbage();