private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = SingleDecimal(sender, e.KeyChar);
public bool SingleDecimal(System.Object sender, char eChar)
string chkstr = "0123456789.";
if (chkstr.IndexOf(eChar) > -1 || eChar == Constants.vbBack)
if (eChar == ".")
if (((TextBox)sender).Text.IndexOf(eChar) > -1)
return true;
return false;
return false;
return true;
答案 0 :(得分:17)
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
// allows 0-9, backspace, and decimal
if (((e.KeyChar < 48 || e.KeyChar > 57) && e.KeyChar != 8 && e.KeyChar != 46))
e.Handled = true;
// checks to make sure only 1 decimal is allowed
if (e.KeyChar == 46)
if ((sender as TextBox).Text.IndexOf(e.KeyChar) != -1)
e.Handled = true;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (!char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != '.')
e.Handled = true;
// only allow one decimal point
if (e.KeyChar == '.' && Text.IndexOf('.') > -1)
e.Handled = true;
答案 2 :(得分:1)
这是@ Eclipsed4utoo回答的Vb.Net版本
If (((Asc(e.KeyChar) < 48 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) > 57) And Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 8 And Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 46)) Then
e.Handled = True
Exit Sub
End If
' checks to make sure only 1 decimal is allowed
If (Asc(e.KeyChar) = 46) Then
If (sender.Text.IndexOf(e.KeyChar) <> -1) Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End If
答案 3 :(得分:1)
此代码为小数。如果你也想使用float,你只需要使用double insteat int 它将自动删除最后错误的字符
private void txt_miktar_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
if ((sender as TextBox).Text.Length < 1)
int adet = Convert.ToInt32((sender as TextBox).Text);
string s = "";
s = (sender as TextBox).Text;
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1);
(sender as TextBox).Text = s;
(sender as TextBox).Select(s.Length, s.Length);
答案 4 :(得分:1)
public bool isNumber(char ch, string text)
bool res = true;
char decimalChar = Convert.ToChar(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator);
//check if it´s a decimal separator and if doesn´t already have one in the text string
if (ch == decimalChar && text.IndexOf(decimalChar) != -1)
res = false;
return res;
//check if it´s a digit, decimal separator and backspace
if (!Char.IsDigit(ch) && ch != decimalChar && ch != (char)Keys.Back)
res = false;
return res;
答案 5 :(得分:0)
protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == '\b')
string newStr;
if (SelectionLength > 0)
newStr = Text.Remove(SelectionStart, SelectionLength);
newStr = Text.Insert(SelectionStart, new string(e.KeyChar, 1));
double v;
//I used regular expression but you can use following.
e.Handled = !double.TryParse(newStr,out v);
const string SIGNED_FLOAT_KEY_REGX = @"^[+-]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?([Ee][+-]?[0-9]*)?$";
const string SIGNED_INTEGER_KEY_REGX = @"^[+-]?[0-9]*$";
const string SIGNED_FLOAT_REGX = @"^[+-]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?$";
const string SIGNED_INTEGER_REGX = @"^[+-]?[0-9]+$";
答案 6 :(得分:0)
答案 7 :(得分:0)
private bool DecimalOnly_KeyPress(TextBox txt, bool numeric, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (numeric)
// only allow numbers
if (!char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != Convert.ToChar(Keys.Back))
return true;
// allow a minus sign if it's the first character or the entire text is selected
if (e.KeyChar == '-' && (txt.Text == "" || txt.SelectedText == txt.Text))
return false;
// if a decimal point is entered and if one is not already in the string
if ((e.KeyChar == '.') && (txt.Text.IndexOf('.') > -1))
if (txt.SelectedText.IndexOf('.') > -1)
// allow a decimal point if the selected text contains a decimal point, that is the
// decimal point replaces the selected text
return false;
// don't allow a decimal point if one is already in the string and the selected text
// doesn't contain one
return true;
// if the entry is not a digit
if (!Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar))
// if it's not a decimal point and it's not a backspace then disallow
if ((e.KeyChar != '.') && (e.KeyChar != Convert.ToChar(Keys.Back)))
return true;
// allow only a minus sign but only in the beginning, only one decimal point, any digit, a
// backspace, and replace selected text.
return false;
答案 8 :(得分:0)
Public Sub Numeric(textControl As Object,e As KeyPressEventArgs)
Dim Index As Int32 = textControl.SelectionStart
Dim currentLine As Int32 = textControl.GetLineFromCharIndex(Index)
Dim currentColumn As Int32 = Index - textControl.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(currentLine)
Dim FullStop As Char
FullStop = "."
Dim Neg As Char
Neg = "-"
' if the '.' key was pressed see if there already is a '.' in the string
' if so, dont handle the keypress
If e.KeyChar = FullStop And textControl.Text.IndexOf(FullStop) <> -1 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
'If the '.' is at the begining of the figures, prevent it
If e.KeyChar = FullStop And currentColumn <= 0 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
' if the '-' key was pressed see if there already is a '-' in the string
' if so, dont handle the keypress
If e.KeyChar = Neg And textControl.Text.IndexOf(Neg) <> -1 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
'If the '-' is in the middle of the figures, prevent it
If e.KeyChar = Neg And currentColumn > 0 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
' If the key aint a digit
If Not Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) Then
' verify whether special keys were pressed
' (i.e. all allowed non digit keys - in this example
' only space and the '.' are validated)
If (e.KeyChar <> Neg) And (e.KeyChar <> FullStop) And (e.KeyChar <> Convert.ToChar(Keys.Back)) Then
' if its a non-allowed key, dont handle the keypress
e.Handled = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Numeric(sender, e)
End Sub
答案 9 :(得分:0)
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="rgx"
ValidationExpression="[0-9]*\.?[0-9][0-9]" ControlToValidate="YourTextBox" runat="server" ForeColor="Red" ErrorMessage="Decimals only!!" Display="Dynamic" ValidationGroup="lnkSave"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>