我想将代码从vb6迁移到vb.net。 该项目非常基础(不使用dll或组件参考)只是模块
Public Sub Decompress(ByteArray() As Byte)
Dim InpPos As Long
Dim InBitPos As Integer
Dim LowValue As Long
Dim HighValue As Long
Dim RangValue As Long
Dim MidValue As Long
Dim Value As Long
Dim mChar As Byte
Dim i As Integer
Dim Index As Integer
Dim EOF_State As Boolean
Dim TopBit As Long
Dim One(256) As Long
Dim Zero(256) As Long
Call Initiate
LowValue = 0
HighValue = (2 ^ MaxBits) - 1
TopBit = 2 ^ (MaxBits - 1)
InpPos = 0
Value = ReadBitsFromArray(ByteArray, InpPos, InBitPos, MaxBits)
Index = -1
For i = 0 To 256
One(i) = 1
Zero(i) = 1
mChar = 0
For i = 0 To 7
Index = (1 * (2 ^ i)) - 1 + mChar
RangValue = HighValue - LowValue
MidValue = LowValue + (RangValue * (Zero(Index) / (One(Index) + Zero(Index))))
If MidValue = LowValue Then MidValue = MidValue + 1
If MidValue = HighValue - 1 Then MidValue = MidValue - 1
If Value >= MidValue Then
mChar = (2 * mChar) + 1
LowValue = MidValue
One(Index) = One(Index) + 1
mChar = 2 * mChar
HighValue = MidValue
Zero(Index) = Zero(Index) + 1
End If
Do While (HighValue And TopBit) = (LowValue And TopBit) Or LowValue > HighValue - 255
If InpPos <= UBound(ByteArray) Then
Value = (Value And (TopBit - 1)) * 2 + ReadBitsFromArray(ByteArray, InpPos, InBitPos, 1)
HighValue = (HighValue And (TopBit - 1)) * 2 + 1
LowValue = (LowValue And (TopBit - 1)) * 2
If LowValue >= HighValue Then HighValue = (2 ^ MaxBits) - 1
EOF_State = True
Exit Do
End If
If EOF_State = True Then Exit Do
Call AddmCharToArray(OutStream, OutPos, mChar)
ReDim Preserve OutStream(OutPos - 1)
End Sub
Private Sub Initiate()
ReDim OutStream(500)
OutPos = 0
OutBitCount = 0
OutByteBuf = 0
End Sub
Private Sub AddBitsToOutStream(Number As Integer)
OutByteBuf = OutByteBuf * 2 + Number
OutBitCount = OutBitCount + 1
If OutBitCount = 8 Then
OutStream(OutPos) = OutByteBuf
OutBitCount = 0
OutByteBuf = 0
OutPos = OutPos + 1
If OutPos > UBound(OutStream) Then
ReDim Preserve OutStream(OutPos + 500)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function ReadBitsFromArray(FromArray() As Byte, FromPos As Long, FromBit As Integer, NumBits As Integer) As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim Temp As Long
For i = 1 To NumBits
Temp = Temp * 2 + (-1 * ((FromArray(FromPos) And 2 ^ (7 - FromBit)) > 0))
FromBit = FromBit + 1
If FromBit = 8 Then
If FromPos + 1 > UBound(FromArray) Then
Do While i < NumBits
Temp = Temp * 2
i = i + 1
FromPos = FromPos + 1
Exit For
End If
FromPos = FromPos + 1
FromBit = 0
End If
ReadBitsFromArray = Temp
End Function
Private Sub AddmCharToArray(ToArray() As Byte, ToPos As Long, mChar As Byte)
If ToPos > UBound(ToArray) Then ReDim Preserve ToArray(ToPos + 500)
ToArray(ToPos) = mChar
ToPos = ToPos + 1
End Sub
do..exit do ..
mChar = 0
For i = 0 To 7
Index = (1 * (2 ^ i)) - 1 + mChar
RangValue = HighValue - LowValue
MidValue = LowValue + (RangValue * (Zero(Index) / (One(Index) + Zero(Index))))
If MidValue = LowValue Then MidValue = MidValue + 1
If MidValue = HighValue - 1 Then MidValue = MidValue - 1
If Value >= MidValue Then
mChar = (2 * mChar) + 1
LowValue = MidValue
One(Index) = One(Index) + 1
mChar = 2 * mChar
HighValue = MidValue
Zero(Index) = Zero(Index) + 1
End If
Do While (HighValue And TopBit) = (LowValue And TopBit) Or LowValue > HighValue - 255
If InpPos <= UBound(ByteArray) Then
Value = (Value And (TopBit - 1)) * 2 + ReadBitsFromArray(ByteArray, InpPos, InBitPos, 1)
HighValue = (HighValue And (TopBit - 1)) * 2 + 1
LowValue = (LowValue And (TopBit - 1)) * 2
If LowValue >= HighValue Then HighValue = (2 ^ MaxBits) - 1
EOF_State = True
Exit Do
End If
If EOF_State = True Then Exit Do
Call AddmCharToArray(OutStream, OutPos, mChar)
答案 0 :(得分:6)
Private Function ReadBitsFromArray(FromArray() As Byte, FromPos As Long, ...)
变量设置为True。循环本身根本不会增加InpPos。回到VB6,它由ReadBitsFromArray()函数FromBit = FromBit + 1
VB.NET的一个重要变化是参数的传递方式。旧的Visual Basic版本默认为ByRef
Private Function ReadBitsFromArray(ByVal FromArray() As Byte, _
ByRef FromPos As Integer, _
ByVal FromBit As Integer, _
ByVal NumBits As Integer) As Integer
请注意,Long和Integer之间的选择是您必须要担心的其他事情。 VB6 Long是一个VB.NET Integer。我猜想Integer在这里是合适的。请考虑将.NET GZipStream类作为替代方案,听起来并不像您对其仍然能够维护此代码的方式有足够的记忆。