
时间:2014-01-11 13:57:40

标签: coldfusion coldfusion-10



<cfset img = imageNew("",500,500,"rgb","blue")>
<cfset text = "This is just another test! See if text fits the imgage...">

<cfset buffered = ImageGetBufferedImage(img)>
<cfset context = buffered.getGraphics().getFontRenderContext()>
<cfset Font = createObject("java", "java.awt.Font")>
<cfset textFont = Font.init( "Arial", Font.BOLD, javacast("int", 40))>
<cfset textLayout = createObject("java", "java.awt.font.TextLayout").init( text, textFont, context)>
<cfset textBounds = textLayout.getBounds()>
<cfset textWidth = textBounds.getWidth()>
<cfset textHeight = textBounds.getHeight()>

<cfset attr = { font="Arial", size="40", style="bold" }>
<cfset x = (ImageGetWidth(img) / 2 - textWidth / 2)>
<cfset y = (ImageGetHeight(img) / 2 + textHeight / 2)>

<cfset imageSetDrawingColor(img,"black")>
<cfset imageDrawText(img,text, x, y, attr)>

<cfimage action="writeToBrowser" source="#img#">



是代码生成的,右边是我想要的 enter image description here


我最初的想法是计算字符并查看图像宽度适合的数量,但由于上述原因这是不可能的。那么是否需要一个单行或者某种数学函数来手动分割文本宽度和断行?也许我应该使用额外的或x imageDrawText标签分别显示每一行,但仍然需要以某种方式拆分它!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

包装文字肯定不是单行;-)不幸的是,你不能简单地计算字符数,因为the sizes of the individual glyphs can vary,除非你使用的是单行间距字体。


您可以通过不同的方式处理测量文本并将其拆分为行。我的偏好是使用LineBreakMeasurer因为它完成了大部分艰苦工作。你只需给它包裹区域的宽度auto-magically calculates how much of the text can fit on the current line

很多以前,我把small library for wrapping and scaling image text(旧博客,未维护)放在一起。给它一个旋转。它有点旧,但我认为它应该成功。




    <cfset text = "If you're going through hell, keep going" />

    <!--- overall image dimensions --->
    <cfset imageWidth = 500 />
    <cfset imageHeight = 500 />

    <!--- desired wrapping area --->
    <cfset textMargin = 25 />
    <cfset wrapWidth = imageWidth - (textMargin*2) />
    <cfset wrapHeight = 100 />

    <!--- create a blank image with background --->
    <cfset img  = ImageNew("", imageWidth, imageHeight, "rgb") />
    <cfset imageSetDrawingColor( img, "d9d9ff" ) />
    <cfset imageDrawRect(img, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, true) />

    <!--- measure dimensions of wrapped text --->
    <cfset util = createObject("java", "org.cfsearching.image.WrapImageText") />
    <cfset util.init( text, wrapWidth, wrapHeight ) />
    <cfset util.setAlignment( util.CENTER_ALIGN ) />
    <cfset util.setColor( "0000ff" ) />     
    <cfset util.setDrawText( false ) />
    <cfset util.setX( textMargin ) />
    <cfset util.setFont( "Arial", util.BOLD, 40) /> 
    <!--- note: when disabled, text may overflow established wrap height
    <cfset util.setAutoScale( false ) />

    <!--- use dimensions to center text VERTICALLY --->
    <cfset dimen = util.wrapText( ImageGetBufferedImage(img) ) />
    <cfset y = (imageHeight - dimen.height) / 2 />
    <cfset util.setY( y ) />

    <!--- draw the wrapped text  --->
    <cfset util.setDrawText( true ) />
    <cfset dimen = util.wrapText( ImageGetBufferedImage(img) ) />

    <!--- display results --->          
    <cfimage action="writeToBrowser" source="#img#" /> <br />

结果: (使用默认字体/自动缩放)

Text centered horizontally and vertically