Windows Azure Cache 2.2 SDK没有这样的主机已知错误

时间:2014-01-11 13:24:50

标签: caching azure

在我将Windows Azure Cache升级到2.2.0.0之前,缓存工作正常。

DataCache cache = new DataCache("none");


No such host is known

Exception Details: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No such host is known

[SocketException (0x2af9): No such host is known]
   Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AsyncResultNoResult.EndInvoke() +172
   Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.AsyncResult`1.EndInvoke() +40
   Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.SocketConnectionFactory.EndConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult) +75
   Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.TcpClientChannelFactory.TcpConnectionCallback(IAsyncResult result) +182

[DataCacheException: ErrorCode<ERRCA0017>:SubStatus<ES0006>:There is a temporary failure. Please retry later. (One or more specified cache servers are unavailable, which could be caused by busy network or servers. For on-premises cache clusters, also verify the following conditions. Ensure that security permission has been granted for this client account, and check that the AppFabric Caching Service is allowed through the firewall on all cache hosts. Also the MaxBufferSize on the server must be greater than or equal to the serialized object size sent from the client.). Additional Information : The client was trying to communicate with the server: net.tcp://ProjectName:24233.]

我看到过去的人都有这个。我正在运行2.2 SDK,所有dll引用都是2.2版本,没有引用2.1。


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