我的nginx.conf配置了以下“server {”块(适用于工作窗口conf中的ubuntu。)
#fast CGI via go to local host AWS instance, over rides commented out default
server {
listen 80;
#if you want to test via convenient local host name, mapping
# local host ip address to indicated
#server name should be placed in hosts file so that it can resolve
#ex: server_name go.aws.ceemee;
server_name dev1.aws.ceemee.com;
#whatever the desired root context path is for web contexts/locations
#this path could be where your user web interface resources re or
#it could be any where you wish.
#ex path: root C:/nginx-1.5.8/Apps/CeeMee;
root /home/ubuntu/CeeMee;
index index.html;
#gzip off;
#proxy_buffering off;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/;
#For each open endpoint required we need to map a location port
#add location blocks to fastCGI for each desired end point
#the indicated "location ~/(some subpath of root) {" specifies the
# URI that will be mapped to the indicated port to route requests
#to fastCGI.
location ~ /Test.* {
include fastcgi_params;
try_files $uri $uri.html =404;
} #end of server block.