LINQ group by month问题

时间:2010-01-20 21:41:23

标签: c# .net linq

我是LINQ to SQL的新手,我想知道如何在LINQ中实现这样的东西:

        Month   Hires  Terminations   
        Jan      5       7
        Feb      8       8
        Marc     8       5


from term1 in HRSystemDB.Terminations
group term1 by new { term1.TerminationDate.Month, term1.TerminationDate.Year } into grpTerm
select new HiresVsTerminationsQuery
  Date = Criteria.Period,
  TerminationsCount = grpTerm.Count(term => term.TerminationDate.Month == Criteria.Period.Value.Month),
  HiresCount = (from emp in HRSystemDB.Persons.OfType<Employee>()
               group emp by new { emp.HireDate.Month, emp.HireDate.Year } into grpEmp
               select grpEmp).Count(e => e.Key.Month == Criteria.Period.Value.Month)


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但是,我认为您正在尝试阅读所有可用月份的招聘和终止(然后您可以轻松过滤它)。如果第一个表(终止)没有包含某个指定月份的任何记录(比如五月),那么您的查询可能会出错。然后,select子句将不会被调用“May”作为参数,即使您在第二个表中有一些数据(代表Hires),那么您将无法找到它。 / p>

使用Concat method可以很好地解决这个问题(参见MSDN示例)。您可以选择所有的术语和所有雇员(进入某种类型的数据结构),然后按月对所有数据进行分组:

var terms = from t in HRSystemDB.Terminations 
            select new { Month = t.TerminationDate.Month, 
                         Year = term1.TerminationDate.Year,
                         IsHire = false };
var hires = from emp in HRSystemDB.Persons.OfType<Employee>() 
            select new { Month = emp.HireDate.Month, 
                         Year = emp.HireDate.Year 
                         IsHire = true };

// Now we can merge the two inputs into one
var summary = terms.Concat(hires);

// And group the data using month or year
var res = from s in summary 
          group s by new { s.Year, s.Month } into g
          select new { Period = g.Key, 
                       Hires = g.Count(info => info.IsHire),  
                       Terminations = g.Count(info => !info.IsHire) }

现在查看代码时,我很确定有一些更短的方法来编写它。另一方面,这段代码应该是非常易读的,这是一个好处。另请注意,我们将代码拆分为几个子查询并不重要。由于LINQ to SQL的惰性评估,这应该作为单个查询执行。

答案 1 :(得分:3)


var terms = 
    from t in Terminations
    group t by new {t.Month, t.Year} into g
    select new {g.Key, Count = g.Count()};

var hires = 
    from p in Persons
    group p by new {p.Month, p.Year} into g
    select new {g.Key, Count = g.Count()};

var summary = 
    from t in terms
    join h in hires on t.Key equals h.Key
    select new {t.Key.Month, t.Key.Year, 
        Hires = h.Count, Terms = t.Count};