
时间:2014-01-10 12:12:11

标签: c# .net xml xslt


<p>The results are used to optimize the design in the next product cycle through the V.</p>
<p> This feedback is represented by arrows between the left and right side of the V<xref ref-type="fig" rid="F1">Figure 1</xref>Physical test benches are often comprised of customized static.</p>


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<book-title>Software&#x002d;Hardware Integration in Automotive Product Development</book-title>
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<p>The trends of increased functionality, improved performance, reduced size and increased complexity continue to evolve in the automotive electronics market. New system architectures are providing the performance and memory capability necessary to keep up with the hardware performance and software growth required by the automotive market trends. All of this technology growth implies a higher product cost and increased engineering effort required to develop these new products.</p>
 <p>IVV is that portion of the complete product or system life&#x002d;cycle phase captured in the right&#x002d;hand side &#x0028;RHS&#x0029; of the V&#x002d;diagram model &#x0028;see <xref ref-type="fig" rid="F96">Fig. 1</xref>&#x0029;. This RHS portion is sometimes called the &#x201C;build, test, and deliver phase &#x005B;<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="R65">1</xref>&#x005D;.&#x201D; The model&#x2019;s left&#x002d;hand side is where the architectural design is functionally partitioned and decomposed into manageable subsystems and components. At the lowest levels of decomposition&#x002d;i.e., the bottom of the &#x201C;V&#x201D;&#x002d;the resulting subsystems are ready to be recomposed into an integrated whole. This integration phase is where verification, validation, and test of all the hardware and software occur.</p>


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  <sec id="ch1.1">
    <p>The trends of increased functionality, improved performance, reduced size and increased complexity continue to evolve in the automotive electronics market.</p>
    <p> First part of the sentence <xref ref-type="fig" rid="F96">Fig. 1</xref>second part of the sentence.</p>


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  <p><b>Software and Hardware Integration in Automotive Product Development</b></p>INTRODUCTIONThe trends of increased functionality, improved performance, reduced size and increased complexity continue to evolve in the
  automotive electronics market. First part of the sentence second part of the sentence.