康威的生命游戏 - 超越网格

时间:2014-01-09 14:11:41

标签: javascript conways-game-of-life


所以这是迄今为止我的Conway的生命游戏实现,现在它仅限于调试控制台(JSfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/georeith/C9Gyr/8/ - 启动它,打开你的控制台):

var utils = {};

 * utils.extend()
 * - Extend initial object with all properties of following objects, objects later in the argument list take precedence.
utils.extend = function(obj) {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
  for (var i = args.length; i--;) {
    for (var prop in args[i]) {
      obj[prop] = args[i][prop];
  return obj;

 * utils.defaults()
 * - Overwrite initial object with properties of following objects only if key is present in the initial object.
utils.defaults = function(obj) {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
  for (var i = args.length; i--;) {
    for (var prop in args[i]) {
      if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
        obj[prop] = args[i][prop];
  return obj;

/* no-wrap positioning functions */
var calcPos = {
  ul: function(cell) {
    return [cell.x - 1, cell.y - 1];
  um: function(cell) {
    return [cell.x, cell.y - 1];
  ur: function(cell) {
    return [cell.x + 1, cell.y - 1];
  l: function(cell) {
    return [cell.x - 1, cell.y];
  r: function(cell) {
    return [cell.x + 1, cell.y];
  ll: function(cell) {
    return [cell.x - 1, cell.y + 1];
  lm: function(cell) {
    return [cell.x, cell.y + 1];
  lr: function(cell) {
    return [cell.x + 1, cell.y + 1];

var worldDefaults = {
  rows: 50,
  columns: 50,
  wrap: true, // left edge is mirrored on right, top edge is mirrored on bottom. Vice versa
  speed: -1, // milliseconds (minimum time, waits until end of last tick to calculate from)
  grid: []
var World = function (opts) {
  this.settings = utils.defaults(worldDefaults, opts);

  this.maxX = this.settings.columns - 1;
  this.maxY = this.settings.rows -1;
  for (var y = 0, yLen = this.settings.rows; y < yLen; ++y) {
    for (var x = 0, xLen = this.settings.columns; x < xLen; ++x) { 
      if (y === 0) {
        if (this.settings.grid.length <= x) {
      var cell = new Cell();
      cell.x = x;
      cell.y = y;
      cell.alive = !!this.settings.grid[x][y];

      if (cell.alive) {

      var lx = (x) ? x - 1 : this.maxX;
      var uy = (y) ? y - 1 : this.maxY;
      var ux = (x == this.maxX) ? 0 : x + 1;
      var ly = (y == this.maxY) ? 0 : y + 1;

      cell.neighbourCoords = (this.settings.wrap) ?
        [lx, uy],   [x, uy],  [ux, uy],
        [lx,  y], /*[x,  y]*/ [ux,  y],
        [lx, ly],   [x, ly],  [ux, ly]
        calcPos.ul, calcPos.um, calcPos.ur,
        calcPos.l, calcPos.r,
        calcPos.ll, calcPos.lm, calcPos.lr
      this.cellList[x][y] = cell;
World.prototype.generation = 0;
World.prototype.cellList = [];
World.prototype.lifeList = [];
World.prototype.changeList = [];
World.prototype.nextTick = null;

/* Progresses the world */
World.prototype.tick = function() {
  var newLifeList = [];
  this.changeList = [];

  // This hash goes out of scope after each tick allowing any dead shadowCells to be garbage collected
  if (!this.settings.wrap) {
    var shadowCellHash = {};

  for (var i = 0, iLen = this.lifeList.length; i < iLen; ++i) {
    var cell = this.lifeList[i];
    if (cell.key) {
      shadowCellHash[cell.key] = cell;
    cell.neighbours = 0;
    cell.lastIterated = this.generation;

    for (var j = 0, jLen = cell.neighbourCoords.length; j < jLen; ++j) {

      var coords;
      var neighbour;
      if (this.settings.wrap) {
        coords = cell.neighbourCoords[j];
        neighbour = this.cellList[coords[0]][coords[1]];

      } else {
        coords = cell.neighbourCoords[j](cell);
        if (coords[0] > this.maxX || coords[0] < 0 || coords[1] > this.maxY || coords[1] < 0) {
          // This neighbour is off the screen so will require a shadowCell
          var key = ''+coords[0]+','+coords[1];
          if (!shadowCellHash[key]) {
            neighbour = shadowCellHash[key] = new ShadowCell(coords[0], coords[1]);
            neighbour.neighbourCoords = cell.neighbourCoords;
          } else {
            neighbour = shadowCellHash[key];
        } else {
          neighbour = this.cellList[coords[0]][coords[1]];

      if (neighbour.lastIterated !== this.generation) {
        neighbour.neighbours = 0;
        neighbour.lastIterated = this.generation;
      if (neighbour.alive !== neighbour.changed) {
        // neighbour started as alive
      } else {
        // neighbour started as dead
        if (neighbour.neighbours === 3) {
          neighbour.alive = true;
          neighbour.changed = true;
          neighbour.changeIndex = this.changeList.push(neighbour) - 1;
        } else if (neighbour.neighbours === 4) {
          // neighbour has reverted to dead
          neighbour.alive = false;
          neighbour.changed = false;
          neighbour.changeIndex = -1;
          this.changeList[neighbour.changeIndex] = undefined;
    if (cell.neighbours < 2 || cell.neighbours > 3) {
      cell.changed = true;
      cell.alive = false;
      cell.changeIndex = this.changeList.push(cell) - 1;
    } else {

  for (var i = 0, iLen = this.changeList.length; i < iLen; ++i) {
    var cell = this.changeList[i];
    if (cell !== undefined) {
      cell.changeIndex = -1;
      if (cell.alive) {
      cell.changed = false;

  this.lifeList = newLifeList;

  var that = this;
  if (this.settings.speed >= 0) {
    this.nextTick = setTimeout(function() {
    }, this.settings.speed);
  return this;

World.prototype.out = function() {
  var s = '';
  for (var y = 0, yLen = this.settings.rows; y < yLen; ++y) {
    for (var x = 0, xLen = this.settings.columns; x < xLen; ++x) {
      s += (this.cellList[x][y].alive)? '\u2B1B' : '\u2B1C';
    s += '\n';
  s += '\u21B3 Generation: ' + this.generation + ' -- Cells: ' + this.lifeList.length + ' \u21B5';
  s += '\n';
  return s;    

World.prototype.stop = function() {
  this.speed = -1;

World.prototype.onTick = function() {
  return this;

var Cell = function() {
  return this;
Cell.prototype.x = 0;
Cell.prototype.y = 0;
Cell.prototype.neighbours = 0;
Cell.prototype.alive = false;
Cell.prototype.changed = false;
Cell.prototype.changeIndex = -1;
Cell.prototype.lastIterated = -1;

 * ShadowCell
 * - non rendered cell for use in no-wrap
var ShadowCell = function(x,y) {
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;
  this.key = ''+this.x+','+this.y;
  return this;
ShadowCell.prototype = utils.extend({}, Cell.prototype);
ShadowCell.prototype.isShadow = true;
ShadowCell.prototype.update = function(){
  return this;

 * Cell.update()
 * - Update cell after tick
Cell.prototype.update = function() {
  return this;

 * Cell.render()
 * - Placeholder function to be overwritten by rendering engine
Cell.prototype.render = function() {
  return this;


当我将wrap: false传递给World构造函数(请参阅JSfiddle实现)时,这很有效,这告诉它镜像边并且不允许溢出。然而,这种布局风格打破了很多模式,因为它会导致细胞回归自身,所以我也想让它在网格之外进行计算。







// This hash goes out of scope after each tick allowing any dead shadowCells to be garbage collected

if (!this.settings.wrap) {
  var shadowCellHash = {};

for (var i = 0, iLen = this.lifeList.length; i < iLen; ++i) {
  var cell = this.lifeList[i];
  if (cell.key) {
    shadowCellHash[cell.key] = cell;
  cell.neighbours = 0;
  cell.lastIterated = this.generation;

  for (var j = 0, jLen = cell.neighbourCoords.length; j < jLen; ++j) {

    var coords;
    var neighbour;
    if (this.settings.wrap) {
      coords = cell.neighbourCoords[j];
      neighbour = this.cellList[coords[0]][coords[1]];

    } else {
      coords = cell.neighbourCoords[j](cell);
      if (coords[0] > this.maxX || coords[0] < 0 || coords[1] > this.maxY || coords[1] < 0) {
        // This neighbour is off the screen so will require a shadowCell
        var key = ''+coords[0]+','+coords[1];
        if (!shadowCellHash[key]) {
          // ShadowCell not in hash, let's create one
          neighbour = shadowCellHash[key] = new ShadowCell(coords[0], coords[1]);
          neighbour.neighbourCoords = cell.neighbourCoords; 
          // NOTE: neighbourCoords are a set of functions that return values relative to the cell you pass to them. I am not literally giving the `ShadowCell` the same neighbour positions here.
        } else {
          neighbour = shadowCellHash[key];
      } else {
        // This neighbour is on screen, grab its cell.
        neighbour = this.cellList[coords[0]][coords[1]];


由于某种原因,ShadowCell类似乎导致不正确的邻居报告。我试图通过在每一代中跟踪每个单独细胞的创建,删除和计数邻居来调试它,但是我的大脑在它可以将它们组合在一起之前死亡。对于我的所有调试工作,我不明白为什么会出现这种情况。 ShadowCell与使用它的其他所有内容Cell几乎相同(它们使用完全相同的位置函数.etc),它不会被渲染的事实不应该是此


Object {x: 5, y: -1, key: "5,-1", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: 6, y: -1, key: "6,-1", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: 7, y: -1, key: "7,-1", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: 4, y: -1, key: "4,-1", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: -1, y: 1, key: "-1,1", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: -1, y: 2, key: "-1,2", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: -1, y: 3, key: "-1,3", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: 5, y: -2, key: "5,-2", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: 6, y: -2, key: "6,-2", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: 7, y: -2, key: "7,-2", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}
Object {x: -1, y: 4, key: "-1,4", neighbourCoords: Array[8], neighbours: 0…}


if (!shadowCellHash[key]) {
  neighbour = shadowCellHash[key] = new ShadowCell(coords[0], coords[1]);
  neighbour.neighbourCoords = cell.neighbourCoords;
  console.log(utils.extend({}, neighbour));
} else {

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


shadowCellHash未使用所有ShadowCell进行初始化。当循环检查[5,-1]邻居时,它找不到[6,-1],因为它不在shadowCellHash中。由于找不到[6,-1],因此创建了一个新的 dead [6,-1],并且[5,-1]未生成,因为它没有足够的活动邻居。




  // This hash goes out of scope after each tick allowing any dead shadowCells to be garbage collected
  if (!this.settings.wrap) {
    var shadowCellHash = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < this.lifeList.length; i++) {
        var cell = this.lifeList[i];
        if (cell.key) {
          shadowCellHash[cell.key] = cell;