
时间:2014-01-09 07:36:43

标签: jsf-2



    <ui:define name="body">
            <h:form id="summaryrpt" >

                   <table class="bigTable">
                          <!-- Table-1 Row-1 -->
                        <td colspan="2" align="right" class="tr" >All Funds in Lacs</td>

                        <c:if test="#{approveall1Bean.detail ne null}" >
                           <!-- Used to show Message -->
                          <tr><td colspan="3"  align="center" >
                                  <h:outputLabel value="" id="rcdsave" /><h:message for="rcdsave" styleClass="LblError"/>
                         <!-- End -->

                         <!-- NLRMP CELL Activities List -->
                              <td align="center" colspan="2" >
                               <table id="distictTBL"  class="bigTable">
                                  <tr class="header" >
                                          <th>Unit Cost/Rates</th>
                                          <th>Number of unit(s)</th>
                                          <th>Asked Amount</th>
                                          <th>Approve Amount</th>
                                     <c:forEach items="#{approveall1Bean.proposal}" var="prop">
                                      <c:if test="#{prop ne null}" var="p" >

                                                    <c:when test="#{prop[0] ne ''}">
                                                          <c:if test="#{(prop[0] eq '4') || (prop[0] eq '5')}">
                                                              <tr class="tr">
                                                               <td><h3><h:outputLabel value="#{prop[0]}" /> </h3></td>
                                                              <td><h:outputText value="#{prop[1]}" /> </td>
                                                              <td align="center"><h:outputLabel value="#{prop[2]}" /> </td>
                                                               <td align="center"><h:outputLabel value="#{prop[3]}" /> </td>
                                                               <td align="center"><h:outputLabel value="#{prop[4]}" /> </td>
                                                               <td align="center"><h:inputText value="#{prop[7]}" required="true" requiredMessage="Please Fill the detail" converterMessage="Please Enter valid value. Character and Symbols not allowed"  rendered="#{prop[4] ne ''}" styleClass="TextinputNum">
                                                               <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" />
                                                                   </h:inputText>                                                               </td>
                                                               <td align="center"><h:inputText value="#{prop[8]}" rendered="#{prop[4] ne ''}"  styleClass="txtara" /> </td>
                                                       <c:if test="#{prop[0] eq '12'}">
                                                      <tr class="tr">
                                                      <td colspan="7" ><h:outputText value="#{prop[1]}"/></td>
                                                      <c:if test="#{(prop[0] eq '1') || (prop[0] eq '2')|| (prop[0] eq '3')}">
                                                      <tr class="tr">
                                                      <td><h3><h:outputLabel value="#{prop[0]}" /> </h3></td>
                                                      <td colspan="7" ><h3><h:outputLabel value="#{prop[1]}"/></h3> </td>
                                                      <tr class="trAlt">
                                                      <td> </td>
                                                      <td><h:outputText value="#{prop[1]}" /> </td>
                                                      <td align="center"><h:outputLabel value="#{prop[2]}" /> </td>
                                                      <td align="center"><h:outputLabel value="#{prop[3]}" /> </td>
                                                      <td align="center"><h:outputLabel value="#{prop[4]}" /> </td>
                                                      <td align="center"><h:inputText value="#{prop[7]}" converterMessage="Please Enter valid value. Character and Symbols not allowed"  rendered="#{prop[4] ne ''}"  styleClass="TextinputNum">
                                                           <f:convertNumber pattern="#.##" />   
                                                       <td align="center"><h:inputText value="#{prop[8]}" rendered="#{prop[4] ne ''}"  styleClass="txtara" /> </td>
                          <!-- nlrmp cell End -->

                          <!-- Submit button -->
                              <td colspan="3" align="center" >
                                  <h:commandButton image="../resources/images/submit.gif" id="btnProposalSubmit"  value="Save" action="#{approveall1Bean.saveDistrictApprove}" >


                          <!-- End -->




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