Sub CompletedEmailsDailyCount()
Dim objOutlook As Object, objnSpace As Object, objFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim MailItem
Dim EmailCount As Integer, EmailCount1 As Integer, EmailCount2 As Integer, EmailCount3 As Integer, EmailCount4 As Integer
Dim EmailCount5 As Integer, EmailCount6 As Integer, EmailCount7 As Integer, EmailCount8 As Integer, EmailCount9 As Integer
Dim EmailCount10 As Integer, EmailCount11 As Integer, EmailCount12 As Integer, EmailCount13 As Integer, EmailCount14 As Integer
Dim EmailCount15 As Integer, EmailCount16 As Integer, EmailCount17 As Integer, EmailCount18 As Integer, EmailCount19 As Integer
Dim EmailCount20 As Integer, EmailCount21 As Integer, EmailCount22 As Integer, EmailCount23 As Integer, EmailCount24 As Integer
Dim EmailCount25 As Integer
Dim completed
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objnSpace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
On Error Resume Next
Set objFolder = objnSpace.Folders("Mailbox - IT Support Center").Folders("Onshore - Josh").Folders("completed")
On Error GoTo 0
' check the folder so it exists
If objFolder Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No Such Folder": Exit Sub
' check through all mailitems in this folder for if the date matches yesterdays, if so, add one to emailcount
For Each MailItem In objFolder.Items
If DateValue(Date - 1) = DateValue(MailItem.ReceivedTime) Then EmailCount15 = EmailCount15 + 1
completed = completed + EmailCount15 'adds the completes from this mailbox to running total
Set objFolder1 = objnSpace.Folders("Mailbox - IT Support Center").Folders("Onshore - Ashton").Folders("completed")
On Error GoTo 0
If objFolder1 Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No Such Folder": Exit Sub
For Each MailItem In objFolder1.Items
If DateValue(Date - 1) = DateValue(MailItem.ReceivedTime) Then EmailCount1 = EmailCount1 + 1
completed = completed + EmailCount1
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Sub Tester()
'Dim objOutlook As Object, objnSpace As Object, objFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim MailItem
Dim EmailCount() As Integer, arrNames
Dim completed, x As Long, num As Long
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objnSpace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
arrNames = Array("Josh", "Ashton") 'add other names here...
ReDim EmailCount(LBound(arrNames) To UBound(arrNames))
For x = LBound(arrNames) To UBound(arrNames)
On Error Resume Next
Set objFolder = objnSpace.Folders("Mailbox - IT Support Center"). _
Folders("Onshore - " & arrNames(x)).Folders("completed")
On Error GoTo 0
num = 0
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
For Each MailItem In objFolder.Items
If DateValue(Date - 1) = _
DateValue(MailItem.ReceivedTime) Then num = num + 1
End If
EmailCount(x) = num
completed = completed + num
Debug.Print arrNames(x), num
Next x
End Sub