
时间:2014-01-08 16:29:56

标签: sql vba ms-access export


DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, _
"trndOTQry", _



Private Sub SupervisorsGo_Click()

Dim strWhereCondition As String
Dim strSupervisor As String
Dim strPosition As String
Dim varItem As Variant

For Each varItem In Me.SupervisorCombo.ItemsSelected
    strSupervisor = strSupervisor & ",'" & Me.SupervisorCombo.ItemData(varItem) _
    & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(strSupervisor) = 0 Then
    strSupervisor = "Like '*'"
    strSupervisor = Right(strSupervisor, Len(strSupervisor) - 1)
    strSupervisor = "IN(" & strSupervisor & ")"
End If
For Each varItem In Me.PositionCombo.ItemsSelected
    strPosition = strPosition & ",'" & Me.PositionCombo.ItemData(varItem) _
    & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(strPosition) = 0 Then
    strPosition = "Like '*'"
    strPosition = Right(strPosition, Len(strPosition) - 1)
    strPosition = "IN(" & strPosition & ")"
End If
strWhereCondition = "[supervisor] " & strSupervisor & _
                " AND [position] " & strPosition
If Me.cboSortOrder1.Value <> "Not Sorted" Then
        strSortOrder = "[" & Me.cboSortOrder1.Value & "]"
        If Me.cmdSortDirection1.Caption = "Descending" Then
            strSortOrder = strSortOrder & " DESC"
        End If
        If Me.cboSortOrder2.Value <> "Not Sorted" Then
            strSortOrder = strSortOrder & ",[" & Me.cboSortOrder2.Value & "]"
            If Me.cmdSortDirection2.Caption = "Descending" Then
                strSortOrder = strSortOrder & " DESC"
            End If
            If Me.cboSortOrder3.Value <> "Not Sorted" Then
                strSortOrder = strSortOrder & ",[" & Me.cboSortOrder3.Value & "]"
                If Me.cmdSortDirection3.Caption = "Descending" Then
                strSortOrder = strSortOrder & " DESC"
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
Debug.Print strWhereCondition
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, _
"trndOTQry", _
'    DoCmd.OpenReport "trndOTRpt", View:=acViewPreview, _
'    WhereCondition:=strWhereCondition
    With Queries![trndOTQry]
        .OrderBy = strSortOrder
        .OrderByOn = True
    End With
End Sub

这失败了。当原始代码转到With Reports![trndOTRpt]时,我得到运行时错误424:强制With Queries![trndOTQry]所需的对象。我觉得我已经适当调整了所有参考文献 - 为什么不在这里确认对象?


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