#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <conio.h>
#include <deque>
using namespace std;
struct coords
int x;
int y;
char ch;
int score;
int cost;
coords* parent;
bool search ( deque <coords*> &templist, int x, int y)
deque <coords*>::iterator m;
m = templist.begin();
while( m != templist.end())
if ((*m)->x == x && (*m)->y == y)
return true;
return false;
int main()
deque <coords*> openlist;
deque <coords*> closedlist;
deque <coords*>::iterator p;
deque <coords*>::iterator k;
coords* newstate = new(coords);
coords* start = new(coords);
coords* current = new(coords);
coords* goal = new(coords);
//=========== Reading grid from text file =========== //
vector<string> grid; // creating 10x10 grid.
int row = 10;
int col = 10;
ifstream input( "dMap.txt" ); // The input file
string line; // stores each line.
while(getline(input, line))
grid.push_back(line); // get new line.
while( input && row <= 100 ) // checking each row and col for values from .txt
input >> grid[ row ][ col ];
if( input )
if( ++col == 10 )
col = 0;
for(size_t i=0 ; i < grid.size(); ++i) // finding the size of each line
cout <<grid[i] << '\n';
input.close(); // Grid reading from .txt file closed.
/// Breadth-First Search
goal-> x = 3;
goal-> y = 8;
start->x = 2;
start->y = 2;
// Loop until we reach the goal.
while (complete != true)
current = openlist.front();
if (current-> x == goal->x && current->y == goal->y)
complete = true;
// Generate each possible directio
int count =5;
for( int n = 1; n <count; n++)
// North
if( n == 1)
newstate = new(coords);
newstate ->x = current-> x;
newstate ->y = current-> y += 1;
if(search(openlist, newstate->x, newstate->y) == false && search(closedlist, newstate->x, newstate->y))
// East
if( n == 2)
newstate = new(coords);
newstate ->x = current->x += 1;
newstate ->y = current->y;
if(search(openlist, newstate->x, newstate->y) == false && search(closedlist, newstate->x, newstate->y))
// South
if( n == 3)
newstate = new(coords);
newstate ->x = current->x;
newstate ->y = current->y -= 1;
if(search(openlist, newstate->x, newstate->y) == false && search(closedlist, newstate->x, newstate->y))
// west
if( n == 4)
newstate = new(coords);
newstate ->x = current->x -= 1;
newstate ->y = current-> y;
if(search(openlist, newstate->x, newstate->y) == false && search(closedlist, newstate->x, newstate->y))
cout << "Current: " << current->x << ", " << current->y << endl;
p = openlist.begin();
cout<<"openlist:"<< endl;
while( p != openlist.end() )
cout << (*p)->x << " , "<< (*p)->y << endl;
k = closedlist.begin();
cout<<"closedlist:"<< endl;
while( k != closedlist.end() )
cout << (*k)->x << " , "<< (*k)->y<< endl;
cout << " GOAL FOUND ";