
时间:2014-01-07 22:36:07

标签: python numpy pandas scipy



df_f_2_norm = df_f.loc[:,'Time':'label37'] # Select columns
N = 12 # Nr of points

# Drop label1 column for later use
df_f_2_norm_time = df_f_2_norm['Time']
df_f_2_norm = df_f_2_norm.drop('Time',1)

# Get shape of data frame
shp = df_f_2_norm.shape

# Use numpy.reshape to reshape the underlying data in the DataFrame
df_f_2_norm = pd.DataFrame(df_f_2_norm.values.reshape(-1,3),columns=list('XYZ'))
df_f_2_norm["Time"] = np.repeat(np.array(df_f_2_norm_time), N) # Number of points per time-label: 12

# Find the Euclidean distance (2-norm)
N_lim = int(0.5*N*(N-1)) 
result_index = ['D{}'.format(tag) for tag in range(1,N_lim+1)] # Column labels
two_norm = df_f_2_norm.groupby('Time')[["X", "Y", "Z"]].apply(lambda g: pd.Series(pdist(g), index=result_index))


实际答案实际上是什么:AssertionError: Index length did not match values - 所以它不喜欢我给它的列标签。好的,如果我们删除标签而只是改为

two_norm = df_f_2_norm.groupby('Time')[["X", "Y", "Z"]].apply(lambda g: pd.Series(pdist(g))

然后我们得到print two_norm.shape的形状((8307846,)) - 我不太明白这里发生了什么,但看起来它甚至没有将所有结果叠加在一起。


df_f_2_norm = df_f_2_norm[:1140]



df_f_2_norm = df_f_2_norm[:1152]



             X         Y        Z   Time
1127  -614.770   207.624  120.859  2.533
1128   791.318   291.591   64.160  2.550
1129   728.892   283.473 -207.306  2.550
1130   939.871   251.387 -145.103  2.550
1131   702.987   287.165  398.151  2.550
1132   480.309   285.745  590.925  2.550
1133   723.493   248.699  607.543  2.550
1134   255.664   183.618 -108.176  2.550
1135   -90.333   196.879 -261.102  2.550
1136  -442.132   236.314 -419.216  2.550
1137   133.428   216.805  242.896  2.550
1138  -242.201   192.100  191.588  2.550
1139  -616.844   210.060  123.202  2.550
1140  -655.054  1390.084 -359.369  1.100
1141  -726.517  1222.015 -590.799  1.100
1142  -671.655  1146.959 -797.080  1.100
1143  -762.048  1379.722    8.505  1.100
1144  -981.748  1169.959   72.773  1.100
1145 -1011.853   968.364  229.070  1.100
1146  -778.290   827.571 -370.463  1.100
1147  -761.608   460.835 -329.487  1.100
1148  -815.330    77.501 -314.721  1.100
1149  -925.764   831.944  -34.206  1.100
1150 -1009.297   475.362  -73.077  1.100
1151 -1193.310   139.839 -142.666  1.100
1152  -631.630  1388.573 -353.642  1.117
1153  -697.771  1234.274 -593.501  1.117


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import string
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
# Computes the distance between m points using Euclidean distance (2-norm)
# as the distance metric between the points. The points are arranged as m 
# n-dimensional row vectors in the matrix X.

# Test data frame
N = 12 # Nr of points
col_ids = string.letters[:N]
df = pd.DataFrame(
      np.random.randn(4203, 3*N+1), 
      columns=['Time']+['{}_{}'.format(letter, coord) for letter in col_ids for coord in list('xyz')])

# Drop time column for later use
df_time = df['Time']
df = df.drop('Time',1)

print df.shape

# Use numpy.reshape to reshape the underlying data in the DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(df.values.reshape(-1,3), columns=list('XYZ'))
df["Time"] = np.repeat(np.array(df_time), N)

print df.shape

# Find the Euclidean distance (2-norm)
N_lim = int(0.5*N*(N-1))
result_index = ['D{}'.format(coord) for coord in range(1,N_lim+1)]
two_norm = df.groupby('Time')[["X", "Y", "Z"]].apply(lambda g: pd.Series(pdist(g), index=result_index))

print two_norm.shape


(4203, 36)
(50436, 4)
(4203, 66)





应该注意的是,在dropbox中找到的.csv文件是数据框df_f_2_norm - 因此它不是原始数据,而是重新整形的版本(所以上面的第一行代码,不需要执行以达到此状态,因为它已经执行过。)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





1.333    492
1.383    492
1.317    492
1.400    492
1.467    492
1.450    492
1.483    492
1.417    492
1.500    492
1.367    492
1.350    492
1.433    492
1.533    480
1.517    480
1.550    468
4.800    12
4.600    12
4.750    12
4.833    12
4.667    12
4.700    12
4.650    12
4.683    12
4.633    12
4.617    12
4.817    12
4.583    12
4.733    12
4.767    12
4.783    12
Length: 272, dtype: int64


import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

df_f_2_norm = pd.read_csv("astrid_data.csv")
g = np.repeat(np.arange(df_f_2_norm.shape[0]//12), 12)

N = 12

N_lim = int(0.5*N*(N-1)) 
result_index = ['D{}'.format(tag) for tag in range(1,N_lim+1)] # Column labels
two_norm = df_f_2_norm.groupby(g)[["X", "Y", "Z"]].apply(lambda g: pd.Series(pdist(g), index=result_index))